184 bool Clear_Pcb(
bool doAskAboutUnsavedChanges );
251 bool OpenProjectFiles(
const std::vector<wxString>& aFileSet,
int aCtl = 0 )
APP_SETTINGS_BASE is a settings class that should be derived for each standalone KiCad application.
Container for design settings for a BOARD object.
Abstract interface for BOARD_ITEMs capable of storing other items inside.
A base class for any item which can be embedded within the BOARD container class, and therefore insta...
Information pertinent to a Pcbnew printed circuit board.
Color settings are a bit different than most of the settings objects in that there can be more than o...
A color representation with 4 components: red, green, blue, alpha.
Carry a payload from one KIWAY_PLAYER to another within a PROJECT.
A minimalistic software bus for communications between various DLLs/DSOs (DSOs) within the same KiCad...
A logical library item identifier and consists of various portions much like a URI.
Widget displaying a tree of symbols with optional search text control and description panel.
Common, abstract interface for edit frames.
Class to display a pcb layer list in a wxBitmapComboBox.
Parameters and options when plotting/printing a board.
Class to handle modifications to the symbol libraries.
A quick note on layer IDs: