60 wxString::Format(
"Cannot use relative file paths in sexpr plugin to "
94 auto formatter = std::make_unique<PRETTIFIED_FILE_OUTPUTFORMATTER>( fn.GetFullPath() );
96 formatter->Print(
"(kicad_symbol_lib (version %d) (generator \"kicad_symbol_editor\") "
97 "(generator_version \"%s\")",
101 std::vector<LIB_SYMBOL*> orderedSymbols;
106 orderedSymbols.push_back( symbol );
110 std::sort( orderedSymbols.begin(), orderedSymbols.end(),
113 unsigned int lhDepth = aLhs->GetInheritanceDepth();
114 unsigned int rhDepth = aRhs->GetInheritanceDepth();
116 if( lhDepth == rhDepth )
117 return aLhs->GetName() < aRhs->GetName();
119 return lhDepth < rhDepth;
125 formatter->Print(
")" );
135 const wxString& aLibName,
bool aIncludeData )
137 wxCHECK_RET( aSymbol,
"Invalid LIB_SYMBOL pointer." );
153 std::vector<SCH_FIELD*> fields;
157 if( !aLibName.IsEmpty() )
163 wxCHECK2( unitId.
Parse( aLibName ) < 0, );
170 aFormatter.
"(symbol %s",
name.c_str() );
173 aFormatter.
"(power)" );
180 aFormatter.
"(pin_numbers (hide yes))" );
185 aFormatter.
"(pin_names" );
189 aFormatter.
"(offset %s)",
197 aFormatter.
")" );
222 nextFreeFieldId += 1;
229 std::sort( units.begin(), units.end(),
232 if( a.m_unit == b.m_unit )
233 return a.m_bodyStyle < b.m_bodyStyle;
235 return a.m_unit < b.m_unit;
244 aFormatter.
"(symbol %s_%d_%d\"",
253 aFormatter.
"(unit_name %s)", aFormatter.
name ).c_str() );
263 std::multiset<
decltype( cmp )> save_map( cmp );
265 for(
SCH_ITEM* item : unit.m_items )
266 save_map.insert( item );
271 aFormatter.
")" );
281 std::shared_ptr<LIB_SYMBOL> parent = aSymbol->
285 aFormatter.
"(symbol %s (extends %s)",
287 aFormatter.
Quotew( parent->GetName() ).c_str() );
299 aFormatter.
")" );
305 int& aNextFreeFieldId )
307 wxCHECK_RET( aSymbol,
"Invalid LIB_SYMBOL pointer." );
311 SCH_FIELD keywords(
nullptr, aNextFreeFieldId, wxString(
"ki_keywords" ) );
315 aNextFreeFieldId += 1;
320 if( !fpFilters.IsEmpty() )
324 for(
const wxString&
filter : fpFilters )
332 tmp +=
" " + curr_filter;
335 SCH_FIELD description(
nullptr, aNextFreeFieldId, wxString(
"ki_fp_filters" ) );
339 aNextFreeFieldId += 1;
346 wxCHECK_RET( aItem,
"Invalid SCH_ITEM pointer." );
348 switch( aItem->
Type() )
361 formatArc( &aFormatter, shape, isPrivate, stroke, fillMode, fillColor,
true );
364 case SHAPE_T::CIRCLE:
365 formatCircle( &aFormatter, shape, isPrivate, stroke, fillMode, fillColor,
true );
369 formatRect( &aFormatter, shape, isPrivate, stroke, fillMode, fillColor,
true );
372 case SHAPE_T::BEZIER:
373 formatBezier(&aFormatter, shape, isPrivate, stroke, fillMode, fillColor,
true );
377 formatPoly( &aFormatter, shape, isPrivate, stroke, fillMode, fillColor,
true );
407 wxCHECK_RET( aField && aField->
Type() ==
"Invalid SCH_FIELD object." );
409 wxString fieldName = aField->
414 aFormatter.
"(property %s %s %s (at %s %s %g)",
416 aFormatter.
Quotew( fieldName ).c_str(),
425 aFormatter.
"(show_name)" );
428 aFormatter.
"(do_not_autoplace)" );
430 aField->
Format( &aFormatter, 0 );
431 aFormatter.
")" );
437 wxCHECK_RET( aPin && aPin->
Type() ==
"Invalid SCH_PIN object." );
441 aFormatter.
"(pin %s %s (at %s %s %s) (length %s)",
456 aFormatter.
"(name %s (effects (font (size %s %s))))",
463 aFormatter.
"(number %s (effects (font (size %s %s))))",
471 for(
const std::pair<const wxString, SCH_PIN::ALT>& alt : aPin->
GetAlternates() )
473 aFormatter.
"(alternate %s %s %s)",
474 aFormatter.
Quotew( alt.second.m_Name ).c_str(),
479 aFormatter.
")" );
485 wxCHECK_RET( aText && aText->
Type() ==
"Invalid SCH_TEXT object." );
487 aFormatter.
"(text %s %s (at %s %s %g)",
496 aText->EDA_TEXT::Format( &aFormatter, 0 );
497 aFormatter.
")" );
503 wxCHECK_RET( aTextBox && aTextBox->
Type() ==
"Invalid SCH_TEXTBOX object." );
505 aFormatter.
"(text_box %s %s",
512 aFormatter.
"(at %s %s %s) (size %s %s) (margins %s %s %s %s)",
525 aTextBox->EDA_TEXT::Format( &aFormatter, 0 );
526 aFormatter.
")" );
532 LIB_SYMBOL_MAP::iterator it =
m_symbols.find( aSymbolName );
535 THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format(
"library %s does not contain a symbol named %s" ),
547 LIB_SYMBOL_MAP::iterator it1 =
551 if( it1->second->IsAlias()
552 && it1->second->GetParent().lock() == rootSymbol->
SharedPtr() )
constexpr EDA_IU_SCALE schIUScale
wxString GetMajorMinorVersion()
Get only the major and minor version in a string major.minor.
int AsTenthsOfADegree() const
KICAD_T Type() const
Returns the type of object.
FILL_T GetFillMode() const
const VECTOR2I & GetEnd() const
Return the ending point of the graphic.
const VECTOR2I & GetStart() const
Return the starting point of the graphic.
COLOR4D GetFillColor() const
wxString SHAPE_T_asString() const
const EDA_ANGLE & GetTextAngle() const
virtual const wxString & GetText() const
Return the string associated with the text object.
virtual void Format(OUTPUTFORMATTER *aFormatter, int aControlBits) const
Output the object to aFormatter in s-expression form.
virtual void SetVisible(bool aVisible)
void WriteEmbeddedFiles(OUTPUTFORMATTER &aOut, bool aWriteData) const
Output formatter for the embedded files.
void ClearEmbeddedFonts()
Remove all embedded fonts from the collection.
const std::map< wxString, EMBEDDED_FILE * > & EmbeddedFileMap() const
bool GetAreFontsEmbedded() const
A LINE_READER that reads from an open file.
A color representation with 4 components: red, green, blue, alpha.
A logical library item identifier and consists of various portions much like a URI.
int Parse(const UTF8 &aId, bool aFix=false)
Parse LIB_ID with the information from aId.
const UTF8 & GetLibItemName() const
Define a library symbol object.
const LIB_ID & GetLibId() const override
wxString GetKeyWords() const override
bool IsPower() const override
bool UnitsLocked() const
Check whether symbol units are interchangeable.
int GetNextAvailableFieldId() const
bool IsRoot() const override
For symbols derived from other symbols, IsRoot() indicates no derivation.
std::vector< struct LIB_SYMBOL_UNIT > GetUnitDrawItems()
Return a list of SCH_ITEM objects separated by unit and convert number.
wxString GetUnitDisplayName(int aUnit) override
Return the user-defined display name for aUnit for symbols with units.
void GetFields(std::vector< SCH_FIELD * > &aList, bool aVisibleOnly=false) override
Return a list of fields within this symbol.
wxArrayString GetFPFilters() const
bool HasUnitDisplayName(int aUnit) override
Return true if the given unit aUnit has a display name defined.
LIB_SYMBOL_SPTR SharedPtr() const
EMBEDDED_FILES * GetEmbeddedFiles() override
LIB_SYMBOL_REF & GetParent()
void EmbedFonts() override
Instantiate the current locale within a scope in which you are expecting exceptions to be thrown.
Instances are attached to a symbol or sheet and provide a place for the symbol's value,...
VECTOR2I GetPosition() const override
wxString GetName(bool aUseDefaultName=true) const
Return the field name (not translated).
bool CanAutoplace() const
void SetText(const wxString &aText) override
int m_fileFormatVersionAtLoad
static void saveSymbolDrawItem(SCH_ITEM *aItem, OUTPUTFORMATTER &aFormatter)
SCH_IO_KICAD_SEXPR_LIB_CACHE(const wxString &aLibraryPath)
static void SaveSymbol(LIB_SYMBOL *aSymbol, OUTPUTFORMATTER &aFormatter, const wxString &aLibName=wxEmptyString, bool aIncludeData=true)
static void saveDcmInfoAsFields(LIB_SYMBOL *aSymbol, OUTPUTFORMATTER &aFormatter, int &aNextFreeFieldId)
static void saveTextBox(SCH_TEXTBOX *aTextBox, OUTPUTFORMATTER &aFormatter)
static void saveField(SCH_FIELD *aField, OUTPUTFORMATTER &aFormatter)
void DeleteSymbol(const wxString &aName) override
static void savePin(SCH_PIN *aPin, OUTPUTFORMATTER &aFormatter)
static void saveText(SCH_TEXT *aText, OUTPUTFORMATTER &aFormatter)
void SetFileFormatVersionAtLoad(int aVersion)
void Save(const std::optional< bool > &aOpt=std::nullopt) override
Save the entire library to file m_libFileName;.
Object to parser s-expression symbol library and schematic file formats.
int GetParsedRequiredVersion() const
void ParseLib(LIB_SYMBOL_MAP &aSymbolLibMap)
A base cache assistant implementation for the symbol library portion of the SCH_IO API.
wxDateTime GetLibModificationTime()
wxFileName GetRealFile() const
void IncrementModifyHash()
Base class for any item which can be embedded within the SCHEMATIC container class,...
wxString GetClass() const override
Return the class name.
int GetNumberTextSize() const
const std::map< wxString, ALT > & GetAlternates() const
const wxString & GetName() const
PIN_ORIENTATION GetOrientation() const
VECTOR2I GetPosition() const override
int GetNameTextSize() const
const wxString & GetNumber() const
STROKE_PARAMS GetStroke() const override
int GetMarginBottom() const
int GetMarginLeft() const
int GetMarginRight() const
VECTOR2I GetPosition() const override
Simple container to manage line stroke parameters.
void Format(OUTPUTFORMATTER *out, const EDA_IU_SCALE &aIuScale) const
bool GetExcludedFromBoard() const
bool GetExcludedFromBOM() const
int GetPinNameOffset() const
virtual bool GetShowPinNames() const
virtual bool GetShowPinNumbers() const
bool GetExcludedFromSim() const override
The intersheets references prefix string.
#define IS_CHANGED
Item was edited, and modified.
const wxChar *const traceSchLegacyPlugin
Flag to enable legacy schematic plugin debug output.
#define THROW_IO_ERROR(msg)
This file contains miscellaneous commonly used macros and functions.
KICOMMON_API std::string FormatInternalUnits(const EDA_IU_SCALE &aIuScale, int aValue)
Converts aValue from internal units to a string appropriate for writing to file.
KICOMMON_API std::string FormatAngle(const EDA_ANGLE &aAngle)
Convert aAngle from board units to a string appropriate for writing to file.
This file contains the file format version information for the s-expression schematic and symbol libr...
EDA_ANGLE getPinAngle(PIN_ORIENTATION aOrientation)
void formatArc(OUTPUTFORMATTER *aFormatter, EDA_SHAPE *aArc, bool aIsPrivate, const STROKE_PARAMS &aStroke, FILL_T aFillMode, const COLOR4D &aFillColor, bool aInvertY, const KIID &aUuid)
void formatCircle(OUTPUTFORMATTER *aFormatter, EDA_SHAPE *aCircle, bool aIsPrivate, const STROKE_PARAMS &aStroke, FILL_T aFillMode, const COLOR4D &aFillColor, bool aInvertY, const KIID &aUuid)
const char * getPinElectricalTypeToken(ELECTRICAL_PINTYPE aType)
void formatBezier(OUTPUTFORMATTER *aFormatter, EDA_SHAPE *aBezier, bool aIsPrivate, const STROKE_PARAMS &aStroke, FILL_T aFillMode, const COLOR4D &aFillColor, bool aInvertY, const KIID &aUuid)
void formatRect(OUTPUTFORMATTER *aFormatter, EDA_SHAPE *aRect, bool aIsPrivate, const STROKE_PARAMS &aStroke, FILL_T aFillMode, const COLOR4D &aFillColor, bool aInvertY, const KIID &aUuid)
void formatPoly(OUTPUTFORMATTER *aFormatter, EDA_SHAPE *aPolyLine, bool aIsPrivate, const STROKE_PARAMS &aStroke, FILL_T aFillMode, const COLOR4D &aFillColor, bool aInvertY, const KIID &aUuid)
void formatFill(OUTPUTFORMATTER *aFormatter, FILL_T aFillMode, const COLOR4D &aFillColor)
Fill token formatting helper.
const char * getPinShapeToken(GRAPHIC_PINSHAPE aShape)
wxString EscapeString(const wxString &aSource, ESCAPE_CONTEXT aContext)
The Escape/Unescape routines use HTML-entity-reference-style encoding to handle characters which are:...
constexpr int MilsToIU(int mils) const
wxString GetCanonicalFieldName(int idx)
The first 5 are mandatory, and must be instantiated in SCH_COMPONENT, LIB_PART, and FOOTPRINT constru...
wxLogTrace helper definitions.