116 return it->second.GetBrightness() < 0.5;
192 virtual bool Draw(
const VIEW_ITEM* aItem,
int aLayer )
201 void draw(
const PAD* aPad,
int aLayer );
210 void draw(
const ZONE* aZone,
int aLayer );
Determine how inactive layers should be displayed.
A base class for any item which can be embedded within the BOARD container class, and therefore insta...
Information pertinent to a Pcbnew printed circuit board.
Color settings are a bit different than most of the settings objects in that there can be more than o...
A base class for most all the KiCad significant classes used in schematics and boards.
A color representation with 4 components: red, green, blue, alpha.
static const COLOR4D BLACK
Abstract interface for drawing on a 2D-surface.
Contains all the knowledge about how to draw graphical object onto any particular output device.
Contains methods for drawing PCB-specific items.
virtual SHAPE_SEGMENT getPadHoleShape(const PAD *aPad) const
Return hole shape for a pad (internal units).
int getLineThickness(int aActualThickness) const
Get the thickness to draw for a line (e.g.
virtual PCB_RENDER_SETTINGS * GetSettings() override
Return a pointer to current settings that are going to be used when drawing items.
void renderNetNameForSegment(const SHAPE_SEGMENT &aSeg, const COLOR4D &aColor, const wxString &aNetName) const
PCB_VIEWERS_SETTINGS_BASE * viewer_settings()
void draw(const PCB_TRACK *aTrack, int aLayer)
virtual PAD_DRILL_SHAPE getDrillShape(const PAD *aPad) const
Return drill shape of a pad.
int m_holePlatingThickness
virtual int getViaDrillSize(const PCB_VIA *aVia) const
Return drill diameter for a via (internal units).
void strokeText(const wxString &aText, const VECTOR2I &aPosition, const TEXT_ATTRIBUTES &aAttrs, const KIFONT::METRICS &aFontMetrics)
virtual bool Draw(const VIEW_ITEM *aItem, int aLayer) override
Takes an instance of VIEW_ITEM and passes it to a function that knows how to draw the item.
PCB specific render settings.
void SetNetColorMode(NET_COLOR_MODE aMode)
double m_zoneOpacity
Opacity override for filled zones.
double m_trackOpacity
Opacity override for all tracks.
const std::set< int > & GetHiddenNets() const
double m_imageOpacity
Opacity override for user images.
bool IsBackgroundDark() const override
std::set< int > & GetHiddenNets()
const COLOR4D & GetCursorColor() override
Return current cursor color settings.
double m_viaOpacity
Opacity override for all types of via.
const COLOR4D & GetBackgroundColor() const override
Return current background color settings.
NET_COLOR_MODE GetNetColorMode() const
void LoadColors(const COLOR_SETTINGS *aSettings) override
double m_padOpacity
Opacity override for SMD pads and PTHs.
const COLOR4D & GetGridColor() override
Return current grid color settings.
COLOR4D GetColor(std::nullptr_t, int aLayer) const
void SetBackgroundColor(const COLOR4D &aColor) override
Set the background color.
COLOR4D GetColor(const VIEW_ITEM *aItem, int aLayer) const override
Returns the color that should be used to draw the specific VIEW_ITEM on the specific layer using curr...
std::set< int > m_hiddenNets
HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE m_ContrastModeDisplay
std::map< int, KIGFX::COLOR4D > m_netColors
Set of net codes that should not have their ratsnest displayed.
std::map< int, KIGFX::COLOR4D > & GetNetColorMap()
NET_COLOR_MODE m_netColorMode
Overrides for specific netclass colors.
static const double MAX_FONT_SIZE
< Maximum font size for netnames (and other dynamically shown strings)
double m_filledShapeOpacity
Opacity override for graphic shapes.
bool m_ForceShowFieldsWhenFPSelected
std::map< wxString, KIGFX::COLOR4D > m_netclassColors
Overrides for specific net colors, stored as netcodes for the ratsnest to access easily.
bool GetShowPageLimits() const override
void LoadDisplayOptions(const PCB_DISPLAY_OPTIONS &aOptions)
Load settings related to display options (high-contrast mode, full or outline modes for vias/pads/tra...
bool m_ForcePadSketchModeOn
Container for all the knowledge about how graphical objects are drawn on any output surface/device.
std::map< int, COLOR4D > m_layerColors
An abstract base class for deriving all objects that can be added to a VIEW.
Container for NETINFO_ITEM elements, which are the nets.
NET_SETTINGS stores various net-related settings in a project context.
A set of BOARD_ITEMs (i.e., without duplicates).
Object to handle a bitmap image that can be inserted in a PCB.
Handle a list of polygons defining a copper zone.
The set of EDA_BASE_FRAME derivatives, typically stored in EDA_BASE_FRAME::m_Ident.
PCB background color.
PCB cursor.
The Cairo implementation of the graphics abstraction layer.
The set of pad drill shapes, used with PAD::{Set,Get}DrillShape()