KiCad PCB EDA Suite
STL namespace. More...
Classes | |
class | allocator |
STL class. | |
class | array |
STL class. | |
class | atomic |
STL class. | |
class | atomic_ref |
STL class. | |
class | auto_ptr |
STL class. | |
class | bad_alloc |
STL class. | |
class | bad_cast |
STL class. | |
class | bad_exception |
STL class. | |
class | bad_typeid |
STL class. | |
class | basic_fstream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_ifstream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_ios |
STL class. | |
class | basic_iostream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_istream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_istringstream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_ofstream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_ostream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_ostringstream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_string |
STL class. | |
class | basic_string_view |
STL class. | |
class | basic_stringstream |
STL class. | |
class | bitset |
STL class. | |
class | complex |
STL class. | |
class | deque |
STL class. | |
class | domain_error |
STL class. | |
class | error_category |
STL class. | |
class | error_code |
STL class. | |
class | error_condition |
STL class. | |
class | exception |
STL class. | |
class | forward_list |
STL class. | |
class | fstream |
STL class. | |
struct | hash< BASE_SET > |
struct | hash< CLEARANCE_CACHE_KEY > |
struct | hash< EDA_TEXT > |
struct | hash< GLYPH_CACHE_KEY > |
struct | hash< NET_NAME_CODE_CACHE_KEY > |
struct | hash< NETCODE_LAYER_CACHE_KEY > |
struct | hash< PTR_LAYER_CACHE_KEY > |
struct | hash< PTR_PTR_CACHE_KEY > |
struct | hash< PTR_PTR_LAYER_CACHE_KEY > |
struct | hash< SCALED_BITMAP_ID > |
struct | hash< SCH_SHEET_PATH > |
struct | hash< std::pair< BITMAPS, int > > |
struct | hash< TEXT_ATTRIBUTES > |
struct | hash< TRANSFORM > |
struct | hash< VECTOR2I > |
struct | hash< wxPoint > |
class | ifstream |
STL class. | |
class | invalid_argument |
STL class. | |
class | ios |
STL class. | |
class | ios_base |
STL class. | |
class | istream |
STL class. | |
class | istringstream |
STL class. | |
class | jthread |
STL class. | |
class | length_error |
STL class. | |
struct | less< VECTOR2I > |
struct | less< wxPoint > |
class | list |
STL class. | |
class | lock_guard |
STL class. | |
class | logic_error |
STL class. | |
class | map |
STL class. | |
class | multimap |
STL class. | |
class | multiset |
STL class. | |
class | mutex |
STL class. | |
class | ofstream |
STL class. | |
class | ostream |
STL class. | |
class | ostringstream |
STL class. | |
class | out_of_range |
STL class. | |
class | overflow_error |
STL class. | |
class | priority_queue |
STL class. | |
class | queue |
STL class. | |
class | range_error |
STL class. | |
class | recursive_mutex |
STL class. | |
class | recursive_timed_mutex |
STL class. | |
class | runtime_error |
STL class. | |
class | set |
STL class. | |
class | shared_lock |
STL class. | |
class | shared_mutex |
STL class. | |
class | shared_ptr |
STL class. | |
class | shared_timed_mutex |
STL class. | |
class | smart_ptr |
STL class. | |
class | span |
STL class. | |
class | stack |
STL class. | |
class | string |
STL class. | |
class | string_view |
STL class. | |
class | stringstream |
STL class. | |
class | system_error |
STL class. | |
class | thread |
STL class. | |
class | timed_mutex |
STL class. | |
class | u16string |
STL class. | |
class | u16string_view |
STL class. | |
class | u32string |
STL class. | |
class | u32string_view |
STL class. | |
class | u8string |
STL class. | |
class | u8string_view |
STL class. | |
class | underflow_error |
STL class. | |
class | unique_lock |
STL class. | |
class | unique_ptr |
STL class. | |
class | unordered_map |
STL class. | |
class | unordered_multimap |
STL class. | |
class | unordered_multiset |
STL class. | |
class | unordered_set |
STL class. | |
class | valarray |
STL class. | |
class | vector |
STL class. | |
class | weak_ptr |
STL class. | |
class | wfstream |
STL class. | |
class | wifstream |
STL class. | |
class | wios |
STL class. | |
class | wistream |
STL class. | |
class | wistringstream |
STL class. | |
class | wofstream |
STL class. | |
class | wostream |
STL class. | |
class | wostringstream |
STL class. | |
class | wstring |
STL class. | |
class | wstring_view |
STL class. | |
class | wstringstream |
STL class. | |
Functions | |
EDA_ANGLE | abs (const EDA_ANGLE &aAngle) |
template<typename T > | |
std::ostream & | boost_test_print_type (std::ostream &os, std::vector< T > const &aVec) |
Boost print helper for generic vectors. | |
template<typename K , typename V > | |
std::ostream & | boost_test_print_type (std::ostream &os, std::map< K, V > const &aMap) |
Boost print helper for generic maps. | |
template<typename K , typename V > | |
std::ostream & | boost_test_print_type (std::ostream &os, std::pair< K, V > const &aPair) |
Boost print helper for generic pairs. | |
STL namespace.
Definition at line 390 of file eda_angle.h.
References abs(), EDA_ANGLE::AsDegrees(), and DEGREES_T.
Referenced by abs(), mpScaleBase::AbsMaxValue(), FEATURES_MANAGER::AddPadShape(), FEATURES_MANAGER::AddShape(), PCB_IO_IPC2581::addShape(), SolutionCollector::addSolution(), DXF_IMPORT_PLUGIN::addVertex(), GRID_HELPER::Align(), DIRECTION_45::Angle(), SEG::Angle(), SEG::ApproxCollinear(), approximateLineChainWithArcs(), PNS::ApproximateSegmentAsRect(), SEG::ApproxParallel(), GERBER_PLOTTER::Arc(), HPGL_PLOTTER::Arc(), KIGFX::CAIRO_GAL_BASE::arc_angles_xform_and_normalize(), SHAPE_POLY_SET::TRIANGULATED_POLYGON::TRI::Area(), GEOM_TEST::ArePerpendicular(), PNS::TOPOLOGY::AssembleDiffPair(), EE_GRID_HELPER::BestSnapAnchor(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE_F(), build45DegLeader(), PAD::buildEffectiveShape(), DIRECTION_45::BuildInitialTrace(), ZONE_FILLER::buildThermalSpokes(), CalcArcCenter(), RES_EQUIV_CALC::Calculate(), ZONE::CalculateOutlineArea(), SHAPE_POLY_SET::chamferFilletPolygon(), PNS::DP_GATEWAYS::checkDiagonalAlignment(), CircleToEndSegmentDeltaRadius(), ClampTextPenSize(), SEG::Collinear(), commonParallelProjection(), SCH_SHEET::ComparePageNum(), SCH_LINE_WIRE_BUS_TOOL::computeBreakPoint(), computeCenter(), ComputeDogbone(), ConvertArcToPolyline(), ALTIUM_PCB::ConvertFills6ToFootprintItemOnLayer(), PNS::MEANDER_SHAPE::cornerRadius(), PNS::coupledBypass(), PNS::DIFF_PAIR::CoupledLength(), PNS::DIFF_PAIR::CoupledSegmentPairs(), PCB_IO_EASYEDAPRO_PARSER::createPAD(), DIALOG_COLOR_PICKER::createRGBBitmap(), BOARD_ADAPTER::createTrackWithMargin(), SCH_LINE_WIRE_BUS_TOOL::doDrawSegments(), DRAWING_TOOL::DrawDimension(), POLYGON_TRIANGULATION::earcutList(), DXF_IMPORT_PLUGIN::endEntity(), SIM_VALUE::Equal(), equals(), VECTOR2< T >::EuclideanNorm(), RES_EQUIV_CALC::Exclude(), EXPORTER_PCB_VRML::ExportVrmlFootprint(), fillArcPOLY(), PNS::findAmplitudeBinarySearch(), PNS::findAmplitudeForLength(), SCH_IO_EAGLE::findNearestLinePoint(), EDIT_POINTS::FindPoint(), KIGFX::COLOR4D::FromHSL(), PNS::MEANDER_SHAPE::genMeanderShape(), FOOTPRINT::GetArea(), SCH_SHAPE::GetItemDescription(), DS_DRAW_ITEM_RECT::GetItemDescription(), CADSTAR_PCB_ARCHIVE_LOADER::getKiCadPad(), POLYGON_TEST::getKink(), SHAPE_ARC::GetLength(), PCB_ARC::GetLength(), SCH_TABLECELL::GetMsgPanelInfo(), SCH_TEXTBOX::GetMsgPanelInfo(), PCB_TABLECELL::GetMsgPanelInfo(), PCB_TEXTBOX::GetMsgPanelInfo(), KIGFX::SCH_PAINTER::getOperatingPointTextSize(), BEZIER_POLY::getQuadPoly(), GetVectorSnapped45(), KIGFX::OPENGL_GAL::getWorldPixelSize(), ARRAY_GRID_OPTIONS::gtItemPosRelativeToItem0(), ZONE::HatchBorder(), SCH_NO_CONNECT::HitTest(), PCB_ARC::HitTest(), SHAPE_POLY_SET::Inflate(), SHAPE_POLY_SET::inflate2(), SHAPE_POLY_SET::inflateLine2(), CURSOR::Inside(), CIRCLE::Intersect(), BOX2< Vec >::Intersects(), RAYSEG2D::IntersectSegment(), IntersectSegment(), SHAPE_POLY_SET::SEGMENT_ITERATOR_TEMPLATE< T >::IsAdjacent(), EDA_ANGLE::IsCardinal90(), SHAPE_POLY_SET::IsPolygonSelfIntersecting(), PNS::IsSegment45Degree(), POLYGON_TEST::isSubstantial(), SEG::LineDistance(), PCB_IO_EAGLE::loadPlain(), PCB_IO_EAGLE::loadSignals(), makeComponents(), makeOtherOutlines(), DSN::SPECCTRA_DB::makePADSTACK(), GRAPHICS_IMPORTER_LIB_SYMBOL::MapLineWidth(), GRAPHICS_IMPORTER_SCH::MapLineWidth(), PNS::MEANDER_SHAPE::MinAmplitude(), SIM_VALUE::Normalize(), SHAPE_POLY_SET::OffsetLineChain(), PANEL_R_CALCULATOR::OnCalculateESeries(), PANEL_CABLE_SIZE::OnConductorResistivityChange(), PANEL_CABLE_SIZE::OnConductorThermCoefChange(), DIALOG_COLOR_PICKER::onRGBMouseClick(), PANEL_TRACK_WIDTH::OnTWCalculateFromCurrent(), PANEL_TRACK_WIDTH::OnTWCalculateFromExtWidth(), PANEL_TRACK_WIDTH::OnTWCalculateFromIntWidth(), PANEL_VIA_SIZE::onUpdateViaCalcErrorText(), PANEL_VIA_SIZE::OnViaCalculate(), PCB_IO_EAGLE::orientFPText(), SCH_IO_ALTIUM::ParseImage(), SCH_IO_ALTIUM::ParseRoundRectangle(), SCH_EASYEDAPRO_PARSER::ParseSchematic(), SCH_EASYEDA_PARSER::ParseSchematic(), SCH_EASYEDA_PARSER::ParseSymbolShapes(), PS_PLOTTER::PlotImage(), BRDITEMS_PLOTTER::PlotShape(), pointHasEscapedSnapLineX(), pointHasEscapedSnapLineY(), polyCompare(), mpScaleX::recalculateTicks(), mpScaleY::recalculateTicks(), PDF_PLOTTER::Rect(), Ref1CalcArcCenter(), POLYGON_TRIANGULATION::removeNullTriangles(), rescale(), VECTOR2< T >::Resize(), DRC_TEST_PROVIDER_SLIVER_CHECKER::Run(), DRC_TEST_PROVIDER_TEXT_DIMS::Run(), PNS::SegmentHull(), KIBIS_WAVEFORM_PRBS::SetBits(), KIGFX::PREVIEW::ARC_GEOM_MANAGER::setEnd(), PADSTACK::SetSize(), FABMASTER::setupText(), EDA_SHAPE::ShapeGetMsgPanelInfo(), PNS::shovedArea(), SCH_LABEL_BASE::Similarity(), PNS::MEANDER_SHAPE::spacing(), TestSegmentHit(), PDF_PLOTTER::Text(), SVG_PLOTTER::Text(), BEZIER_POLY::thirdControlPointDeviation(), PNS::Tighten(), KIGFX::COLOR4D::ToHSL(), AR_MATRIX::traceArc(), TransformEllipseToBeziers(), TransformTrapezoidToPolygon(), PANEL_TRACK_WIDTH::TWDisplayValues(), PCB_DIM_ALIGNED::updateGeometry(), PCB_DIM_ORTHOGONAL::updateGeometry(), SCH_TABLECELL_POINT_EDIT_BEHAVIOR::UpdateItem(), PCB_TABLECELL_POINT_EDIT_BEHAVIOR::UpdateItem(), ALIGNED_DIMENSION_POINT_EDIT_BEHAVIOR::updateOrthogonalDimension(), ARC_GEOM_SYNCER::Validate(), KIGFX::PREVIEW::TWO_POINT_ASSISTANT::ViewDraw(), and SCH_LINE::ViewGetLOD().
std::ostream & std::boost_test_print_type | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
std::map< K, V > const & | aMap | ||
) |
Boost print helper for generic maps.
Definition at line 113 of file unit_test_utils.h.
std::ostream & std::boost_test_print_type | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
std::pair< K, V > const & | aPair | ||
) |
Boost print helper for generic pairs.
Definition at line 130 of file unit_test_utils.h.
std::ostream & std::boost_test_print_type | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
std::vector< T > const & | aVec | ||
) |
Boost print helper for generic vectors.
Definition at line 96 of file unit_test_utils.h.