21#ifndef _APP_SETTINGS_H
22#define _APP_SETTINGS_H
166 std::vector<std::pair<wxString, bool>>
173 virtual bool MigrateFromLegacy( wxConfigBase* aCfg )
175 const std::vector<GRID> DefaultGridSizeList()
213 void migrateFindReplace( wxConfigBase* aCfg );
223 bool migrateWindowConfig( wxConfigBase* aCfg,
const std::string& aFrameName,
224 const std::string& aJsonPath );
232 void addParamsForWindow(
const std::string& aJsonPath );
237 bool migrateLibTreeWidth();
Settings for arc editing.
APP_SETTINGS_BASE is a settings class that should be derived for each standalone KiCad application.
FIND_REPLACE m_FindReplace
bool m_CustomToolbars
Use custom toolbars.
COLOR_PICKER m_ColorPicker
virtual std::string getLegacyFrameName() const
wxString m_ColorTheme
Active color theme name.
int m_appSettingsSchemaVersion
! Local schema version for common app settings.
std::vector< wxString > replace_history
std::vector< wxString > find_history
float highlight_factor
How much to brighten highlighted objects by.
float select_factor
How much to brighten selected objects by.
std::vector< wxString > columns
Ordered list of visible columns in the tree.
std::map< wxString, int > column_widths
Column widths, keyed by header name.
std::vector< wxString > open_libs
list of libraries the user has open in the tree.
std::vector< std::pair< wxString, bool > > actions
Ordered list of plugin actions mapped to whether or not they are shown in the toolbar.
bool monochrome
Whether or not to print in monochrome.
bool background
Whether or not to print background color.
std::vector< int > layers
List of enabled layers for printing.
wxString color_theme
Color theme to use for printing.
double scale
Printout scale.
bool title_block
Whether or not to print title block.
bool use_theme
If false, display color theme will be used.
SELECTION_ZOOM selection_zoom
bool show_import_issues
Stored value for "show import issues" when importing non-KiCad designs to this application.
std::vector< wxString > file_history
bool on_selection
Synchronize the selection for multiple items too.
bool zoom_to_fit
Zoom to fit items (ignored if center_on_items is off).
bool center_on_items
Automatically pan to cross-probed items.
bool auto_highlight
Automatically turn on highlight mode in the target frame.
Common cursor settings, available to every frame.
Store the common settings that are saved and loaded for each window / frame.
std::vector< double > zoom_factors
Store the window positioning/state.