KiCad PCB EDA Suite
No Matches
3dapi Directory Reference


file  c3dmodel.h [code]
 define an internal structure to be used by the 3D renders
file  ifsg_all.h [code]
 collects header files for all SG* wrappers and the API
file  ifsg_api.h [code]
 defines the API calls for the manipulation of SG* classes
file  ifsg_appearance.h [code]
 defines the wrapper of the SGAPPEARANCE class
file  ifsg_colors.h [code]
 defines the color list wrapper
file  ifsg_coordindex.h [code]
 defines the CoordIndex node wrapper
file  ifsg_coords.h [code]
 defines the coordinate list wrapper
file  ifsg_defs.h [code]
file  ifsg_faceset.h [code]
 defines the wrapper for the SGFACESET class
file  ifsg_index.h [code]
 defines the index nodes wrapper
file  ifsg_node.h [code]
 defines the wrapper of the base class SG_NODE
file  ifsg_normals.h [code]
file  ifsg_shape.h [code]
 defines the wrapper for the SGSHAPE class
file  ifsg_transform.h [code]
 defines the wrapper for the SGNORMALS class
file  sg_base.h [code]
 defines the low level classes common to scene graph nodes
file  sg_types.h [code]
 defines the types of intermediate scene graph objects
file  sg_version.h [code]
 defines the library version of the intermediate scenegraph (SG) implementation
file  xv3d_types.h [code]