Store the a model based on meshes and materials.
SMATERIAL * m_Materials
The materials list of this model.
unsigned int m_MeshesSize
Number of meshes in the array.
SMESH * m_Meshes
The meshes list of this model.
unsigned int m_MaterialsSize
Number of materials in the material array.
float m_Transparency
1.0 is completely transparent, 0.0 completely opaque
SFVEC3F m_Diffuse
Default diffuse color if m_Color is NULL.
Per-vertex normal/color/texcoors structure.
unsigned int * m_FaceIdx
Triangle Face Indexes.
SFVEC3F * m_Normals
Vertex normals array.
unsigned int m_MaterialIdx
Material Index to be used in this mesh (must be < m_MaterialsSize )
unsigned int m_VertexSize
Number of vertex in the arrays.
SFVEC2F * m_Texcoords
Vertex texture coordinates array, can be NULL.
unsigned int m_FaceIdxSize
Number of elements of the m_FaceIdx array.
SFVEC3F * m_Color
Vertex color array, can be NULL.
SFVEC3F * m_Positions
Vertex position array.