249 auto other =
static_cast<const SCH_TEXT*
>( &aItem );
251 if(
GetLayer() != other->GetLayer() )
252 return GetLayer() < other->GetLayer();
263 return GetText() < other->GetText();
300 const VECTOR2I& aOffset,
bool aForceNoFill,
bool aDimmed )
306 if( blackAndWhiteMode ||
373 int adjust =
KiROUND( sizeDiff * 0.4 );
374 VECTOR2I adjust_offset( 0, - adjust );
377 text_offset += adjust_offset;
412 sheet = aPath->
414 sheet = schematic->CurrentSheet().Last();
416 std::function<bool( wxString* )> textResolver =
417 [&]( wxString* token ) ->
430 if(
text == wxS(
"~" ) )
447 wxT(
"Calling a hypertext menu on a SCH_TEXT with no hyperlink?" ) );
456 return wxString::Format(
"Graphic Text '%s'" ),
463 return BITMAPS::text;
514 int aUnit,
int aBodyStyle,
const VECTOR2I& aOffset,
bool aDimmed )
527 if( connection && connection->
IsBus() )
535 else if( bg == COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED || !aPlotter->
GetColorMode() )
545 penWidth = std::max( penWidth, renderSettings->
GetMinPenWidth() );
596 int adjust =
KiROUND( sizeDiff * 0.4 );
597 VECTOR2I adjust_offset( 0, - adjust );
600 text_offset += adjust_offset;
603 std::vector<VECTOR2I> positions;
604 wxArrayString strings_list;
606 positions.reserve( strings_list.Count() );
612 for(
unsigned ii = 0; ii < strings_list.Count(); ii++ )
614 VECTOR2I textpos = positions[ii] + text_offset;
615 wxString& txt = strings_list.Item( ii );
633 aList.emplace_back(
"Exclude from" ),
"Simulation" ) );
635 aList.emplace_back(
"Font" ),
GetFont() ?
GetFont()->GetName() :
"Default" ) );
637 wxString textStyle[] = {
"Normal" ),
"Italic" ),
"Bold" ),
"Bold Italic" ) };
639 aList.emplace_back(
"Style" ), textStyle[style] );
653 aList.emplace_back(
"H Justification" ), msg );
663 aList.emplace_back(
"V Justification" ), msg );
667 aList.emplace_back(
"Justification" ), msg );
747void SCH_TEXT::Show(
int nestLevel, std::ostream& os )
752 NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) <<
'<' << s.Lower().mb_str()
753 <<
" layer=\"" <<
m_layer <<
756 <<
"</" << s.Lower().mb_str() <<
781 _HKI(
"Text Properties" ) );
constexpr EDA_IU_SCALE schIUScale
A list of all bitmap identifiers.
constexpr BOX2I KiROUND(const BOX2D &aBoxD)
static const ADVANCED_CFG & GetCfg()
Get the singleton instance's config, which is shared by all consumers.
constexpr BOX2< Vec > & Inflate(coord_type dx, coord_type dy)
Inflates the rectangle horizontally by dx and vertically by dy.
constexpr const Vec GetEnd() const
constexpr void SetOrigin(const Vec &pos)
constexpr BOX2< Vec > & Normalize()
Ensure that the height and width are positive.
constexpr size_type GetWidth() const
constexpr Vec Centre() const
constexpr size_type GetHeight() const
constexpr bool Contains(const Vec &aPoint) const
constexpr const Vec & GetOrigin() const
constexpr void SetEnd(coord_type x, coord_type y)
constexpr bool Intersects(const BOX2< Vec > &aRect) const
The base class for create windows for drawing purpose.
KICAD_T Type() const
Returns the type of object.
A mix-in class (via multiple inheritance) that handles texts such as labels, parts,...
int GetTextHeight() const
const VECTOR2I & GetTextPos() const
COLOR4D GetTextColor() const
const EDA_ANGLE & GetTextAngle() const
virtual const wxString & GetText() const
Return the string associated with the text object.
virtual bool IsVisible() const
void SetTextPos(const VECTOR2I &aPoint)
KIFONT::FONT * GetFont() const
BOX2I GetTextBox(int aLine=-1) const
Useful in multiline texts to calculate the full text or a line area (for zones filling,...
virtual EDA_ANGLE GetDrawRotation() const
wxString m_hyperlink
A hyperlink URL.
virtual bool HasHyperlink() const
void SetVertJustify(GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_T aType)
wxString GetHyperlink() const
GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_T GetHorizJustify() const
bool HasTextVars() const
Indicates the ShownText has text var references which need to be processed.
void GetLinePositions(std::vector< VECTOR2I > &aPositions, int aLineCount) const
Populate aPositions with the position of each line of a multiline text, according to the vertical jus...
double Similarity(const EDA_TEXT &aOther) const
const TEXT_ATTRIBUTES & GetAttributes() const
int GetEffectiveTextPenWidth(int aDefaultPenWidth=0) const
The EffectiveTextPenWidth uses the text thickness if > 1 or aDefaultPenWidth.
void SwapAttributes(EDA_TEXT &aTradingPartner)
Swap the text attributes of the two involved instances.
GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_T GetVertJustify() const
virtual wxString GetShownText(bool aAllowExtraText, int aDepth=0) const
Return the string actually shown after processing of the base text.
virtual void SetTextAngle(const EDA_ANGLE &aAngle)
void Print(const RENDER_SETTINGS *aSettings, const VECTOR2I &aOffset, const COLOR4D &aColor, OUTLINE_MODE aDisplay_mode=FILLED)
Print this text object to the device context aDC.
void SwapText(EDA_TEXT &aTradingPartner)
bool operator==(const EDA_TEXT &aRhs) const
void SetMultilineAllowed(bool aAllow)
VECTOR2I GetTextSize() const
void SetHorizJustify(GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_T aType)
FONT is an abstract base class for both outline and stroke fonts.
static FONT * GetFont(const wxString &aFontName=wxEmptyString, bool aBold=false, bool aItalic=false, const std::vector< wxString > *aEmbeddedFiles=nullptr, bool aForDrawingSheet=false)
virtual bool IsOutline() const
A color representation with 4 components: red, green, blue, alpha.
Container for all the knowledge about how graphical objects are drawn on any output surface/device.
int GetDefaultPenWidth() const
int GetMinPenWidth() const
const wxString & GetDefaultFont() const
const COLOR4D & GetLayerColor(int aLayer) const
Return the color used to draw a layer.
wxDC * GetPrintDC() const
Base plotter engine class.
RENDER_SETTINGS * RenderSettings()
virtual void HyperlinkBox(const BOX2I &aBox, const wxString &aDestinationURL)
Create a clickable hyperlink with a rectangular click area.
bool GetColorMode() const
virtual void SetCurrentLineWidth(int width, void *aData=nullptr)=0
Set the line width for the next drawing.
virtual void PlotText(const VECTOR2I &aPos, const COLOR4D &aColor, const wxString &aText, const TEXT_ATTRIBUTES &aAttributes, KIFONT::FONT *aFont=nullptr, const KIFONT::METRICS &aFontMetrics=KIFONT::METRICS::Default(), void *aData=nullptr)
Provide class metadata.Helper macro to map type hashes to names.
void InheritsAfter(TYPE_ID aDerived, TYPE_ID aBase)
Declare an inheritance relationship between types.
void Mask(TYPE_ID aDerived, TYPE_ID aBase, const wxString &aName)
Sets a base class property as masked in a derived class.
static PROPERTY_MANAGER & Instance()
PROPERTY_BASE & AddProperty(PROPERTY_BASE *aProperty, const wxString &aGroup=wxEmptyString)
Register a property.
void AddTypeCast(TYPE_CAST_BASE *aCast)
Register a type converter.
Holds all the data relating to one schematic.
SCH_SHEET_PATH & CurrentSheet() const override
SCHEMATIC_SETTINGS & Settings() const
Each graphical item can have a SCH_CONNECTION describing its logical connection (to a bus or net).
Base class for any item which can be embedded within the SCHEMATIC container class,...
const wxString & GetDefaultFont() const
SCH_RENDER_SETTINGS * getRenderSettings(PLOTTER *aPlotter) const
SCHEMATIC * Schematic() const
Search the item hierarchy to find a SCHEMATIC.
SCH_LAYER_ID GetLayer() const
Return the layer this item is on.
virtual int compare(const SCH_ITEM &aOther, int aCompareFlags=0) const
Provide the draw object specific comparison called by the == and < operators.
void SwapFlags(SCH_ITEM *aItem)
Swap the non-temp and non-edit flags.
SCH_CONNECTION * Connection(const SCH_SHEET_PATH *aSheet=nullptr) const
Retrieve the connection associated with this object in the given sheet.
const KIFONT::METRICS & GetFontMetrics() const
double SimilarityBase(const SCH_ITEM &aItem) const
Calculate the boilerplate similarity for all LIB_ITEMs without preventing the use above of a pure vir...
VECTOR2I TransformCoordinate(const VECTOR2I &aPoint) const
const KIGFX::COLOR4D & GetBackgroundColor() const override
Return current background color settings.
Handle access to a stack of flattened SCH_SHEET objects by way of a path for creating a flattened sch...
SCH_SHEET * Last() const
Return a pointer to the last SCH_SHEET of the list.
Sheet symbol placed in a schematic, and is the entry point for a sub schematic.
bool ResolveTextVar(const SCH_SHEET_PATH *aPath, wxString *token, int aDepth=0) const
Resolve any references to system tokens supported by the sheet.
wxString GetItemDescription(UNITS_PROVIDER *aUnitsProvider, bool aFull) const override
Return a user-visible description string of this item.
void DoHypertextAction(EDA_DRAW_FRAME *aFrame) const override
int compare(const SCH_ITEM &aOther, int aCompareFlags=0) const override
Provide the draw object specific comparison called by the == and < operators.
bool IsHypertext() const override
Allow items to support hypertext actions when hovered/clicked.
BITMAPS GetMenuImage() const override
Return a pointer to an image to be used in menus.
int GetSchTextSize() const
void MirrorVertically(int aCenter) override
Mirror item vertically about aCenter.
void Rotate(const VECTOR2I &aCenter, bool aRotateCCW) override
Rotate the item around aCenter 90 degrees in the clockwise direction.
void CalcEdit(const VECTOR2I &aPosition) override
Calculate the attributes of an item at aPosition when it is being edited.
wxString GetClass() const override
Return the class name.
void NormalizeJustification(bool inverse)
bool operator<(const SCH_ITEM &aItem) const override
VECTOR2I GetPosition() const override
virtual void Rotate90(bool aClockwise)
KIFONT::FONT * getDrawFont() const override
std::vector< int > ViewGetLayers() const override
Return the layers the item is drawn on (which may be more than its "home" layer)
void MirrorHorizontally(int aCenter) override
Mirror item horizontally about aCenter.
void Print(const SCH_RENDER_SETTINGS *aSettings, int aUnit, int aBodyStyle, const VECTOR2I &offset, bool aForceNoFill, bool aDimmed) override
Print an item.
double Similarity(const SCH_ITEM &aItem) const override
Return a measure of how likely the other object is to represent the same object.
void SwapData(SCH_ITEM *aItem) override
Swap the internal data structures aItem with the schematic item.
const BOX2I GetBoundingBox() const override
Return the orthogonal bounding box of this object for display purposes.
int GetPenWidth() const override
void SetSchTextSize(int aSize)
virtual wxString GetShownText(const SCH_SHEET_PATH *aPath, bool aAllowExtraText, int aDepth=0) const
void Plot(PLOTTER *aPlotter, bool aBackground, const SCH_PLOT_OPTS &aPlotOpts, int aUnit, int aBodyStyle, const VECTOR2I &aOffset, bool aDimmed) override
Plot the item to aPlotter.
bool HitTest(const VECTOR2I &aPosition, int aAccuracy=0) const override
Test if aPosition is inside or on the boundary of this item.
void GetMsgPanelInfo(EDA_DRAW_FRAME *aFrame, std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM > &aList) override
Populate aList of MSG_PANEL_ITEM objects with it's internal state for display purposes.
void BeginEdit(const VECTOR2I &aStartPoint) override
Begin drawing a symbol library draw item at aPosition.
virtual VECTOR2I GetSchematicTextOffset(const RENDER_SETTINGS *aSettings) const
This offset depends on the orientation, the type of text, and the area required to draw the associate...
bool GetExcludedFromSim() const override
virtual void MirrorSpinStyle(bool aLeftRight)
bool operator==(const SCH_ITEM &aItem) const override
int GetTextOffset(const RENDER_SETTINGS *aSettings=nullptr) const
SCH_TEXT(const VECTOR2I &aPos={ 0, 0 }, const wxString &aText=wxEmptyString, SCH_LAYER_ID aLayer=LAYER_NOTES, KICAD_T aType=SCH_TEXT_T)
wxString MessageTextFromValue(double aValue, bool aAddUnitLabel=true, EDA_DATA_TYPE aType=EDA_DATA_TYPE::DISTANCE) const
A lower-precision version of StringFromValue().
wxString ExpandTextVars(const wxString &aSource, const PROJECT *aProject, int aFlags)
Ratio of the font height to space around global labels.
static constexpr EDA_ANGLE ANGLE_90
static constexpr EDA_ANGLE ANGLE_270
flag indication structures to be erased
flag indicating that the structure should be ignored
bool GetGRForceBlackPenState(void)
void GRPrintText(wxDC *aDC, const VECTOR2I &aPos, const COLOR4D &aColor, const wxString &aText, const EDA_ANGLE &aOrient, const VECTOR2I &aSize, enum GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_T aH_justify, enum GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_T aV_justify, int aWidth, bool aItalic, bool aBold, KIFONT::FONT *aFont, const KIFONT::METRICS &aFontMetrics)
Print a graphic text through wxDC.
Eeschema drawing layers.
constexpr T MIRRORVAL(T aPoint, T aMirrorRef)
Returns the mirror of aPoint relative to the aMirrorRef.
Message panel definition file.
KICOMMON_API wxString EllipsizeMenuText(const wxString &aString)
Ellipsize text (at the end) to be no more than 36 characters.
KICOMMON_API wxString EllipsizeStatusText(wxWindow *aWindow, const wxString &aString)
Ellipsize text (at the end) to be no more than 1/3 of the window width.
void wxStringSplit(const wxString &aText, wxArrayString &aStrings, wxChar aSplitter)
Split aString to a string list separated at aSplitter.
#define TO_UTF8(wxstring)
Convert a wxString to a UTF8 encoded C string for all wxWidgets build modes.
void RotatePoint(int *pX, int *pY, const EDA_ANGLE &aAngle)
Calculate the new point of coord coord pX, pY, for a rotation center 0, 0.
The set of class identification values stored in EDA_ITEM::m_structType.
Used for holding indeterminate values, such as with multiple selections holding different values or c...
VECTOR2< int32_t > VECTOR2I