243 void Serialize( google::protobuf::Any &aContainer )
const override;
244 bool Deserialize(
const google::protobuf::Any &aContainer )
257 wxString
368 void AppendPrimitives(
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PCB_SHAPE>>& aPrimitivesList,
377 void ReplacePrimitives(
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PCB_SHAPE>>& aPrimitivesList,
A base class for any item which can be embedded within the BOARD container class, and therefore insta...
LSET is a set of PCB_LAYER_IDs.
A PADSTACK defines the characteristics of a single or multi-layer pad, in the IPC sense of the word.
void SetRoundRectRadius(double aRadius, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
const DRILL_PROPS & Drill() const
bool operator==(const PADSTACK &aOther) const
CUSTOM_SHAPE_ZONE_MODE CustomShapeInZoneMode() const
void SetCustomShapeInZoneMode(CUSTOM_SHAPE_ZONE_MODE aM)
std::optional< int > & Clearance(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
bool Deserialize(const google::protobuf::Any &aContainer) override
Deserializes the given protobuf message into this object.
void SetChamferRatio(double aRatio, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
MASK_LAYER_PROPS & FrontOuterLayers()
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PCB_SHAPE > > & Primitives(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
void SetChamferPositions(int aPositions, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
std::optional< double > & SolderPasteMarginRatio(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
wxString m_customName
! An override for the IPC-7351 padstack name
void SetAnchorShape(PAD_SHAPE aShape, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
void SetRoundRectRadiusRatio(double aRatio, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
! The primary drill parameters, which also define the start and end layers for through-hole vias and ...
void SetThermalSpokeAngle(EDA_ANGLE aAngle, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
UNCONNECTED_LAYER_MODE m_unconnectedLayerMode
void SetUnconnectedLayerMode(UNCONNECTED_LAYER_MODE aMode)
COPPER_LAYER_PROPS & CopperLayerDefaults()
std::optional< bool > IsTented(PCB_LAYER_ID aSide) const
Checks if this padstack is tented (covered in soldermask) on the given side.
std::optional< int > & ThermalSpokeWidth(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
std::optional< int > & SolderPasteMargin(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
void SetOrientation(EDA_ANGLE aAngle)
const MASK_LAYER_PROPS & BackOuterLayers() const
std::optional< int > & SolderMaskMargin(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
const LSET & LayerSet() const
PADSTACK & operator=(const PADSTACK &aOther)
std::unordered_map< PCB_LAYER_ID, COPPER_LAYER_PROPS > m_copperOverrides
! Any entries here override the copper layer settings on the given copper layer.
EDA_ANGLE DefaultThermalSpokeAngleForShape(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu) const
DRILL_PROPS m_secondaryDrill
! Secondary drill, used to define back-drilling
PAD_SHAPE AnchorShape(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu) const
MASK_LAYER_PROPS m_backMaskProps
! The overrides applied to back outer technical layers
COPPER_LAYER_PROPS m_defaultCopperProps
! The properties applied to copper layers if they aren't overridden
int RoundRectRadius(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu) const
const COPPER_LAYER_PROPS & CopperLayerDefaults() const
EDA_ANGLE ThermalSpokeAngle(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu) const
void AppendPrimitives(const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PCB_SHAPE > > &aPrimitivesList, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
Appends a copy of each shape in the given list to this padstack's custom shape list.
CUSTOM_SHAPE_ZONE_MODE m_customShapeInZoneMode
How to build the custom shape in zone, to create the clearance area: CUSTOM_SHAPE_ZONE_MODE::OUTLINE ...
void AddPrimitive(PCB_SHAPE *aShape, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
Adds a custom shape primitive to the padstack.
int & ChamferPositions(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
const MASK_LAYER_PROPS & FrontOuterLayers() const
UNCONNECTED_LAYER_MODE UnconnectedLayerMode() const
std::optional< int > & ThermalGap(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
BOARD_ITEM * m_parent
! The BOARD_ITEM this PADSTACK belongs to; will be used as the parent for owned shapes
LSET m_layerSet
! The board layers that this padstack is active on
double RoundRectRadiusRatio(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu) const
VECTOR2I & TrapezoidDeltaSize(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
PCB_LAYER_ID EndLayer() const
const DRILL_PROPS & SecondaryDrill() const
PAD_DRILL_SHAPE DrillShape(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu) const
MASK_LAYER_PROPS m_frontMaskProps
! The overrides applied to front outer technical layers
VECTOR2I & Offset(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
void ClearPrimitives(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
virtual ~PADSTACK()=default
Shapes can be defined on arbitrary layers.
Up to three shapes can be defined (top, inner, bottom)
DRILL_PROPS & SecondaryDrill()
void SetDrillShape(PAD_DRILL_SHAPE aShape, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
! Whether or not to remove the copper shape for unconnected layers
PCB_LAYER_ID StartLayer() const
bool operator!=(const PADSTACK &aOther) const
MASK_LAYER_PROPS & BackOuterLayers()
void Serialize(google::protobuf::Any &aContainer) const override
Serializes this object to the given Any message.
wxString Name() const
! Returns the name of this padstack in IPC-7351 format
double ChamferRatio(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu) const
PAD_SHAPE Shape(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu) const
void ReplacePrimitives(const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PCB_SHAPE > > &aPrimitivesList, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
Clears the existing primitive list (freeing the owned shapes) and adds copies of the given shapes to ...
EDA_ANGLE GetOrientation() const
void SetLayerSet(const LSET &aSet)
std::optional< ZONE_CONNECTION > & ZoneConnection(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
! Padstack type, mostly for IPC-7351 naming and attributes Note that TYPE::MOUNTING is probably not c...
Padstack for a footprint pad.
A mounting hole (plated or unplated, not associated with a footprint)
MODE m_mode
! The copper layer variation mode this padstack is in
void SetShape(PAD_SHAPE aShape, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=F_Cu)
EDA_ANGLE m_orientation
! The rotation of the pad relative to an outer reference frame
Interface for objects that can be serialized to Protobuf messages.
A quick note on layer IDs:
The set of pad drill shapes, used with PAD::{Set,Get}DrillShape()
The set of pad shapes, used with PAD::{Set,Get}Attribute().
like PAD_PTH, but not plated mechanical use only, no connection allowed
Smd pad, appears on the solder paste layer (default)
Plated through hole pad.
Like smd, does not appear on the solder paste layer (default) Note: also has a special attribute in G...
The set of pad shapes, used with PAD::{Set,Get}Shape()
The set of pad properties used in Gerber files (Draw files, and P&P files) to define some properties ...
a fiducial (usually a smd) local to the parent footprint
a fiducial (usually a smd) for the full board
a pad used for mechanical support
a pad used as heat sink, usually in SMD footprints
no special fabrication property
a test point pad
a pad with a castellated through hole
Smd pad, used in BGA footprints.
The features of a padstack that can vary between copper layers All parameters are optional; leaving t...
std::optional< ZONE_CONNECTION > zone_connection
std::optional< int > thermal_spoke_width
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PCB_SHAPE > > custom_shapes
bool operator==(const COPPER_LAYER_PROPS &aOther) const
std::optional< EDA_ANGLE > thermal_spoke_angle
std::optional< int > clearance
std::optional< int > thermal_gap
! The properties of a padstack drill. Drill position is always the pad position (origin).
bool operator==(const DRILL_PROPS &aOther) const
Drill diameter (x == y) or slot dimensions (x != y)
! The features of a padstack that can vary on outer layers.
bool operator==(const MASK_LAYER_PROPS &aOther) const
std::optional< int > solder_mask_margin
std::optional< int > solder_paste_margin
std::optional< double > solder_paste_margin_ratio
std::optional< bool > has_solder_mask
True if this outer layer has mask (is not tented)
std::optional< bool > has_solder_paste
True if this outer layer has solder paste.
! The set of properties that define a pad's shape on a given layer
int chamfered_rect_positions
VECTOR2I trapezoid_delta_size
Delta for PAD_SHAPE::TRAPEZOID; half the delta squeezes one end and half expands the other.
double round_rect_corner_radius
VECTOR2I offset
Offset of the shape center from the pad center.
bool operator==(const SHAPE_PROPS &aOther) const
Size of the shape, or of the anchor pad for custom shape pads.
double chamfered_rect_ratio
Size of chamfer: ratio of smallest of X,Y size.
double round_rect_radius_ratio
Shape of the pad.
PAD_SHAPE anchor_shape
Shape of the anchor when shape == PAD_SHAPE::CUSTOM.