KiCad PCB EDA Suite
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common.h File Reference

The common library. More...

#include <kicommon.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <wx/fileconf.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/process.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


KICOMMON_API wxString SearchHelpFileFullPath (const wxString &aBaseName)
 Return the help file's full path.
KICOMMON_API bool EnsureFileDirectoryExists (wxFileName *aTargetFullFileName, const wxString &aBaseFilename, REPORTER *aReporter=nullptr)
 Make aTargetFullFileName absolute and create the path of this file if it doesn't yet exist.
KICOMMON_API wxString EnsureFileExtension (const wxString &aFilename, const wxString &aExtension)
 It's annoying to throw up nag dialogs when the extension isn't right.
KICOMMON_API const wxString ExpandEnvVarSubstitutions (const wxString &aString, const PROJECT *aProject)
 Replace any environment variable & text variable references with their values.
KICOMMON_API wxString ExpandTextVars (const wxString &aSource, const std::function< bool(wxString *)> *aResolver)
 Expand '${var-name}' templates in text.
KICOMMON_API wxString ExpandTextVars (const wxString &aSource, const PROJECT *aProject)
KICOMMON_API wxString GetTextVars (const wxString &aSource)
 Returns any variables unexpanded, e.g.
KICOMMON_API bool IsTextVar (const wxString &aSource)
 Returns true if the string is a text var, e.g starts with ${.
KICOMMON_API const wxString ResolveUriByEnvVars (const wxString &aUri, PROJECT *aProject)
 Replace any environment and/or text variables in file-path uris (leaving network-path URIs alone).
KICOMMON_API long long TimestampDir (const wxString &aDirPath, const wxString &aFilespec)
 A copy of ConvertFileTimeToWx() because wxWidgets left it as a static function private to src/common/filename.cpp.
KICOMMON_API bool WarnUserIfOperatingSystemUnsupported ()
 Checks if the operating system is explicitly unsupported and displays a disclaimer message box.

Detailed Description

The common library.

Definition in file common.h.

Function Documentation

◆ EnsureFileDirectoryExists()

KICOMMON_API bool EnsureFileDirectoryExists ( wxFileName *  aTargetFullFileName,
const wxString &  aBaseFilename,
REPORTER aReporter = nullptr 

Make aTargetFullFileName absolute and create the path of this file if it doesn't yet exist.

aTargetFullFileNamethe wxFileName containing the full path and file name to modify. The path may be absolute or relative to aBaseFilename .
aBaseFilenamea full filename. Only its path is used to set the aTargetFullFileName path.
aReportera point to a REPORTER object use to show messages (can be NULL)
true if aOutputDir already exists or was successfully created.

Definition at line 371 of file common.cpp.



◆ EnsureFileExtension()

◆ ExpandEnvVarSubstitutions()

KICOMMON_API const wxString ExpandEnvVarSubstitutions ( const wxString &  aString,
const PROJECT aProject 

Replace any environment variable & text variable references with their values.

aStringa string containing (perhaps) references to env var
the expanded environment variable.

Definition at line 343 of file common.cpp.

References KIwxExpandEnvVars().

Referenced by FILENAME_RESOLVER::addPath(), FILENAME_RESOLVER::checkEnvVarPath(), S3D_PLUGIN_MANAGER::checkPluginName(), DIALOG_GEN_FOOTPRINT_POSITION::CreateAsciiFiles(), DIALOG_GEN_FOOTPRINT_POSITION::CreateGerberFiles(), FILENAME_RESOLVER::createPathList(), DIALOG_EXPORT_SVG::ExportSVGFile(), DIALOG_GENDRILL::GenDrillAndMapFiles(), LIB_TABLE_ROW::GetFullURI(), DIALOG_PLOT_SCHEMATIC::getOutputPath(), DIALOG_EXPORT_STEP::onBrowseClicked(), DIALOG_EXPORT_2581::onBrowseClicked(), DIALOG_EXPORT_ODBPP::onBrowseClicked(), TEXT_BUTTON_FILE_BROWSER::OnButtonClick(), PANEL_SYM_LIB_TABLE::onConvertLegacyLibraries(), DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnExport(), DIALOG_EXPORT_STEP::onExportButton(), DIALOG_GENDRILL::OnGenReportFile(), PANEL_DESIGN_BLOCK_LIB_TABLE::onMigrateLibraries(), PANEL_FP_LIB_TABLE::onMigrateLibraries(), DIALOG_PLOT_SCHEMATIC::OnOutputDirectoryBrowseClicked(), DIALOG_EXPORT_SVG::OnOutputDirectoryBrowseClicked(), DIALOG_GEN_FOOTPRINT_POSITION::OnOutputDirectoryBrowseClicked(), DIALOG_GENDRILL::OnOutputDirectoryBrowseClicked(), DIALOG_PLOT::OnOutputDirectoryBrowseClicked(), DIALOG_SYMBOL_FIELDS_TABLE::OnOutputFileBrowseClicked(), DIALOG_PAGES_SETTINGS::OnWksFileSelection(), PLOT_CONTROLLER::OpenPlotfile(), DIALOG_PLOT::Plot(), SIM_LIB_MGR::ResolveLibraryPath(), FILENAME_RESOLVER::ResolvePath(), ResolveUriByEnvVars(), S3D_CACHE::Set3DConfigDir(), FILENAME_RESOLVER::Set3DConfigDir(), FILENAME_RESOLVER::SetProject(), FILENAME_RESOLVER::ShortenPath(), DRC_TEST_PROVIDER_MISC::testTextVars(), ERC_TESTER::TestTextVars(), and NETLIST_EXPORTER_SPICE::writeInclude().

◆ ExpandTextVars() [1/2]

◆ ExpandTextVars() [2/2]

KICOMMON_API wxString ExpandTextVars ( const wxString &  aSource,
const std::function< bool(wxString *)> *  aResolver 

Expand '${var-name}' templates in text.

Definition at line 71 of file common.cpp.

◆ GetTextVars()

◆ IsTextVar()

◆ ResolveUriByEnvVars()

KICOMMON_API const wxString ResolveUriByEnvVars ( const wxString &  aUri,
PROJECT aProject 

Replace any environment and/or text variables in file-path uris (leaving network-path URIs alone).

Definition at line 356 of file common.cpp.

References ExpandEnvVarSubstitutions(), and ExpandTextVars().

Referenced by GetAssociatedDocument().

◆ SearchHelpFileFullPath()

KICOMMON_API wxString SearchHelpFileFullPath ( const wxString &  aBaseName)

Return the help file's full path.

Return the full path and name (including extension) of the given KiCad help file. It is expected to be found in a subfolder help/<LANG>/ in one of the system paths. Supported file types are *.html and *.pdf. If no such file is available for the current locale, an attempt to find the English version is made. The search order for <LANG> is: 1) canonical form (e.g., "fr_FR"), 2) short form (e.g., "fr"), and 3) "en".

aBaseNameis the name of the help file to search for (without extension).
the full path and filename if aBaseName is found, else wxEmptyString.

Definition at line 32 of file searchhelpfilefullpath.cpp.

References SEARCH_STACK::AddPaths(), PATHS::GetDocumentationPath(), PGM_BASE::GetLocale(), path, Pgm(), SystemDirsAppend(), and tracePathsAndFiles.

Referenced by COMMON_CONTROL::ShowHelp().

◆ TimestampDir()

KICOMMON_API long long TimestampDir ( const wxString &  aDirPath,
const wxString &  aFilespec 

A copy of ConvertFileTimeToWx() because wxWidgets left it as a static function private to src/common/filename.cpp.

This routine offers SIGNIFICANT performance benefits over using wxWidgets to gather timestamps from matching files in a directory.

aDirPathis the directory to search.
aFilespecis a (wildcarded) file spec to match against.
a hash of the last-mod-dates of all matching files in the directory.

Definition at line 599 of file common.cpp.

References matchWild().

Referenced by DESIGN_BLOCK_IO::GetLibraryTimestamp(), GPCB_FPL_CACHE::GetTimestamp(), and FP_CACHE::GetTimestamp().

◆ WarnUserIfOperatingSystemUnsupported()

KICOMMON_API bool WarnUserIfOperatingSystemUnsupported ( )

Checks if the operating system is explicitly unsupported and displays a disclaimer message box.

true if the operating system is unsupported

Definition at line 698 of file common.cpp.

References _, and KIPLATFORM::APP::IsOperatingSystemUnsupported().

Referenced by PGM_BASE::InitPgm(), and COMMON_CONTROL::ReportBug().