88 constexpr inline int mmToIU(
double mm )
93 constexpr inline int MilsToIU(
int mils )
96 return int( x < 0 ? x - 0.5 : x + 0.5 );
103 return static_cast<int>( mils < 0 ? mils - 0.5 : mils + 0.5 );
constexpr EDA_IU_SCALE schIUScale
constexpr double SCH_IU_PER_MM
Schematic internal units 1=100nm.
constexpr int ARC_HIGH_DEF
constexpr double PCB_IU_PER_MM
Pcbnew IU is 1 nanometer.
constexpr double GERB_IU_PER_MM
some macros and functions to convert a value in mils, decimils or mm to the internal unit used in pcb...
constexpr EDA_IU_SCALE drawSheetIUScale
constexpr EDA_IU_SCALE pcbIUScale
constexpr int ARC_LOW_DEF
constexpr EDA_IU_SCALE unityScale
constexpr EDA_IU_SCALE gerbIUScale
constexpr double PL_IU_PER_MM
Internal units in micron (should be enough).
constexpr double IUTomm(int iu) const
constexpr int IUToMils(int iu) const
constexpr EDA_IU_SCALE(double aIUPerMM)
constexpr int MilsToIU(int mils) const
constexpr int mmToIU(double mm) const