KiCad PCB EDA Suite
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NDSNThis source file implements export and import capabilities to the specctra dsn file format
 NESERIESE-Values derived from a geometric sequence formula by Charles Renard were already accepted and widely used before the ISO recommendation no
 NKIGFXThe Cairo implementation of the graphics abstraction layer
 NPNSPush and Shove diff pair dimensions (gap) settings dialog
 NRC_JSONContains the json serialization structs for DRC and ERC reports If you are trying to change the output schema Please update the schemas located in /resources/schemas/ as both documentation and use by end user implementations
 NstdSTL namespace
 NUTILA model subscriber implementation using links to represent connections
 CABOUT_APP_INFOAn object of this class is meant to be used to store application specific information like who has contributed in which area of the application, the license, copyright and other descriptive information
 CACTION_CONDITIONSFunctors that can be used to figure out how the action controls should be displayed in the UI and if an action should be enabled given the current selection
 CACTION_GROUPA group of actions that will be displayed together on a toolbar palette
 CACTION_MENUDefine the structure of a menu based on ACTIONs
 CACTION_PLUGINThis is the parent class from where any action plugin class must derive
 CACTION_TOOLBARDefine the structure of a toolbar with buttons that invoke ACTIONs
 CACTION_TOOLBAR_PALETTEA popup window that contains a row of toolbar-like buttons for the user to choose from
 CACTIONSGather all the actions that are shared by tools
 CACTIVATION_HELPERA helper class to manage the activation of a "proposal" after a timeout
 CALIGNED_DIMENSION_POINT_EDIT_BEHAVIORThis covers both aligned and the orthogonal sub-type
 CALTIUM_TO_KICAD_UNIT_FRAC_CASEDeclares the struct as the Boost test fixture
 Calways_falseA type that is always false
 CAM_PARAMHold a parameter value for an "aperture macro" as defined within standard RS274X
 CAM_PARAM_EVALThis helper class hold a value or an arithmetic operator to calculate the final value of a aperture macro parameter, using usual arithmetic operator precedence Only operators ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, OPEN_PAR, CLOSE_PAR have meaning when calculating a value
 CAM_PARAM_ITEMHold an operand for an AM_PARAM as defined within standard RS274X
 CAM_PRIMITIVEAn aperture macro primitive as given in gerber layer format doc
 CAPER_MACRO_FREEPOLYA class to define an aperture macros based on a free polygon, i.e
 CAPERTURE_MACROSupport the "aperture macro" defined within standard RS274X
 CAPERTURE_MACRO_less_thanUsed by std:set<APERTURE_MACRO> instantiation which uses as its key
 CAPI_HANDLER_EDITORBase class for API handlers related to editor frames
 CAPI_PLUGINA plugin that is invoked by KiCad and runs as an external process; communicating with KiCad via the IPC API
 CAPI_PLUGIN_MANAGERResponsible for loading plugin definitions for API-based plugins (ones that do not run inside KiCad itself, but instead are launched as external processes by KiCad)
 CAPNP_CASEDeclare the test suite
 CAPP_KICADNot publicly visible because most of the action is in PGM_KICAD these days
 CAPP_KICAD_CLINot publicly visible because most of the action is in PGM_KICAD these days
 CAPP_PROGRESS_DIALOGWxProgressDialog with the option to also update the application progress on the taskbar
 CAPP_SETTINGS_BASEAPP_SETTINGS_BASE is a settings class that should be derived for each standalone KiCad application
 CAPP_SINGLE_TOPImplement a bare naked wxApp (so that we don't become dependent on functionality in a wxApp derivative that we cannot deliver under wxPython)
 CAPP_TESTImplement a bare naked wxApp (so that we don't become dependent on functionality in a wxApp derivative that we cannot deliver under wxPython)
 CAR_MATRIXHandle the matrix routing that describes the actual board
 CARC_CENTRE_PT_ANGLEInfo to set up an arc by centre, start point and angle
 CARC_MIDHolding struct to keep originating midpoint
 CARC_PROPERTIESAll properties of an arc (depending on how it's constructed, some of these might be the same as the constructor params)
 CARC_TAN_TAN_RADIUSInfo to set up an arc by tangent to two segments and a radius
 CARRAY_AXISClass that contains information about a single array axis and the numbering of items along that axis
 CARRAY_AXIS_NAMING_PARAMSData for testing a single array axis
 CARRAY_OPTIONSOptions that govern the setup of an "array" of multiple item
 CARRAY_PAD_NUMBER_PROVIDERSimple class that sequentially provides numbers from an ARRAY_OPTIONS object, making sure that they do not conflict with numbers already existing in a FOOTPRINT
 CARRAY_TOOLThe array tool
 CASSET_ARCHIVEAn asset archive represents a file containing data assets that are loaded from disk and then cached in memory
 CASYNC_SOCKET_HOLDERSpin up a thread to send messages via a socket
 CAUTOPLACE_TOOLTool responsible for automagic placement of components
 CBACK_ANNOTATEBack annotation algorithm class used to receive, check, and apply a NETLIST from Pcbnew
 CBASE_SCREENHandles how to draw a screen (a board, a schematic ...)
 CBBOX_2DManage a bounding box defined by two SFVEC2F min max points
 CBBOX_3DManage a bounding box defined by two SFVEC3F min max points
 CBE_SHAPECreepage: a board edge shape
 CBE_SHAPE_ARCCreepage: a board edge arc
 CBE_SHAPE_CIRCLECreepage: a board edge circle
 CBE_SHAPE_POINTCreepage: a board edge point
 CBEZIERGeneric cubic Bezier representation
 CBEZIER_POLYBezier curves to polygon converter
 CBIN_MODPertains to a single program module, either an EXE or a DSO/DLL ("bin_mod")
 CBITMAP2CMP_CONTROLHandle actions for the various symbol editor and viewers
 CBITMAP_BASEThis class handle bitmap images in KiCad
 CBITMAP_BUTTONA bitmap button widget that behaves like an AUI toolbar item's button when it is drawn
 CBITMAP_STOREHelper to retrieve bitmaps while handling icon themes and scaling
 CBITMAP_TOGGLEA checkbox control except with custom bitmaps for the checked and unchecked states
 CBLINN_PHONG_MATERIALBlinn Phong based material
 CBOARDInformation pertinent to a Pcbnew printed circuit board
 CBOARD_ADAPTERHelper class to handle information needed to display 3D board
 CBOARD_CONNECTED_ITEMA base class derived from BOARD_ITEM for items that can be connected and have a net, a netname, a clearance ..
 CBOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGSContainer for design settings for a BOARD object
 CBOARD_EDITOR_CONTROLHandle actions specific to the board editor in PcbNew
 CBOARD_INSPECTION_TOOLTool for pcb inspection
 CBOARD_ITEMA base class for any item which can be embedded within the BOARD container class, and therefore instances of derived classes should only be found in Pcbnew or other programs that use class BOARD and its contents
 CBOARD_ITEM_CONTAINERAbstract interface for BOARD_ITEMs capable of storing other items inside
 CBOARD_NETLIST_UPDATERUpdate the BOARD with a new netlist
 CBOARD_PRINTOUTAn object derived from wxPrintout to handle the necessary information to control a printer when printing a board
 CBOARD_STACKUPManage layers needed to make a physical board
 CBOARD_STACKUP_ITEMManage one layer needed to make a physical board
 CBOM_CFG_PARSERUsed for parsing legacy-format bom plugin configurations
 CBOM_GENERATOR_HANDLERBill of material output generator
 CBOX2A 2D bounding box built on top of an origin point and size vector
 CBOX2I_MINMAXA min-max version of BOX2 for fast intersection checking
 CBRUSHED_METAL_NORMALProcedural generation of the shiny brushed metal
 CBUS_UNFOLD_PERSISTENT_SETTINGSSettings for bus unfolding that are persistent across invocations of the tool
 CBUS_UNFOLDING_TCollection of data related to the bus unfolding tool
 CBUSY_INDICATORA class that can be used to implement a "busy" indicator
 CBUTTON_ROW_PANELA panel that contains buttons, arranged on the left and/or right sides
 CCADSTAR_ARCHIVE_PARSERHelper functions and common structures for CADSTAR PCB and Schematic archive files
 CCADSTAR_LIB_PARSER_STATEStruture that will be populated by the PEGTL parser
 CCADSTAR_PARTS_LIB_MODELCADSTAR Parts Library (*.lib) model - a data structure describing the contents of the file format
 CCADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_PARSERRepresents a CADSTAR Schematic Archive (*.csa) file
 CCAMERAA class used to derive camera objects from
 CCAMERA_FRUSTUMFrustum is a implementation based on a tutorial by
 CCHAMFER_PARAMSParameters that define a simple chamfer operation
 CCIR_CIR_VECPT_CASEStruct to hold test cases for two circles, and an vector of points
 CCIR_PT_BOOL_CASEStruct to hold test cases for a given circle, a point and an expected return boolean
 CCIR_PT_PT_CASEStruct to hold test cases for a given circle, a point and an expected return point
 CCIR_SEG_VECPT_CASEStruct to hold test cases for two lines, a point and an expected returned circle
 CCIRCLERepresent basic circle geometry with utility geometry functions
 CCLI_PROGRESS_REPORTERReporter forwarding messages to stdout or stderr as appropriate
 CCLI_REPORTERReporter forwarding messages to stdout or stderr as appropriate
 CCLIPPER_Z_VALUEHolds information on each point of a SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN that is retrievable after an operation with Clipper2Lib
 CCMP_READERRead a component footprint link file (*.cmp) format
 CCN_ANCHORCN_ANCHOR represents a physical location that can be connected: a pad or a track/arc/via endpoint
 CCN_EDGECN_EDGE represents a point-to-point connection, whether realized or unrealized (ie: tracks etc
 CCN_ITEMCN_ITEM represents a BOARD_CONNETED_ITEM in the connectivity system (ie: a pad, track/arc/via, or zone)
 CCN_RTREECN_RTREE - Implements an R-tree for fast spatial indexing of connectivity items
 CCOLLECTORAn abstract class that will find and hold all the objects according to an inspection done by the Inspect() function which must be implemented by any derived class
 CCOLLECTORS_GUIDEAn abstract base class whose derivatives may be passed to a GENERAL_COLLECTOR telling it what should be collected (aside from HitTest()ing and KICAD_T scanTypes, which are provided to the GENERAL_COLLECTOR through attributes or arguments separately)
 CCollisionFixtureFixture for the Collision test suite
 CCOLOR_SCALAR_CASETest case data for a test that takes a colour and a scalar factor and returns a result
 CCOLOR_SETTINGSColor settings are a bit different than most of the settings objects in that there can be more than one of them loaded at once
 CCOLOR_SWATCHA simple color swatch of the kind used to set layer colors
 CCOMMITRepresent a set of changes (additions, deletions or modifications) of a data model (e.g
 CCOMMON_CONTROLHandle actions that are shared between different applications
 CCOMMON_TOOLSHandles action that are shared between different applications
 CCompareApiPluginIdentifiersComparison functor for ensuring API_PLUGINs have unique identifiers
 CCompareByUuidComparison functor for sorting EDA_ITEM pointers by their UUID
 CCOMPONENTStore all of the related footprint information found in a netlist
 CCOMPONENT_NETUsed to store the component pin name to net name (and pin function) associations stored in a netlist
 CCONNECTION_GRAPHCalculate the connectivity of a schematic and generates netlists
 CCONNECTION_SUBGRAPHA subgraph is a set of items that are electrically connected on a single sheet
 CCONSTRUCTION_MANAGERA class that manages "construction" objects and geometry
 CCONSTRUCTION_VIEW_HANDLERInterface wrapper for the construction geometry preview with a callback to signal the view owner that the view needs to be updated
 CCONTRIBUTORA contributor, a person which was involved in the development of the application or which has contributed in any kind somehow to the project
 CCOPPER_LAYERS_PAIR_PRESETS_UIClass that manages the UI for the copper layer pair presets list based on an injected layer pair store
 CCOPPER_LAYERS_PAIR_SELECTION_UIClass that manages the UI for the copper layer pair selection (left and right grids)
 CCOPPER_NORMALProcedural generation of the copper normals
 CCOROUTINEImplement a coroutine
 CCOROUTINE_INCREMENTING_HARNESSSimple coroutine harness that runs a coroutine that increments a number up to a pre-set limit, spitting out coroutine events as it goes
 CCOROUTINE_TEST_EVENTAn event in a simple coroutine harness
 CCoroutineExampleA simple harness that counts to a preset value in a couroutine, yielding each value
 CCOURTYARD_OVERLAP_TEST_CASEA complete courtyard overlap test case: a name, the board footprint list and the expected collisions
 CCREATE_ARRAY_DIALOG_ENTRIESStruct containing the last-entered values for the dialog
 CCREEP_SHAPEA class used to represent the shapes for creepage calculation
 CCreepageGraphA graph with nodes and connections for creepage calculation
 CCROSS_PROBING_SETTINGSCross-probing behavior
 CCU_SHAPECreepage: a conductive shape
 CCU_SHAPE_ARCCreepage: a conductive arc
 CCU_SHAPE_CIRCLECreepage: a conductive circle
 CCU_SHAPE_SEGMENTCreepage: a conductive segment
 CCURSORThe SIMULATOR_FRAME holds the main user-interface for running simulations
 CCURSOR_SETTINGSCommon cursor settings, available to every frame
 CCURSOR_STORESimple class to construct and store cursors against unique ID keys
 CCUSTOM_COLOR_ITEMA class to handle a custom color (predefined color) for the color picker dialog
 CCVPCB_ACTIONSGather all the actions that are shared by tools
 CCVPCB_ASSOCIATIONA class to define a footprint association to be made in cvpcb
 CCVPCB_ASSOCIATION_TOOLHandles action in main CvPcb window
 CCVPCB_CONTROLHandles actions in main CvPcb window
 CCVPCB_FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_SELECTION_TOOLSelection tool for the footprint viewer in CvPcb
 CCVPCB_MAINFRAMEThe CvPcb application main window
 CCYLINDERA vertical cylinder
 CD_CODEA gerber DCODE (also called Aperture) definition
 CDANGLING_END_ITEMHelper class used to store the state of schematic items that can be connected to other schematic items
 CDATABASE_LIB_TABLEA database library table will be mapped to a sub-library provided by the database library entry in the KiCad symbol/footprint library table
 CDCODE_SELECTION_BOXHelper to display a DCode list and select a DCode id
 CDELETED_BOARD_ITEMA singleton item of this class is returned for a weak reference that no longer exists
 CDELETED_SHEET_ITEMA singleton item of this class is returned for a weak reference that no longer exists
 CDESIGN_BLOCK_INFOHelper class to handle the list of design blocks available in libraries
 CDESIGN_BLOCK_LIB_TABLE_GRIDThis class builds a wxGridTableBase by wrapping an DESIGN_BLOCK_LIB_TABLE object
 CDESIGN_BLOCK_LIB_TABLE_ROWHold a record identifying a library accessed by the appropriate design block library #PLUGIN object in the DESIGN_BLOCK_LIB_TABLE
 CDESIGN_BLOCK_LISTHolds a list of DESIGN_BLOCK_INFO objects, along with a list of IO_ERRORs or PARSE_ERRORs that were thrown acquiring the DESIGN_BLOCK_INFOs
 CDIALOG_ABOUTAbout dialog to show application specific information
 CDIALOG_ANNOTATEA dialog to set/clear reference designators of a schematic with different options
 CDIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICSDialog to show common board info
 CDIALOG_CHANGE_SYMBOLSDialog to update or change schematic library symbols
 CDIALOG_DIELECTRIC_MATERIALDialog to select/change/add a dielectric material from a material list
 CDIALOG_EDIT_SYMBOLS_LIBIDDialog to globally edit the LIB_ID of groups if symbols having the same initial LIB_ID
 CDIALOG_ENUM_PADSDialog for enumerating pads
 CDIALOG_FIELD_PROPERTIESThis class is setup in expectation of its children possibly using Kiway player so DIALOG_SHIM::ShowQuasiModal is required when calling any subclasses
 CDIALOG_FOOTPRINT_ASSOCIATIONSDialog to show footprint library and symbol links
 CDIALOG_GEN_FOOTPRINT_POSITIONThe dialog to create footprint position files and choose options (one or 2 files, units and force all SMD footprints in list)
 CDIALOG_GET_FOOTPRINT_BY_NAMEDIALOG_GET_FOOTPRINT_BY_NAME is a helper dialog to select a footprint by its reference One can enter any reference or select it in the list of fp references Get a footprint ref from user and return a pointer to the corresponding footprint
 CDIALOG_INSPECTORDESIGN_INSPECTOR is the left window showing the list of items
 CDIALOG_LIST_HOTKEYSA dialog that presents the user with a read-only list of hotkeys and their current bindings
 CDIALOG_PCMImplementing pcm main dialog
 CDIALOG_PCM_PROGRESSProgress dialog for PCM system
 CDIALOG_PLOTA dialog to set the plot options and create plot files in various formats
 CDIALOG_PLUGIN_OPTIONSAn options editor in the form of a two column name/value spreadsheet like (table) UI
 CDIALOG_REGULATOR_FORMSubclass of DIALOG_REGULATOR_FORM_BASE, which is generated by wxFormBuilder
 CDIALOG_SET_OFFSETDialog that invites the user to enter some kind of offset
 CDIALOG_SHIMDialog helper object to sit in the inheritance tree between wxDialog and any class written by wxFormBuilder
 CDIALOG_SYMBOL_PROPERTIESDialog used to edit SCH_SYMBOL objects in a schematic
 CDIALOG_UPDATE_SYMBOL_FIELDSDialog to update or change schematic library symbols
 CDIELECTRIC_PRMSA helper class to manage a dielectric layer set of parameters
 CDIFF_PAIR_DIMENSIONContainer to handle a stock of specific differential pairs each with unique track width, gap and via gap
 CDIM_ALIGNED_TEXT_UPDATERClass to help update the text position of a dimension when the crossbar changes
 CDIRECTION_45Represent route directions & corner angles in a 45-degree metric
 CDIRECTIONAL_LIGHTA light source based only on a directional vector
 CDISABLE_ARC_RADIUS_CORRECTIONWhen creating polygons to create a clearance polygonal area, the polygon must be same or bigger than the original shape
 CDISTRIBUTE_GAPS_TEST_CASEDeclares the FilletFixture struct as the boost test fixture
 CDOGBONE_CORNER_ROUTINEPairwise add dogbone corners to an internal corner
 CDOGBONE_TEST_CASEDeclares the DogboneFixture struct as the boost test fixture
 CDPI_SCALINGClass to handle configuration and automatic determination of the DPI scale to use for canvases
 CDPI_SCALING_COMMONClass to handle configuration and automatic determination of the DPI scale to use for canvases
 CDRAWING_SHEET_PARSERHold data and functions pertinent to parsing a S-expression file for a DS_DATA_MODEL
 CDRAWING_TOOLTool responsible for drawing graphical elements like lines, arcs, circles, etc
 CDRC_ENGINEDesign Rule Checker object that performs all the DRC tests
 CDRC_RTREEImplement an R-tree for fast spatial and layer indexing of connectable items
 CDRC_TEST_PROVIDERRepresent a DRC "provider" which runs some DRC functions over a BOARD and spits out DRC_ITEM and positions as needed
 CDRILL_PRECISIONHelper to handle drill precision format in excellon files
 CDS_DATA_ITEMDrawing sheet structure type definitions
 CDS_DATA_MODELHandle the graphic items list to draw/plot the frame and title block
 CDS_DATA_MODEL_FILEIOA helper class to write a drawing sheet to a file
 CDS_DATA_MODEL_IOA basic helper class to write a drawing sheet file
 CDS_DATA_MODEL_STRINGIOA helper class to write a drawing sheet to a string
 CDS_DRAW_ITEM_BASEBase class to handle basic graphic items
 CDS_DRAW_ITEM_LISTStore the list of graphic items: rect, lines, polygons and texts to draw/plot the title block and frame references, and parameters to draw/plot them
 CDS_DRAW_ITEM_PAGEA rectangle with thick segment showing the page limits and a marker showing the coordinate origin
 CDS_DRAW_ITEM_RECTNon filled rectangle with thick segment
 CDS_DRAW_ITEM_TEXTA graphic text
 CDSNLEXERImplement a lexical analyzer for the SPECCTRA DSN file format
 CDUMMY_BLOCKA dummy block is used to fill the polygons
 CDUMMY_BLOCK_2DA dummy block defined by a 2d box size
 CDXF2BRD_ENTITY_DATAA helper class to parse a DXF entity (polyline and spline)
 CDXF_IMPORT_BLOCKA helper class to hold layer settings temporarily during import
 CDXF_IMPORT_LAYERA helper class to hold layer settings temporarily during import
 CDXF_IMPORT_STYLEA helper class to hold style settings temporarily during import
 CEATTRParse an Eagle "attribute" XML element
 CEC_45DEGREEEDIT_CONSTRAINT that imposes a constraint that two points have to be located at angle of 45 degree multiplicity
 CEC_CIRCLEEDIT_CONSTRAINT that imposes a constraint that a point has to lie on a circle
 CEC_CONVERGINGEDIT_CONSTRAINT for 3 segments: dragged and two adjacent ones, enforcing to keep their slopes and allows only to change ending points
 CEC_HORIZONTALEDIT_CONSTRAINT that imposes a constraint that two points have to have the same Y coordinate
 CEC_LINEEDIT_CONSTRAINT that imposes a constraint that a point has to lie on a line (determined by 2 points)
 CEC_PERPLINEEDIT_CONSTRAINT for a EDIT_LINE, that constrains the line to move perpendicular to the line itself
 CEC_VERTICALEDIT_CONSTRAINT that imposes a constraint that two points have to have the same X coordinate
 CECIRCLEEagle circle
 CEDA_3D_CANVASImplement a canvas based on a wxGLCanvas
 CEDA_3D_CONTROLLERHandle view actions for various 3D canvases
 CEDA_3D_MODEL_VIEWERImplement a canvas based on a wxGLCanvas
 CEDA_3D_VIEWER_FRAMECreate and handle a window for the 3d viewer connected to a Kiway and a pcbboard
 CEDA_BASE_FRAMEThe base frame for deriving all KiCad main window classes
 CEDA_BEZIER_POINT_EDIT_BEHAVIOR"Standard" bezier editing behavior for EDA_SHAPE beziers
 CEDA_CIRCLE_POINT_EDIT_BEHAVIOR"Standard" circle editing behavior for EDA_SHAPE circles
 CEDA_DRAW_FRAMEThe base class for create windows for drawing purpose
 CEDA_INFOBAR_PANELA wxPanel derived class that hold an infobar and another control
 CEDA_ITEMA base class for most all the KiCad significant classes used in schematics and boards
 CEDA_LIST_DIALOGA dialog which shows:
 CEDA_MSG_PANELA panel to display various information messages
 CEDA_PANESpecialization of the wxAuiPaneInfo class for KiCad panels
 CEDA_PATTERN_MATCHInterface for a pattern matcher for which there are several implementations
 CEDA_PATTERN_MATCH_REGEXMatch regular expression
 CEDA_PATTERN_MATCH_SUBSTRMatch simple substring
 CEDA_POLYGON_POINT_EDIT_BEHAVIOR"Standard" polygon editing behavior for EDA_SHAPE polygons
 CEDA_REORDERABLE_LIST_DIALOGA dialog which allows selecting a list of items from a list of available items, and reordering those items
 CEDA_SEGMENT_POINT_EDIT_BEHAVIOR"Standard" segment editing behavior for EDA_SHAPE segments
 CEDA_TABLECELL_POINT_EDIT_BEHAVIOR"Standard" table-cell editing behavior
 CEDA_TEXTA mix-in class (via multiple inheritance) that handles texts such as labels, parts, components, or footprints
 CEDIMENSIONEagle dimension element
 CEDIT_CONSTRAINTDescribe constraints between two edit handles
 CEDIT_LINERepresent a line connecting two EDIT_POINTs
 CEDIT_POINTRepresent a single point that can be used for modifying items
 CEDIT_POINTSEDIT_POINTS is a VIEW_ITEM that manages EDIT_POINTs and EDIT_LINEs and draws them
 CEDIT_TABLE_TOOL_BASESCH_TABLE_EDIT_TOOL and PCB_TABLE_EDIT_TOOL share most of their algorithms, which are implemented here
 CEDIT_TOOLThe interactive edit tool
 CEDITOR_CONDITIONSClass that groups generic conditions for editor states
 CEE_ACTIONSGather all the actions that are shared by tools
 CEE_POINT_EDITORTool that displays edit points allowing to modify items by dragging the points
 CEE_RTREEImplement an R-tree for fast spatial and type indexing of schematic items
 CEE_TOOL_BASEA foundation class for a tool operating on a schematic or symbol
 CEELEMENTEagle element element
 CEESCHEMA_HELPERSHelper functions to do things like load schematics behind the scenes for special functions
 CEESCHEMA_JOBS_HANDLERHandle Eeschema job dispatches
 CEFRAMEParse an Eagle frame element
 CEHOLEEagle hole element
 CEJUNCTIONEagle Junction
 CELABELEagle label
 CELLIPSEThis class was created to handle importing ellipses from other file formats that support them natively
 CENETEagle net
 CENV_VAR_ITEMKiCad uses environment variables internally for determining the base paths for libraries, templates, and other assets that can be relocated by packagers or users
 CENV_VAR_NAME_VALIDATORProvide a custom wxValidator object for limiting the allowable characters when defining an environment variable name in a text edit control
 CEPADEagle thru hole pad
 CEPAD_COMMONStructure holding common properties for through-hole and SMD pads
 CEPINEagle pin element
 CEPOLYGONEagle polygon, without vertices which are parsed as needed
 CERC_SCH_PIN_CONTEXTA class used to associate a SCH_PIN with its owning SCH_SHEET_PATH, in order to handle ERC checks across connected common hierarchical schematics/
 CERC_SETTINGSContainer for ERC settings
 CERC_TREE_MODELA specialisation of the RC_TREE_MODEL class to enable ERC errors / warnings to be resolved in a specific sheet path context
 CERECTEagle XML rectangle in binary
 CEROTEagle rotation
 CERULESSubset of eagle.drawing.board.designrules in the XML document
 CESMDEagle SMD pad
 CETEXTEagle text element
 CEURNContainer that parses Eagle library file "urn" definitions
 CEVAL_CASEDeclares the struct as the Boost test fixture
 CEVENTSGather all the events that are shared by tools
 CEVERTEXEagle vertex
 CEVIAEagle via
 CEWIREEagle wire
 CEXCELLON_DEFAULTSManagement of default values used to read a Excellon (.nc) drill file Some important parameters are not defined in drill files, and some others can be missing in poor drill files
 CEXCELLON_IMAGEHandle a drill image
 CEXCELLON_WRITERCreate Excellon drill, drill map, and drill report files
 CEXPORTER_VRMLWrapper to expose an API for writing VRML files, without exposing all the many structures used in the actual exporter EXPORTER_PCB_VRML
 CExtWildcardFilterCaseData used to construct a simple test of one or more extensions and get a filter string for WX dialogs out
 CFIELD_VALIDATORA text control validator used for validating the text allowed in fields
 CFILE_HISTORYThis class implements a file history object to store a list of files, that can then be added to a menu
 CFILE_LIB_TABLE_IOImplementations of LIB_TABLE_IO for file-based I/O
 CFILE_LINE_READERA LINE_READER that reads from an open file
 CFILE_NAME_WITH_PATH_CHAR_VALIDATORProvide a custom wxValidator object for limiting the allowable characters when defining file names with path, for instance in schematic sheet file names
 CFILE_OUTPUTFORMATTERUsed for text file output
 CFILENAME_RESOLVERProvide an extensible class to resolve 3D model paths
 CFILL_PARAMSSimple container to manage fill parameters
 CFILTER_COMBOBOXA combobox that has a filterable popup
 CFILTER_READERRead lines of text from another LINE_READER but only returns non-comment lines and non-blank lines from its ReadLine() function
 Cfnv_1aVery fast and efficient hash function for "const char*" type, used in specialized KEYWORD_MAP below
 CFOOTPRINT_CHOICECustomized combo box for footprint selection
 CFOOTPRINT_EDITOR_CONTROLModule editor specific tools
 CFOOTPRINT_FILTERFootprint display filter
 CFOOTPRINT_LISTHolds a list of FOOTPRINT_INFO objects, along with a list of IO_ERRORs or PARSE_ERRORs that were thrown acquiring the FOOTPRINT_INFOs
 CFOOTPRINT_NAME_VALIDATORProvide a custom wxValidator object for limiting the allowable characters when defining footprint names
 CFOOTPRINT_PREVIEW_PANELPanel that renders a single footprint via Cairo GAL, meant to be exported through Kiface
 CFOOTPRINT_PREVIEW_PANEL_BASEBase class for the actual viewer panel
 CFOOTPRINT_TREE_PANEFootprint Editor pane with footprint library tree
 CFOOTPRINT_VIEWER_FRAMEComponent library viewer main window
 CFOOTPRINT_WIZARDThe parent class from where any footprint wizard class must derive
 Cformatter< wxString, Char >
 CFP_CACHE_ENTRYHelper class for creating a footprint library cache
 CFP_LIB_TABLE_GRIDThis class builds a wxGridTableBase by wrapping an FP_LIB_TABLE object
 CFP_LIB_TABLE_ROWHold a record identifying a library accessed by the appropriate footprint library #PLUGIN object in the FP_LIB_TABLE
 CFUTURE_FORMAT_ERRORVariant of PARSE_ERROR indicating that a syntax or related error was likely caused by a file generated by a newer version of KiCad than this
 CGAL_SETHelper for storing and iterating over GAL_LAYER_IDs
 CGBR_CMP_PNP_METADATAInformation which can be added in a gerber P&P file as attribute of a component
 CGBR_DATA_FIELDA Gerber data field
 CGBR_LAYER_PRESENTATIONGerbview-specific implementation of the LAYER_PRESENTATION interface
 CGBR_LAYOUTA list of GERBER_DRAW_ITEM objects currently loaded
 CGBR_METADATAMetadata which can be added in a gerber file as attribute in X2 format
 CGBR_NETLIST_METADATAInformation which can be added in a gerber file as attribute of an object
 CGBR_TO_PCB_EXPORTERA helper class to export a Gerber set of files to Pcbnew
 CGENDRILL_WRITER_BASECreate drill maps and drill reports and drill files
 CGENERAL_COLLECTORUsed when the right click button is pressed, or when the select tool is in effect
 CGENERATOR_POINT_EDIT_BEHAVIORPoint editor behavior for the PCB_GENERATOR class
 CGENERATOR_TOOLHandle actions specific to filling copper zones
 CGENERATOR_TOOL_PNS_PROXYA proxy class to allow access to the PNS router from the generator tool
 CGENERATORS_MGRA factory which returns an instance of a PCB_GENERATOR
 CGEOM_SYNCERA class that operates over a list of BOUND_CONTROLs and keeps them in sync with a PCB_SHAPE
 CGERBER_COLLECTORUse when the right click button is pressed or when the select tool is in effect
 CGERBER_FILE_IMAGEHold the image data and parameters for one gerber file and layer parameters
 CGERBER_FILE_IMAGE_LISTGERBER_FILE_IMAGE_LIST is a helper class to handle a list of GERBER_FILE_IMAGE files which are loaded and can be displayed there are 32 images max which can be loaded
 CGERBER_JOBFILE_READERThis class read and parse a Gerber job file to extract useful info for GerbView
 CGERBER_JOBFILE_WRITERGERBER_JOBFILE_WRITER is a class used to create Gerber job file a Gerber job file stores info to make a board: list of gerber files info about the board itsel: size, number of copper layers thickness of the board, copper and dielectric and some other info (colors, finish type ...)
 CGERBER_LAYER_WIDGETAbstract functions of LAYER_WIDGET so they may be tied into the GERBVIEW_FRAME's data and we can add a popup menu which is specific to Pcbnew's needs
 CGERBER_WRITERUsed to create Gerber drill files
 CGERBVIEW_ACTIONSGather all the actions that are shared by tools
 CGERBVIEW_CONTROLHandle actions that are shared between different frames in Pcbnew
 CGERBVIEW_SELECTION_TOOLSelection tool for GerbView, based on the one in Pcbnew
 CGPCB_FPL_CACHE_ENTRYHelper class for creating a footprint library cache
 CGraphConnectionConnection in a
 CGRAPHICS_IMPORT_MGRManage vector graphics importers
 CGRAPHICS_IMPORT_PLUGINInterface for vector graphics import plugins
 CGRAPHICS_IMPORTERInterface that creates objects representing shapes for a given data model
 CGraphnodeNode in a
 CGRIDCommon grid settings, available to every frame
 CGRID_ARRAY_GEOM_PARAMSDeclare the test suite
 CGRID_BITMAP_TOGGLE_RENDERERA toggle button renderer for a wxGrid, similar to BITMAP_TOGGLE
 CGRID_CELL_ESCAPED_TEXT_RENDERERA text renderer that can unescape text for display This is useful where it's desired to keep the underlying storage escaped
 CGRID_CELL_PATH_EDITOREditor for wxGrid cells that adds a file/folder browser to the grid input field
 CGRID_CELL_TEXT_EDITORThis class works around a bug in wxGrid where the first keystroke doesn't get sent through the validator if the editor wasn't already open
 CGRID_TRICKSAdd mouse and command handling (such as cut, copy, and paste) to a WX_GRID instance
 CHASH_128A storage class for 128-bit hash value
 CHIDPI_GL_3D_CANVASProvides basic 3D controls ( zoom, rotate, translate, ... )
 CHIDPI_GL_CANVASWxGLCanvas wrapper for HiDPI/Retina support
 CHIERARCHY_TREENavigation hierarchy tree control
 CHITINFOStores the hit information of a ray with a point on the surface of a object
 CHK_PROMPT_DIALOGDialog to prompt the user to enter a key
 CHOLE_INFOHandle hole which must be drilled (diameter, position and layers)
 CHOTKEY_CYCLE_POPUPSimilar to EDA_VIEW_SWITCHER, this dialog is a popup that shows feedback when using a hotkey to cycle through a set of options
 CHOTKEY_FILTERManage logic for filtering hotkeys based on user input
 CHOTKEY_STOREA class that contains a set of hotkeys, arranged into "sections" and provides some book-keeping functions for them
 CHTML_WINDOWAdd dark theme support to wxHtmlWindow
 Ciequal_toEquality test for "const char*" type used in very specialized KEYWORD_MAP below
 CIFSG_FACESETThe wrapper for the SGFACESET class
 CIFSG_NODEThe base class of all DLL-safe Scene Graph nodes
 CIFSG_NORMALSThe wrapper for the SGNORMALS class
 CIFSG_SHAPEThe wrapper for the SGSHAPE class
 CIFSG_TRANSFORMThe wrapper for the VRML compatible TRANSFORM block class SCENEGRAPH
 CIFSTREAM_LINE_READERLINE_READER interface backed by std::ifstream
 CIMAGEManage an 8-bit channel image
 CIMPORT_PROJ_HELPERA helper class to import non Kicad project
 CIMPORT_PROJECT_DESCDescribes how non-KiCad boards and schematics should be imported as KiCad projects
 CIMPORTED_STROKEA clone of IMPORTED_STROKE, but with floating-point width
 CINCREMENT_TEST_CASEDeclares a struct as the Boost test fixture
 CINDICATOR_ICONRepresent a row indicator icon for use in places like the layer widget
 CINFOBAR_REPORTERA wrapper for reporting to a WX_INFOBAR UI element
 CINPUT_LAYER_DESCDescribes an imported layer and how it could be mapped to KiCad Layers
 CINPUTSTREAM_LINE_READERA LINE_READER that reads from a wxInputStream object
 CINSPECTABLEClass that other classes need to inherit from, in order to be inspectable
 CINTERSECTION_VISITORA visitor that visits INTERSECTABLE_GEOM variant objects with another (which is held as state: m_otherGeometry)
 CIO_ERRORHold an error message and may be used when throwing exceptions containing meaningful error messages
 CIPC356D_WRITERWrapper to expose an API for writing IPC-D356 files
 CISOLATED_ISLANDSA struct recording the isolated and single-pad islands within a zone
 CITEM_MODIFICATION_ROUTINEAn object that has the ability to modify items on a board
 CITEMS_LISTBOX_BASEBase class to display symbol and footprint lists
 CIteratorFixtureFixture for the Iterator test suite
 CJOBAn simple container class that lets us dispatch output jobs to kifaces
 CJOBFILE_PARAMSJOBFILE_PARAMS store the list of parameters written in Gerber job file especially list of .gbr filenames and the corresponding layer id belonging the job
 CJSON_COMMON_EXPORT_STUBThis is simply a "stub" meant to inform MSVC when compiling shared libraries that it can find template instances in kicommon of nlohmann::json's various templates
 CKEYWORDHold a keyword string and its unique integer token
 CKI_PARAM_ERRORHold a translatable error message and may be used when throwing exceptions containing a translated error message
 CKI_PREVIEW_FRAMECustom print preview frame
 CKICAD_CURLSimple wrapper class to call curl_global_init and curl_global_cleanup for KiCad
 CKICAD_MANAGER_CONTROLHandle actions in the kicad manager frame
 CKICAD_MANAGER_FRAMEThe main KiCad project manager frame
 CKICAD_NETLIST_PARSERThe parser for reading the KiCad s-expression netlist format
 CKICAD_NETLIST_READERRead the new s-expression based KiCad netlist format
 CKIDIALOGHelper class to create more flexible dialogs, including 'do not show again' checkbox handling
 CKIFACEImplement a participant in the KIWAY alchemy
 CKIFACE_BASEA KIFACE implementation
 CKIID_NIL_SET_RESETRAII class to safely set/reset nil KIIDs for use in footprint/symbol loading
 CKISPINLOCKA trivial spinlock implementation with no optimization
 CKISTATUSBARKISTATUSBAR is a wxStatusBar suitable for Kicad manager
 CKIWAYA minimalistic software bus for communications between various DLLs/DSOs (DSOs) within the same KiCad process
 CKIWAY_EXPRESSCarry a payload from one KIWAY_PLAYER to another within a PROJECT
 CKIWAY_HOLDERA mix in class which holds the location of a wxWindow's KIWAY
 CKIWAY_MGRA container for all KIWAYS and PROJECTS
 CKIWAY_PLAYERA wxFrame capable of the OpenProjectFiles function, meaning it can load a portion of a KiCad project
 CLANGUAGE_DESCRA small class to handle the list of existing translations
 CLAYERContainer to hold information pertinent to a layer of a BOARD
 CLAYER_BOX_SELECTORDisplay a layer list in a wxBitmapComboBox
 CLAYER_ITEM_2DMake solid geometry for objects on layers
 CLAYER_MAPPABLE_PLUGINPlugin class for import plugins that support remappable layers
 CLAYER_PAIR_INFOAll information about a layer pair as stored in the layer pair store
 CLAYER_PAIR_SETTINGSManagement class for layer pairs in a PCB
 CLAYER_PRESENTATIONBase class for an object that can provide information about presenting layers (colours, etc)
 CLAYER_PRESETA saved set of layers that are visible
 CLAYER_SELECTORBase class to build a layer list
 CLAYER_WIDGETManage a list of layers with the notion of a "current" layer, and layer specific visibility control
 CLAYERS_MAP_DIALOGShow the Gerber files loaded and allow the user to choose between Gerber layers and pcb layers
 CLEGACY_NETLIST_READERRead the KiCad legacy and the old Orcad netlist formats
 CLEGACYFILEDLG_NETLIST_OPTIONSHelper widget to add controls to a wxFileDialog to set netlist configuration options
 CLIB_BUFFERStore a working copy of a library
 CLIB_IDA logical library item identifier and consists of various portions much like a URI
 CLIB_SYMBOLDefine a library symbol object
 CLIB_SYMBOL_LESS_THANUsed by std:set<LIB_SYMBOL*> instantiation which uses LIB_SYMBOL name as its key
 CLIB_SYMBOL_LIBRARY_MANAGERSymbol library management helper that is specific to the symbol library editor frame
 CLIB_TABLEManage LIB_TABLE_ROW records (rows), and can be searched based on library nickname
 CLIB_TABLE_GRIDThis abstract base class mixes any object derived from LIB_TABLE into wxGridTableBase so the result can be used as any type of library table within wxGrid
 CLIB_TABLE_IOLIB_TABLE_IO abstracts the file I/O operations for the library table loading and saving
 CLIB_TABLE_ROWHold a record identifying a library accessed by the appropriate plug in object in the LIB_TABLE
 CLIB_TREEWidget displaying a tree of symbols with optional search text control and description panel
 CLIB_TREE_ITEMA mix-in to provide polymorphism between items stored in libraries (symbols, aliases and footprints)
 CLIB_TREE_NODEModel class in the component selector Model-View-Adapter (mediated MVC) architecture
 CLIB_TREE_NODE_LIBRARYNode type: library
 CLIB_TREE_NODE_ROOTNode type: root
 CLIB_TREE_NODE_UNITNode type: unit of component
 CLIBRARY_EDITOR_CONTROLModule editor specific tools
 CLIBRARY_TRAVERSERTraverser implementation that looks to find any and all "folder" libraries by looking for files with a specific extension inside folders
 CLibSymbolMapSortSymbol library map sorting helper.Symbol library map sorted by the symbol name
 CLIGHTA base light class to derive to implement other light classes
 CLINE_CHAMFER_ROUTINEPairwise line tool that adds a chamfer between the lines
 CLINE_CONTINUATIONAny text can span multiple lines using '&'
 CLINE_EXTENSION_ROUTINEPairwise extend to corner or meeting tool
 CLINE_FILLET_ROUTINEPairwise line tool that adds a fillet to the lines
 CLINE_READERAn abstract class from which implementation specific LINE_READERs may be derived to read single lines of text and manage a line number counter
 CLOCALE_IOInstantiate the current locale within a scope in which you are expecting exceptions to be thrown
 CLP_CACHEThe footprint portion of the PLUGIN API, and only for the PCB_IO_KICAD_LEGACY, so therefore is private to this implementation file, i.e
 CLSEQLSEQ is a sequence (and therefore also a set) of PCB_LAYER_IDs
 CMANAGED_ZONEWorkaround to keep the original priorities if user didn't change any
 CMARKER_BASEMarker are mainly used to show a DRC or ERC error or warning
 CMATERIALBase material class that can be used to derive other material implementations
 CMATERIAL_GENERATORA base class that can be used to derive procedurally generated materials
 CMATRIX3x3MATRIX3x3 describes a general 3x3 matrix
 CMICROWAVE_INDUCTOR_PATTERNParameters for construction of a microwave inductor
 CMICROWAVE_TOOLTool responsible for adding microwave features to PCBs
 CMMH3_HASHA streaming C++ equivalent for MurmurHash3_x64_128
 CmpFXAbstract base class providing plot and labeling functionality for functions F:X->Y
 CmpFXYAbstract base class providing plot and labeling functionality for a locus plot F:N->X,Y
 CmpFXYVectorA class providing graphs functionality for a 2D plot (either continuous or a set of points), from vectors of data
 CmpFYAbstract base class providing plot and labeling functionality for functions F:Y->X
 CmpInfoLayerBase class to create small rectangular info boxes mpInfoLayer is the base class to create a small rectangular info box in transparent overlay over plot layers
 CmpInfoLegendImplements the legend to be added to the plot This layer allows you to add a legend to describe the plots in the window
 CmpScaleBasePlot layer implementing a x-scale ruler
 CmpScaleYPlot layer implementing a y-scale ruler
 CmpWindowCanvas for plotting mpLayer implementations
 CMSG_PANEL_ITEMEDA_MSG_PANEL items for displaying messages
 CMULTIVECTORMultivector container type
 CNET_INSPECTOR_PANELA base class used to implement docking net inspector panels
 CNET_NAVIGATOR_ITEM_DATATree view item data for the net navigator
 CNET_SETTINGSNET_SETTINGS stores various net-related settings in a project context
 CNETCLASSA collection of nets and the parameters used to route or test these nets
 CNETINFO_ITEMHandle the data for a net
 CNETINFO_LISTContainer for NETINFO_ITEM elements, which are the nets
 CNETLISTStore information read from a netlist along with the flags used to update the NETLIST in the BOARD
 CNETLIST_EXPORTER_ALLEGROGenerate a netlist compatible with Allegro
 CNETLIST_EXPORTER_BASEAn abstract class used for the netlist exporters that Eeschema supports
 CNETLIST_EXPORTER_CADSTARGenerate a netlist compatible with CADSTAR
 CNETLIST_EXPORTER_KICADGenerate the KiCad netlist format supported by Pcbnew
 CNETLIST_EXPORTER_ORCADPCB2Generate a netlist compatible with OrCAD
 CNETLIST_EXPORTER_PADSGenerate a netlist compatible with PADS
 CNETLIST_EXPORTER_XMLGenerate a generic XML based netlist file
 CNETLIST_READERA pure virtual class to derive a specific type of netlist reader from
 CNGSPICE_SETTINGSContainer for Ngspice simulator settings
 CNL_3D_VIEWER_PLUGINThe class that implements the public interface to the SpaceMouse plug-in
 CNL_3D_VIEWER_PLUGIN_IMPLThe class that implements the accessors and mutators required for 3D navigation in an EDA_3D_CANVAS using a SpaceMouse
 CNL_FOOTPRINT_PROPERTIES_PLUGINThe class that implements the public interface to the SpaceMouse plug-in
 CNL_FOOTPRINT_PROPERTIES_PLUGIN_IMPLThe class that adjusts NL_3D_VIEWER_PLUGIN_IMPL implementation for 3D Model preview in footprint properties dialog
 CNL_GERBVIEW_PLUGINThe class that implements the public interface to the SpaceMouse plug-in
 CNL_GERBVIEW_PLUGIN_IMPLThe class that implements the accessors and mutators required for 3D navigation in an PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL using a SpaceMouse
 CNL_PCBNEW_PLUGINThe class that implements the public interface to the SpaceMouse plug-in
 CNL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPLThe class that implements the accessors and mutators required for 3D navigation in an PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL using a SpaceMouse
 CNL_PL_EDITOR_PLUGINThe class that implements the public interface to the SpaceMouse plug-in
 CNL_PL_EDITOR_PLUGIN_IMPLThe class that implements the accessors and mutators required for 3D navigation in an PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL using a SpaceMouse
 CNL_SCHEMATIC_PLUGINThe class that implements the public interface to the SpaceMouse plug-in
 CNL_SCHEMATIC_PLUGIN_IMPLThe class that implements the accessors and mutators required for 3D navigation in an PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL using a SpaceMouse
 CNULL_REPORTERA singleton reporter that reports to nowhere
 CNUMBER_BADGEA simple UI element that puts a number on top of a colored rounded rectangle with a fill color that shows the severity of the reports the number is counting (e.g
 CNUMBERING_LIST_DATALocal mapping for list-box <-> numbering type
 COBJECT_3D_STATSImplements a class for object statistics using Singleton pattern
 COGL_ATT_LISTHelper class to create an attribute list
 COPENGL_RENDER_LISTStore the OpenGL display lists to related with a layer
 COPTIONAL_XML_ATTRIBUTEModel an optional XML attribute
 CORIGIN_TRANSFORMSA class to perform either relative or absolute display origin transforms for a single axis of a point
 COUTERS_AND_HOLESHandle a subset of a polygon
 COUTPUTFORMATTERAn interface used to output 8 bit text in a convenient way
 COVALClass that represents an oval shape (rectangle with semicircular end caps)
 CPACKAGE_VERSION< Package version metadata Package metadata
 CPACKAGE_VIEW_DATA< Collection of data relevant to the package display panel Callback for (un)install button
 CPAD_TOOLTool relating to pads and pad settings
 CPADSTACKA PADSTACK defines the characteristics of a single or multi-layer pad, in the IPC sense of the word
 CPAGE_INFODescribe the page size and margins of a paper page on which to eventually print or plot
 CPAIRWISE_LINE_ROUTINEA tool that acts on a pair of lines
 CPANEL_DESIGN_BLOCK_LIB_TABLEDialog to show and edit symbol library tables
 CPANEL_FP_LIB_TABLEDialog to show and edit symbol library tables
 CPANEL_NET_INSPECTOR_SETTINGSPersisted state for the net inspector panel
 CPANEL_SETUP_LAYERS_CTLsThe 3 UI control pointers for a single board layer
 CPANEL_SYM_LIB_TABLEDialog to show and edit symbol library tables
 CPARAM_CFGA base class which establishes the interface functions ReadParam and SaveParam, which are implemented by a number of derived classes, and these function's doxygen comments are inherited also
 CPARAM_CFG_BOOLConfiguration object for booleans
 CPARAM_CFG_DOUBLEConfiguration object for double precision floating point numbers
 CPARAM_CFG_FILENAMEConfiguration object for a file name object
 CPARAM_CFG_INTConfiguration object for integers
 CPARAM_CFG_INT_WITH_SCALEConfiguration for integers with unit conversion
 CPARAM_CFG_WXSTRINGConfiguration object for wxString objects
 CPARAM_CFG_WXSTRING_SETConfiguration object for a set of wxString objects
 CPARAM_ENUMStores an enum as an integer
 CPARAM_LAMBDALike a normal param, but with custom getter and setter functions
 CPARAM_MAPRepresents a map of <std::string, Value>
 CPARAM_PATHStores a path as a string with directory separators normalized to unix-style
 CPARAM_PATH_LISTRepresents a list of strings holding directory paths
 CPARAM_SCALEDRepresents a parameter that has a scaling factor between the value in the file and the value used internally (i.e
 CPARAM_WXSTRING_MAPA helper for <wxString, wxString> maps
 CPARSE_ERRORA filename or source description, a problem input line, a line number, a byte offset, and an error message which contains the caller's report and his call site information: CPP source file, function, and line number
 CPATHSHelper class to centralize the paths used throughout kicad
 CPCB_ACTIONSGather all the actions that are shared by tools
 CPCB_BASE_EDIT_FRAMECommon, abstract interface for edit frames
 CPCB_BASE_FRAMEBase PCB main window class for Pcbnew, Gerbview, and CvPcb footprint viewer
 CPCB_CALCULATOR_CONTROLHandle actions for the various symbol editor and viewers
 CPCB_CALCULATOR_DATAFILEPCB_CALCULATOR_DATAFILE handles data to calculate regulators parameters
 CPCB_CALCULATOR_FRAMEPCB calculator the main frame
 CPCB_CONTROLHandle actions that are shared between different frames in PcbNew
 CPCB_DIM_ALIGNEDFor better understanding of the points that make a dimension:
 CPCB_DIM_CENTERMark the center of a circle or arc with a cross shape
 CPCB_DIM_LEADERA leader is a dimension-like object pointing to a specific point
 CPCB_DIM_ORTHOGONALAn orthogonal dimension is like an aligned dimension, but the extension lines are locked to the X or Y axes, and the measurement is only taken in the X or Y direction
 CPCB_DIM_RADIALA radial dimension indicates either the radius or diameter of an arc or circle
 CPCB_DIMENSION_BASEAbstract dimension API
 CPCB_EDIT_FRAMEThe main frame for Pcbnew
 CPCB_EDITOR_CONDITIONSGroup generic conditions for PCB editor states
 CPCB_GROUPA set of BOARD_ITEMs (i.e., without duplicates)
 CPCB_IOA base class that BOARD loading and saving plugins should derive from
 CPCB_IO_EAGLEWorks with Eagle 6.x XML board files and footprints to implement the Pcbnew #PLUGIN API or a portion of it
 CPCB_IO_GEDAA #PLUGIN derivation for saving and loading Geda PCB files
 CPCB_IO_KICAD_LEGACYA #PLUGIN derivation which could possibly be put into a DLL/DSO
 CPCB_IO_KICAD_SEXPRA #PLUGIN derivation for saving and loading Pcbnew s-expression formatted files
 CPCB_IO_KICAD_SEXPR_PARSERRead a Pcbnew s-expression formatted LINE_READER object and returns the appropriate BOARD_ITEM object
 CPCB_IO_MGRA factory which returns an instance of a #PLUGIN
 CPCB_LAYER_BOX_SELECTORClass to display a pcb layer list in a wxBitmapComboBox
 CPCB_LAYER_COLLECTORCollect all BOARD_ITEM objects on a given layer
 CPCB_LAYER_ID_CLIENT_DATAA helper wxWidgets control client data object to store layer IDs
 CPCB_LAYER_PRESENTATIONClass that manages the presentation of PCB layers in a PCB frame
 CPCB_NET_INSPECTOR_PANELNet inspection panel for pcbnew
 CPCB_ONE_LAYER_SELECTORDisplay a PCB layers list in a dialog to select one layer from this list
 CPCB_PICKER_TOOLGeneric tool for picking an item
 CPCB_PLOT_PARAMSParameters and options when plotting/printing a board
 CPCB_POINT_EDITORTool that displays edit points allowing to modify items by dragging the points
 CPCB_REFERENCE_IMAGEObject to handle a bitmap image that can be inserted in a PCB
 CPCB_SELECTION_FILTER_OPTIONSThis file contains data structures that are saved in the project file or project local settings file that are specific to PcbNew
 CPCB_SELECTION_TOOLThe selection tool: currently supports:
 CPCB_TYPE_COLLECTORCollect all BOARD_ITEM objects of a given set of KICAD_T type(s)
 CPCB_VIEWER_TOOLSTool useful for viewing footprints
 CPCM_PACKAGERepository reference to a resource
 CPCM_REPOSITORYPackage installation entry
 CPCM_TASK_MANAGERHelper class that handles package (un)installation
 CPG_CELL_RENDEREREnhanced renderer to work around some limitations in wxWidgets 3.0 capabilities
 CPGM_BASEContainer for data for KiCad programs
 CPGM_KICADPGM_KICAD extends PGM_BASE to bring in FileHistory() and PdfBrowser() which were moved from EDA_APP into KIFACE_BASE
 CPGM_SINGLE_TOPImplement PGM_BASE with its own OnPgmInit() and OnPgmExit()
 CPGPROPERTY_ANGLEA wxEnumProperty that displays a color next to the enum value
 CPGPROPERTY_COORDCustomized wxPGProperty class to handle angles
 CPICKED_ITEMS_LISTA holder to handle information on schematic or board items
 CPIN_LAYOUT_CACHEA pin layout helper is a class that manages the layout of the parts of a pin on a schematic symbol:
 CPL_ACTIONSGather all the actions that are shared by tools
 CPL_DRAWING_TOOLSTool responsible for drawing/placing items (lines, rectangles, text, etc.)
 CPL_EDITOR_CONTROLHandle actions specific to the drawing sheet editor
 CPL_EDITOR_FRAMEThe main window used in the drawing sheet editor
 CPL_POINT_EDITORTool that displays edit points allowing to modify items by dragging the points
 CPLACE_FILE_EXPORTERThe ASCII format of the kicad place file is:
 CPLACEFILE_GERBER_WRITERUsed to create Gerber drill files
 CPLASTIC_NORMALProcedural generation of the plastic normals
 CPLASTIC_SHINE_NORMALProcedural generation of the shiny plastic normals
 CPLEDITOR_PREVIEW_FRAMECustom print preview frame
 CPLEDITOR_PRINTOUTCustom print out for printing schematics
 CPLOT_CONTROLLERBatch plotter state object
 CPLOTTERBase plotter engine class
 CPLUGIN_ACTIONAn action performed by a plugin via the IPC API (not to be confused with ACTION_PLUGIN, the old SWIG plugin system, which will be removed in the future)
 CPLUGIN_CONTENT_MANAGERMain class of Plugin and Content Manager subsystem
 CPNS_LAYER_RANGERepresent a contiguous set of PCB layers
 CPOINT_COORDA coordinate point
 CPOINT_EDIT_BEHAVIORA helper class interface to manage the edit points for a single item
 CPOINT_LIGHTPoint light source based on
 CPOLYGON_2DRepresent a sub polygon block
 CPOLYGON_4PT_2DSimple non-intersecting polygon with 4 points
 CPOLYGON_BOOLEAN_ROUTINEA routine that modifies polygons using boolean operations
 CPOLYGON_GEOM_MANAGERClass that handles the drawing of a polygon, including management of last corner deletion and drawing of leader lines with various constraints (eg 45 deg only)
 CPOLYGON_POINT_EDIT_BEHAVIORClass that implements "standard" polygon editing behavior
 CPOSITION_RELATIVE_TOOLThe interactive edit tool
 CPREDEF_TIMESTAMPERTimestamper that returns predefined values from a vector
 CPRINTOUT_SETTINGSHandle the parameters used to print a board drawing
 CPROF_COUNTERA thread-safe event counter
 CPROF_TIMERA small class to help profiling
 CPROGRESS_REPORTERA progress reporter interface for use in multi-threaded environments
 CPROGRESS_REPORTER_BASEThis implements all the tricky bits for thread safety, but the GUI is left to derived classes
 CPROJECTContainer for project specific data
 CPROJECT_CHOOSER_PLUGINPlugin class for import plugins that support choosing a project
 CPROJECT_FILEThe backing store for a PROJECT, in JSON format
 CPROJECT_LOCAL_SETTINGSThe project local settings are things that are attached to a particular project, but also might be particular to a certain user editing that project, or change quickly, and therefore may not want to be checked in to version control or otherwise distributed with the main project
 CPROJECT_TEMPLATEA class which provides project template functionality
 CPROJECT_TREEPROJECT_TREE This is the class to show (as a tree) the files in the project directory
 CPROJECT_TREE_ITEMHandle one item (a file or a directory name) for the tree file
 CPROJECT_TREE_PANEPROJECT_TREE_PANE Window to display the tree files
 CPROPERTIES_FRAMEPROPERTIES_FRAME display properties of the current item
 CPROPERTIES_TOOLAction handler for the Properties panel
 CPROPERTY_EDITOR_UNIT_BINDERSpecialization for wxPropertyGrid, where we have no labels and units are displayed in the editor
 CPROPERTY_MANAGERProvide class metadata.Helper macro to map type hashes to names
 CPROPERTY_VALIDATORSA set of generic validators
 CPSLIKE_PLOTTERIntermediate class to handle common routines for engines working more or less with the postscript imaging model
 CRC_ITEMA holder for a rule check item, DRC in Pcbnew or ERC in Eeschema
 CRC_ITEMS_PROVIDERProvide an abstract interface of a RC_ITEM* list manager
 CRECT_DEFINITIONSimple definition of a rectangle, can be rounded
 CRECTANGLE_GEOM_SYNCERClass that keeps a rectangle's various fields all up to date
 CREFERENCE_IMAGEA REFERENCE_IMAGE is a wrapper around a BITMAP_IMAGE that is displayed in an editor as a reference for the user
 CREGEX_VALIDATORCustom validator that checks verifies that a string exactly matches a regular expression
 CRENDER_3D_BASEThis is a base class to hold data and functions for render targets
 CRENDER_3D_OPENGLObject to render the board using openGL
 CREPORTERA pure virtual class used to derive REPORTER objects from
 CRES_EQUIV_CALCPerforms calculations on E-series values primarily to find target values as combinations (serial, parallel) of them
 CRESETTABLE_PANELA wxPanel that is designed to be reset in a standard manner
 CRN_NETDescribe ratsnest for a single net
 CROUNDRECTA round rectangle shape, based on a rectangle and a radius
 CROW_ICON_PROVIDERIcon provider for the "standard" row indicators, for example in layer selection lists
 Crsort_wxStringA helper for sorting strings from the rear
 CRULE_AREA_CREATE_HELPERAn adjunct helper to the DRAWING_TOOL interactive tool, which handles incoming geometry changes from a POLYGON_GEOM_MANAGER and translates that into a SCH_RULE_AREA based on given parameters
 CS3D_CACHECache for storing the 3D shapes
 CS3DMODELStore the a model based on meshes and materials
 CS_FILTER5x5 Filter struct parameters
 CSCENEGRAPHDefine the basic data set required to represent a 3D model
 CSCH_BASE_FRAMEA shim class between EDA_DRAW_FRAME and several derived classes: SYMBOL_EDIT_FRAME, SYMBOL_VIEWER_FRAME, and SCH_EDIT_FRAME, and it brings in a common way of handling the provided virtual functions for the derived classes
 CSCH_BITMAPObject to handle a bitmap image that can be inserted in a schematic
 CSCH_BUS_BUS_ENTRYClass for a bus to bus entry
 CSCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASEBase class for a bus or wire entry
 CSCH_BUS_WIRE_ENTRYClass for a wire to bus entry
 CSCH_CONNECTIONEach graphical item can have a SCH_CONNECTION describing its logical connection (to a bus or net)
 CSCH_DESIGN_BLOCK_CONTROLHandle schematic design block actions in the schematic editor
 CSCH_DRAWING_TOOLSTool responsible for drawing/placing items (symbols, wires, buses, labels, etc.)
 CSCH_EDIT_FRAMESchematic editor (Eeschema) main window
 CSCH_EDITOR_CONDITIONSGroup generic conditions for PCB editor states
 CSCH_EDITOR_CONTROLHandle actions specific to the schematic editor
 CSCH_FIELDInstances are attached to a symbol or sheet and provide a place for the symbol's value, reference designator, footprint, , a sheet's name, filename, and user definable name-value pairs of arbitrary purpose
 CSCH_FIND_REPLACE_TOOLHandle actions specific to the schematic editor
 CSCH_IOBase class that schematic file and library loading and saving plugins should derive from
 CSCH_IO_ALTIUM_LIB_CACHEA cache assistant for Altium symbol libraries
 CSCH_IO_DATABASEA KiCad database library provides both symbol and footprint metadata, so there are "shim" plugins on both the symbol and footprint side of things that expose the database contents to the schematic and board editors
 CSCH_IO_EAGLEA SCH_IO derivation for loading 6.x+ Eagle schematic files
 CSCH_IO_HTTP_LIBA KiCad HTTP library provides both symbol and footprint metadata, so there are "shim" plugins on both the symbol and footprint side of things that expose the database contents to the schematic and board editors
 CSCH_IO_KICAD_LEGACYA SCH_IO derivation for loading schematic files created before the new s-expression file format
 CSCH_IO_KICAD_LEGACY_LIB_CACHEA cache assistant for KiCad legacy symbol libraries
 CSCH_IO_KICAD_SEXPRA SCH_IO derivation for loading schematic files using the new s-expression file format
 CSCH_IO_KICAD_SEXPR_LIB_CACHEA cache assistant for the KiCad s-expression symbol libraries
 CSCH_IO_KICAD_SEXPR_PARSERObject to parser s-expression symbol library and schematic file formats
 CSCH_IO_LIB_CACHEA base cache assistant implementation for the symbol library portion of the SCH_IO API
 CSCH_IO_LTSPICE_PARSERThe class is been used for loading the asc and asy files in intermediate data structure
 CSCH_IO_MGRA factory which returns an instance of a SCH_IO
 CSCH_ITEMBase class for any item which can be embedded within the SCHEMATIC container class, and therefore instances of derived classes should only be found in EESCHEMA or other programs that use class SCHEMATIC and its contents
 CSCH_LINESegment description base class to describe items which have 2 end points (track, wire, draw line ...)
 CSCH_LINE_WIRE_BUS_TOOLTool responsible for drawing/placing items (symbols, wires, buses, labels, etc.)
 CSCH_NAVIGATE_TOOLHandle actions specific to the schematic editor
 CSCH_PLOTTERSchematic plotting class
 CSCH_PREVIEW_FRAMECustom schematic print preview frame
 CSCH_PRINTOUTCustom print out for printing schematics
 CSCH_REFERENCEA helper to define a symbol's reference designator in a schematic
 CSCH_REFERENCE_LISTContainer to create a flattened list of symbols because in a complex hierarchy, a symbol can be used more than once and its reference designator is dependent on the sheet path for the same symbol
 CSCH_SCREENSContainer class that holds multiple SCH_SCREEN objects in a hierarchy
 CSCH_SHEETSheet symbol placed in a schematic, and is the entry point for a sub schematic
 CSCH_SHEET_INSTANCEA simple container for sheet instance information
 CSCH_SHEET_LISTA container for handling SCH_SHEET_PATH objects in a flattened hierarchy
 CSCH_SHEET_PATHHandle access to a stack of flattened SCH_SHEET objects by way of a path for creating a flattened schematic hierarchy
 CSCH_SHEET_PINDefine a sheet pin (label) used in sheets to create hierarchical schematics
 CSCH_SYMBOLSchematic symbol object
 CSCH_SYMBOL_INSTANCEA simple container for schematic symbol instance information
 CSCHEMATICHolds all the data relating to one schematic
 CSCHEMATIC_SETTINGSThese are loaded from Eeschema settings but then overwritten by the project settings
 CSCINTILLA_TRICKSAdd cut/copy/paste, dark theme, autocomplete and brace highlighting to a wxStyleTextCtrl instance
 CSCOPED_EXECUTIONRAII class that executes a function at construction and another at destruction
 CSCOPED_PROF_TIMERA simple RAII class to measure the time of an operation
 CSCOPED_SET_RESETRAII class that sets an value at construction and resets it to the original value at destruction
 CSCRIPTING_TOOLTool relating to pads and pad settings
 CSEARCH_STACKLook for files in a number of paths
 CSEARCH_TERMA structure for storing weighted search terms
 CSEG_SEG_BOOLEAN_CASEStruct to hold general cases for collinearity, parallelism and perpendicularity
 CSEG_SEG_COLLIDE_CASETest cases for collisions (with clearance, for no clearance, it's just a SEG_SEG_DISTANCE_CASE of 0)
 CSEG_VEC_CASEStruct to hold cases for operations with a SEG, and a VECTOR2I
 CSELECT_COPPER_LAYERS_PAIR_DIALOGDisplay a pair PCB copper layers list in a dialog to select a layer pair from these lists
 CSELECTION_CONDITIONSClass that groups generic conditions for selected items
 CSEQUENTIAL_PAD_ENUMERATION_PARAMSParameters for sequential pad numbering
 CSERIALIZABLEInterface for objects that can be serialized to Protobuf messages
 CSGAPPEARANCEDefines the generic material appearance of a scenegraph object
 CSGCOLORSDefine an RGB color set for a scenegraph object
 CSGCOORDINDEXAn object to maintain a coordinate index list
 CSGCOORDSDefine a vertex coordinate set for a scenegraph object
 CSGFACESETDefine an indexed face set for a scenegraph
 CSGINDEXDefine a generic index interface for a scenegraph object
 CSGNODEThe base class of all Scene Graph nodes
 CSGNORMALSDefine a set of vertex normals for a scene graph object
 CSGSHAPEDefine a complex 3D shape for a scenegraph object
 CSHAPEAn abstract shape on 2D plane
 CSHAPE_FILE_IOHelper class for saving/loading shapes from a file
 CSHAPE_LINE_CHAINRepresent a polyline containing arcs as well as line segments: A chain of connected line and/or arc segments
 CSHAPE_POLY_SETRepresent a set of closed polygons
 CSHAPE_SIMPLERepresent a simple polygon consisting of a zero-thickness closed chain of connected line segments
 CShapeCompoundCollisionFixtureFixture for the Collision test suite
 CSHEET_FILE_CHANGE_NOTIFIERUsed to sync the modifications between the mutiple instances of a sheet file
 CSHEET_SYNCHRONIZATION_AGENTAgent for all the modifications while syncing the sheet pin and hierarchical label
 CSHEETLIST_ERC_ITEMS_PROVIDERAn implementation of the RC_ITEM_LIST interface which uses the global SHEETLIST to fulfill the contract
 CSIM_MODEL_SERIALIZERSerializes/deserializes a SIM_MODEL for storage in LIB_FIELDs/SCH_FIELDs
 CSIM_MOUSE_WHEEL_ACTION_SETContains the set of modified mouse wheel actions that can be performed on a simulator plot
 CSIM_PREFERENCESContains preferences pertaining to the simulator
 CSIM_VALIDATORWxPropertyGrid property specializations for simulator
 CSIMPLE_TIMESTAMPERA very simple timestamper that uses the KIGFX::ACCELERATING_ZOOM_CONTROLLER::CLOCK to provide a timestamp
 CSIMULATOR_CONTROLHandle actions for the various symbol editor and viewers
 CSIMULATOR_FRAMEThe SIMULATOR_FRAME holds the main user-interface for running simulations
 CSIMULATOR_FRAME_UIThe SIMULATOR_FRAME_UI holds the main user-interface for running simulations
 CSIMULATOR_REPORTERInterface to receive simulation updates from SPICE_SIMULATOR class
 CSLC_CASESNOTE: Collision of SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN with arcs is tested in test_shape_arc.cpp
 CSMESHPer-vertex normal/color/texcoors structure
 CSNAP_LINE_MANAGERA class that manages the geometry of a "snap line"
 CSNAP_MANAGERA SNAP_MANAGER glues together the snap line manager and construction manager., along with some other state
 CSOLDER_MASK_NORMALProcedural generation of the solder mask
 CSolutionCollectorHelper class that collects solutions and keeps one with the best deviation
 Cspaced_chControl character with or without preceding whitespace
 CSPECIAL_STRINGS_TO_KICADDeclares the struct as the Boost test fixture
 CSPICE_CIRCUIT_MODELSpecial netlist exporter flavor that allows one to override simulation commands
 CSPICE_SETTINGSStorage for simulator specific settings
 CSPICE_VALUEHelper class to recognize Spice formatted values
 CSPICE_VALUE_FORMATA SPICE_VALUE_FORMAT holds precision and range info for formatting values.Helper class to handle Spice way of expressing values (e.g. 10.5 Meg)
 CSPLINE_CTRL_POINTA helper class to store a spline control point (in X,Y plane only)
 CSPS_DISTANCE_TO_SEG_CASEDeclares the Boost test suite fixture
 CSTATUS_POPUPA tiny, headerless popup window used to display useful status (e.g
 CSTATUS_TEXT_POPUPExtension of STATUS_POPUP for displaying a single line text
 CSTATUSBAR_REPORTERA wrapper for reporting to a specific text location in a statusbar
 CSTD_BITMAP_BUTTONA bitmap button widget that behaves like a standard dialog button except with an icon
 CSTDISTREAM_LINE_READERLINE_READER that wraps a given std::istream instance
 CSTDOUT_REPORTERDebug type reporter, forwarding messages to std::cout
 CSTDSTREAM_THREADThis thread handles consuming the input streams from the launched process
 CSTEPPED_SLIDERCustomized wxSlider with forced stepping
 CSTR_SEGMENT_EXCLUDINGString segment( no line continuation ), with exclusion rules
 CSTRING_ANY_MAPA name/value tuple with unique names and wxAny values
 CSTRING_EXCLUDINGString with optional line continuation and exclusion rules
 CSTRING_FORMATTERImplement an OUTPUTFORMATTER to a memory buffer
 CSTRING_INCREMENTERHeuristically increment a string's n'th part from the right
 CSTRING_LINE_READERIs a LINE_READER that reads from a multiline 8 bit wide std::string
 CSTROKE_PARAMSSimple container to manage line stroke parameters
 CSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPEContainer that describes file type info for the add a library options
 CSYMBOL_CANDIDATEA helper to handle symbols to edit
 CSYMBOL_CHOOSER_FRAMESymbol library viewer main window
 CSYMBOL_DIFF_FRAMESymbol library viewer main window
 CSYMBOL_EDIT_FRAMEThe symbol library editor main window
 CSYMBOL_EDITOR_CONTROLHandle actions for the various symbol editor and viewers
 CSYMBOL_LIBObject used to load, save, search, and otherwise manipulate symbol library files
 CSYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_GRIDBuild a wxGridTableBase by wrapping an SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE object
 CSYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROWHold a record identifying a symbol library accessed by the appropriate symbol library SCH_IO object in the SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE
 CSYMBOL_LIBRARY_FILTERHelper object to filter a list of libraries
 CSYMBOL_LIBRARY_MANAGERClass to handle modifications to the symbol libraries
 CSYMBOL_LIBSA collection of SYMBOL_LIB objects
 CSYMBOL_SAVE_AS_HANDLERThis is a class that handles state involved in saving a symbol copy as a new symbol
 CSYMBOL_TREE_PANELibrary Editor pane with symbol tree and symbol library table selector
 CSYMBOL_VIEWER_FRAMESymbol library viewer main window
 CSYNC_QUEUESynchronized, locking queue
 CTEARDROP_MANAGERTEARDROP_MANAGER manage and build teardrop areas A teardrop area is a polygonal area (a copper ZONE) having: 2 points on the track connected to a pad or via 2 points on the outline of this pad or via 1 point near the pad/via position (calculated in order to have this pad/via position inside the area The 2 sides joining a point on the track to the corresponding point on the pad/via outline can be a straight line or a curved shape (defined from a Bezier curve) This curved shape is built by segments (3 to 10) from this Bezier curve Because one cannot build a suitable shape for a custom pad, custom pads are ignored
 CTEARDROP_PARAMETERSTEARDROP_PARAMETARS is a helper class to handle parameters needed to build teardrops for a board these parameters are sizes and filters
 CTEARDROP_PARAMETERS_LISTTEARDROP_PARAMETERS_LIST is a helper class to handle the list of TEARDROP_PARAMETERS needed to build teardrops of different shapes (round, rect, tracks)
 CTEMPLATE_FIELDNAMEHold a name of a symbol's field, field value, and default visibility
 CTEST_RESCALE_I64_CASETest suite for KiCad math code
 CTEST_SEXPR_CASECollection of test cases for use when multiple cases can be handled in the same test case
 CTEST_SEXPR_ROUNDTRIPPINGTest for roundtripping (valid) s-expression back to strings
 CTEXT_CTRL_EVALWxTextCtrl wrapper to handle math expression evaluation
 CTEXTBOX_POINT_EDIT_BEHAVIORA textbox is edited as a rectnagle when it is orthogonally aligned
 CTEXTENTRY_TRICKSAdd cut/copy/paste to a wxTextEntry instance
 CTICK_FORMATDescription of a "tick format" for a scale factor - how many ticks there are between medium/major ticks and how each scale relates to the last one
 CTITLE_BLOCKHold the information shown in the lower right corner of a plot, printout, or editing view
 CTOOL_ACTIONRepresent a single user action
 CTOOL_ACTION_ARGSBuild up the properties of a TOOL_ACTION in an incremental manner that is static-construction safe
 CTOOL_ACTION_GROUPDefine a group that can be used to group actions (and their events) of similar operations
 CTOOL_BASEBase abstract interface for all kinds of tools
 CTOOL_EVENTGeneric, UI-independent tool event
 CTOOL_EVENT_LISTA list of TOOL_EVENTs, with overloaded || operators allowing for concatenating TOOL_EVENTs with little code
 CTOOL_MANAGERMaster controller class:
 CTOOL_MENUManage a CONDITIONAL_MENU and some number of CONTEXT_MENUs as sub-menus
 CTRANSFORMFor transforming drawing coordinates for a wxDC device context
 CTRANSLINE_IDENTA class to handle a list of parameters of a given transline
 CTRANSLINE_PRMA class to handle one parameter of transline
 CTREE_ITEM_DATAStore an SCH_SHEET_PATH of each sheet in hierarchy
 CTRIANGLEA triangle object
 CTRIANGLE_DISPLAY_LISTStore arrays of triangles to be used to create display lists
 CTRIANGLE_LISTContainer to manage a vector of triangles
 CTRIPLETSegment (element) of our XPATH into the Eagle XML document tree in PTREE form
 CTUNER_SLIDERCustom widget to handle quick component values modification and simulation on the fly
 CTWO_LINE_CHAMFER_TEST_CASEDeclares the FilletFixture struct as the boost test fixture
 CUNDO_REDO_CONTAINERA holder to handle a list of undo (or redo) commands
 CUNIQUE_STRINGSTrack unique wxStrings and is useful in telling if a string has been seen before
 CUTF8An 8 bit string that is assuredly encoded in UTF8, and supplies special conversion support to and from wxString, to and from std::string, and has non-mutating iteration over Unicode characters
 CUTILITY_REGISTRYA class to handle the registration of utility programs
 CVALID_OFFSET_CASEDeclare the test suite
 CVALIDATION_ERRORRepresents an error returned by a validator and contains enough data to format an error message
 CVALIDATION_ERROR_MSGA validator for use when you just need to return an error string rather than also packaging some other data (for example, a limit number)
 CVECTOR2Define a general 2D-vector/point
 CVECTOR2_TRAITSTraits class for VECTOR2
 CVECTOR3Define a general 3D-vector
 CVECTOR3_TRAITSTraits class for VECTOR2
 CVECTOR_CLEANUP_ITEMS_PROVIDERAn implementation of the interface named RC_ITEMS_PROVIDER which uses a vector of pointers to CLEANUP_ITEMs to fulfill the interface
 CVIA_DIMENSIONContainer to handle a stock of specific vias each with unique diameter and drill sizes in the BOARD class
 CWDO_ENABLE_DISABLEToggle a window's "enable" status to disabled, then enabled on destruction
 CWHITESPACE_FILTER_READERRead lines of text from another LINE_READER but only returns non-comment lines and non-blank lines with leading whitespace characters (space and tab) removed from its ReadLine() function
 CWIDGET_HOTKEY_CLIENT_DATAStore the hotkey change data associated with each row
 CWINDOW_SETTINGSStore the common settings that are saved and loaded for each window / frame
 CWINDOW_STATEStore the window positioning/state
 CWRL1BASERepresent the top node of a VRML1 model
 CWRL1NODEThe base class of all VRML1 nodes
 CWRL2BASEThe top node of a VRML2 model
 CWX_BUSY_INDICATORSimple wrapper around wxBusyCursor for used with the generic BUSY_INDICATOR interface
 CWX_COLLAPSIBLE_PANEA better wxCollapsiblePane that
 CWX_COMBOBOXFix some issues with wxCombobox:
 CWX_DATAVIEWCTRLExtension of the wxDataViewCtrl to include some helper functions for working with items
 CWX_ELLIPSIZED_STATIC_TEXTA version of a wxStaticText control that will request a smaller size than the full string
 CWX_FILENAMEA wrapper around a wxFileName which is much more performant with a subset of the API
 CWX_FILENAME_SPLIT_CASEDeclare the test suite
 CWX_GRID_ALT_ROW_COLOR_PROVIDERAttribute provider that provides attributes (or modifies the existing attribute) to alternate a row color between the odd and even rows
 CWX_GRID_AUTOSIZERClass that manages autosizing of columns in a wxGrid
 CWX_HTML_PANEL_REPORTERA wrapper for reporting to a wx HTML window
 CWX_HTML_REPORT_PANELA widget for browsing a rich text error/status report
 CWX_INFOBARA modified version of the wxInfoBar class that allows us to:
 CWX_LOG_TRACE_ONLYA logger class that filters out all log messages that are not generated by wxLogTrace and ignores them, while passing the trace messages onwards
 CWX_LOGLEVEL_CONTEXTContext class to set wx loglevel for a block, and always restore it at the end
 CWX_MENUBARWrapper around a wxMenuBar object that prevents the accelerator table from being used
 CWX_MULTI_ENTRY_DIALOGA dialog like WX_UNIT_ENTRY_DIALOG, but with multiple entries
 CWX_PROGRESS_REPORTERMulti-thread safe progress reporter dialog, intended for use of tasks that parallel reporting back of work status
 CWX_STRING_REPORTERA wrapper for reporting to a wxString object
 CWX_TEXT_CTRL_REPORTERA wrapper for reporting to a wxTextCtrl object
 CWX_TEXT_ENTRY_DIALOGA KICAD version of wxTextEntryDialog which supports the various improvements/work-arounds from DIALOG_SHIM
 CWX_UNIT_ENTRY_DIALOGAn extension of WX_TEXT_ENTRY_DIALOG that uses UNIT_BINDER to request a dimension (e.g
 CX2_ATTRIBUTEThe attribute value consists of a number of substrings separated by a comma
 CX2_ATTRIBUTE_FILEFUNCTIONX2_ATTRIBUTE_FILEFUNCTION ( from TF.FileFunction in Gerber file) Example file function: TF.FileFunction,Copper,L1,Top*%
 CX3DNODEThe base class of all X3D nodes
 CXML_PARSER_ERRORImplement a simple wrapper around runtime_error to isolate the errors thrown by the Eagle XML parser
 CXNODEHold an XML or S-expression element
 CXPATHKeep track of what we are working on within a PTREE
 CXY_PLANEA plane that is parallel to XY plane
 CZONEHandle a list of polygons defining a copper zone
 CZONE_CREATE_HELPERAn adjunct helper to the DRAWING_TOOL interactive tool, which handles incoming geometry changes from a POLYGON_GEOM_MANAGER and translates that into a ZONE based on given parameters
 CZONE_FILLER_TOOLHandle actions specific to filling copper zones
 CZONE_MANAGEMENT_BASEClasses need post progress after user click OK
 CZONE_SELECTION_CHANGE_NOTIFIERSubscriber who is interested in the zone selection change
 CZONE_SETTINGSZONE_SETTINGS handles zones parameters