23#ifndef __PNS_LINE_PLACER_H
24#define __PNS_LINE_PLACER_H
65 std::vector<FIX_POINT>
111 std::optional<VECTOR2I>
122 bool ToggleVia(
bool aEnabled )
127 bool SetLayer(
int aLayer )
Represent route directions & corner angles in a 45-degree metric.
bool PopStage(STAGE &aStage)
void AddStage(const VECTOR2I &aStart, int aLayer, bool placingVias, DIRECTION_45 direction, NODE *aNode)
std::vector< STAGE > m_stages
Base class for PNS router board items.
Single track placement algorithm.
bool mergeHead()
Moves "established" segments from the head to the tail if certain conditions are met.
bool SplitAdjacentArcs(NODE *aNode, ITEM *aArc, const VECTOR2I &aP)
Snaps the point aP to arc aArc.
bool handleSelfIntersections()
Check if the head of the track intersects its tail.
bool SetLayer(int aLayer) override
Set the current routing layer.
NODE * m_lastNode
Postprocessed world state (including marked collisions & removed loops)
bool route(const VECTOR2I &aP)
Re-route the current track to point aP.
void updatePStart(const LINE &tail)
bool AbortPlacement() override
std::unique_ptr< SHOVE > m_shove
The shove engine.
const LINE Trace() const
Return the complete routed line.
bool splitHeadTail(const LINE &aNewLine, const LINE &aOldTail, LINE &aNewHead, LINE &aNewTail)
bool handlePullback()
Deal with pull-back: reduces the tail if head trace is moved backwards wrs to the current tail direct...
void setWorld(NODE *aWorld)
Set the board to route.
void UpdateSizes(const SIZES_SETTINGS &aSizes) override
Perform on-the-fly update of the width, via diameter & drill size from a settings class.
bool reduceTail(const VECTOR2I &aEnd)
Attempt to reduce the number of segments in the tail by trying to replace a certain number of latest ...
void SetOrthoMode(bool aOrthoMode) override
Function SetOrthoMode()
LINE m_tail
routing "tail": part of the track that has been already fixed due to collisions with obstacles
MOUSE_TRAIL_TRACER m_mouseTrailTracer
const std::vector< NET_HANDLE > CurrentNets() const override
Return the net of currently routed track.
bool Start(const VECTOR2I &aP, ITEM *aStartItem) override
Start routing a single track at point aP, taking item aStartItem as anchor (unless NULL).
std::optional< VECTOR2I > m_last_p_end
bool optimizeTailHeadTransition()
Try to reduce the corner count of the most recent part of tail/head by merging obtuse/collinear segme...
bool HasPlacedAnything() const override
void routeStep(const VECTOR2I &aP)
Perform a single routing algorithm step, for the end point aP.
NODE * m_currentNode
Current world state.
bool buildInitialLine(const VECTOR2I &aP, LINE &aHead, PNS::PNS_MODE aMode, bool aForceNoVia=false)
bool cursorDistMinimum(const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aL, const VECTOR2I &aCursor, double lengthThreshold, SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aOut)
LINE m_head
the volatile part of the track from the previously analyzed point to the current routing destination
void removeLoops(NODE *aNode, LINE &aLatest)
Searches aNode for traces concurrent to aLatest and removes them.
const LINE & Tail() const
Return the "tail" of the line being placed, the part which has already wrapped around and shoved some...
VECTOR2I m_fixStart
start point of the last 'fix'
bool rhMarkObstacles(const VECTOR2I &aP, LINE &aNewHead, LINE &aNewTail)
NODE * m_world
pointer to world to search colliding items
DIRECTION_45 m_initial_direction
routing direction for new traces
NODE * CurrentNode(bool aLoopsRemoved=false) const override
Return the most recent world state.
bool SplitAdjacentSegments(NODE *aNode, ITEM *aSeg, const VECTOR2I &aP)
Snaps the point aP to segment aSeg.
bool rhWalkBase(const VECTOR2I &aP, LINE &aWalkLine, int aCollisionMask, PNS::PNS_MODE aMode, bool &aViaOk)
void setInitialDirection(const DIRECTION_45 &aDirection)
Set preferred direction of the very first track segment to be laid.
void updateLeadingRatLine()
Draw the "leading" rats nest line, which connects the end of currently routed track and the nearest y...
bool routeHead(const VECTOR2I &aP, LINE &aNewHead, LINE &aNewTail)
Compute the head trace between the current start point (m_p_start) and point aP, starting with direct...
int CurrentLayer() const override
Return the layer of currently routed track.
bool rhWalkOnly(const VECTOR2I &aP, LINE &aNewHead, LINE &aNewTail)
void FlipPosture() override
Toggle the current posture (straight/diagonal) of the trace head.
const VIA makeVia(const VECTOR2I &aP)
bool rhShoveOnly(const VECTOR2I &aP, LINE &aNewHead, LINE &aNewTail)
< Route step shove mode.
bool CommitPlacement() override
VECTOR2I m_p_start
current routing start (end of tail, beginning of head)
bool IsPlacingVia() const override
Function IsPlacingVia()
void GetModifiedNets(std::vector< NET_HANDLE > &aNets) const override
Function GetModifiedNets.
const LINE & Head() const
Return the "head" of the line being placed, that is the volatile part that has not been "fixed" yet.
bool Move(const VECTOR2I &aP, ITEM *aEndItem) override
Move the end of the currently routed trace to the point aP, taking aEndItem as anchor (if not NULL).
const VECTOR2I & CurrentEnd() const override
Return the current end of the line being placed.
void simplifyNewLine(NODE *aNode, LINKED_ITEM *aLatest)
Assemble a line starting from segment or arc aLatest, removes collinear segments and redundant vertic...
DIRECTION_45 m_direction
current routing direction
void initPlacement()
Initialize placement of a new line with given parameters.
const VECTOR2I & CurrentStart() const override
Return the current start of the line being placed.
const ITEM_SET Traces() override
Return the complete routed line, as a single-member ITEM_SET.
bool FixRoute(const VECTOR2I &aP, ITEM *aEndItem, bool aForceFinish) override
Commit the currently routed track to the parent node taking aP as the final end point and aEndItem as...
std::optional< VECTOR2I > UnfixRoute() override
bool ToggleVia(bool aEnabled) override
Enable/disable a via at the end of currently routed trace.
bool clipAndCheckCollisions(const VECTOR2I &aP, const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aL, SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aOut, int &thresholdDist)
Represents a track on a PCB, connecting two non-trivial joints (that is, vias, pads,...
Keep the router "world" - i.e.
Represent a polyline containing arcs as well as line segments: A chain of connected line and/or arc s...
Push and Shove diff pair dimensions (gap) settings dialog.
std::vector< FIX_POINT > pts