26#ifndef __SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN
27#define __SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN
30#include <clipper2/clipper.h>
const std::pair<ssize_t, ssize_t> aShapeIndices, ssize_t aOffset = 0 )
54 auto offsetVal = [&]( ssize_t& aVal )
179 const std::vector<CLIPPER_Z_VALUE>& aZValueBuffer,
180 const std::vector<SHAPE_ARC>& aArcBuffer );
197 virtual bool Collide(
const VECTOR2I& aP,
int aClearance = 0,
int* aActual =
198 VECTOR2I* aLocation =
nullptr )
const override;
212 virtual bool Collide(
const SEG& aSeg,
int aClearance = 0,
int* aActual =
213 VECTOR2I* aLocation =
nullptr )
const override;
316 return std::max( 0, c );
428 const std::vector<SHAPE_ARC>&
436 const std::vector<std::pair<ssize_t, ssize_t>>&
447 if( aClearance != 0 ||
m_width != 0 )
485 long long int Length()
504 void Append(
int aX,
int aY,
bool aAllowDuplication =
false )
507 Append( v, aAllowDuplication );
523 if(
m_points.size() == 0 || aAllowDuplication ||
CPoint( -1 ) != aP )
570 void Remove(
int aStartIndex,
int aEndIndex );
608 int Find(
const VECTOR2I& aP,
int aThreshold = 0 )
662 bool aExcludeColinearAndTouching =
663 BOX2I* aChainBBox =
nullptr )
725 const std::string
bool aCplusPlus =
true )
const override;
728 bool Parse( std::stringstream& aStream )
792 double Area(
bool aAbsolute =
true )
818 bool aSimplify =
false )
854 bool IsArcEnd(
size_t aIndex )
893 void splitArc( ssize_t aPtIndex,
bool aCoincident =
false );
922 std::vector<CLIPPER_Z_VALUE> &aZValueBuffer,
923 std::vector<SHAPE_ARC> &aArcBuffer )
When approximating an arc or circle, should the error be placed on the outside or inside of the curve...
constexpr BOX2< Vec > & Inflate(coord_type dx, coord_type dy)
Inflates the rectangle horizontally by dx and vertically by dy.
constexpr BOX2< Vec > & Merge(const BOX2< Vec > &aRect)
Modify the position and size of the rectangle in order to contain aRect.
constexpr void Move(const Vec &aMoveVector)
Move the rectangle by the aMoveVector.
void Compute(const Container &aPointList)
Compute the bounding box from a given list of points.
A dynamic state checking if a point lies within polygon with a dynamically built outline ( with each ...
bool processVertex(const VECTOR2I &ip, const VECTOR2I &ipNext)
void AddPolyline(const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aPolyline)
SEG::ecoord SquaredDistance(const VECTOR2I &aP, bool aOutlineOnly=false) const override
Represent a polyline containing arcs as well as line segments: A chain of connected line and/or arc s...
std::vector< std::pair< ssize_t, ssize_t > > m_shapes
Array of indices that refer to the index of the shape if the point is part of a larger shape,...
const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN Reverse() const
Reverse point order in the line chain.
void Move(const VECTOR2I &aVector) override
bool IsPtOnArc(size_t aPtIndex) const
void amendArcStart(size_t aArcIndex, const VECTOR2I &aNewStart)
void Remove(int aIndex)
Remove the aIndex-th point from the line chain.
void amendArcEnd(size_t aArcIndex, const VECTOR2I &aNewEnd)
int Width() const
Get the current width of the segments in the chain.
const SHAPE_ARC & Arc(size_t aArc) const
void splitArc(ssize_t aPtIndex, bool aCoincident=false)
Splits an arc into two arcs at aPtIndex.
void Append(const VECTOR2I &aP, bool aAllowDuplication=false)
Append a new point at the end of the line chain.
const std::optional< INTERSECTION > SelfIntersecting() const
Check if the line chain is self-intersecting.
bool Parse(std::stringstream &aStream) override
bool CheckClearance(const VECTOR2I &aP, const int aDist) const
Check if point aP is closer to (or on) an edge or vertex of the line chain.
std::vector< SHAPE_ARC > m_arcs
int Distance(const VECTOR2I &aP, bool aOutlineOnly) const
bool IsClosed() const override
virtual const VECTOR2I GetPoint(int aIndex) const override
void SetPoint(int aIndex, const VECTOR2I &aPos)
Move a point to a specific location.
const VECTOR2I PointAlong(int aPathLength) const
int Split(const VECTOR2I &aP, bool aExact=false)
Insert the point aP belonging to one of the our segments, splitting the adjacent segment in two.
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN & operator=(const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &)=default
void fixIndicesRotation()
Fix indices of this chain to ensure arcs are not split between the end and start indices.
std::vector< VECTOR2I > m_points
array of vertices
void GenerateBBoxCache() const
int FindSegment(const VECTOR2I &aP, int aThreshold=1) const
Search for segment containing point aP.
int ShapeCount() const
Return the number of shapes (line segments or arcs) in this line chain.
void SetClosed(bool aClosed)
Mark the line chain as closed (i.e.
ssize_t reversedArcIndex(size_t aSegment) const
Return the arc index for the given segment index, looking backwards.
int Intersect(const SEG &aSeg, INTERSECTIONS &aIp) const
Find all intersection points between our line chain and the segment aSeg.
bool Intersects(const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aChain) const
void Simplify(int aMaxError=0)
Simplify the line chain by removing colinear adjacent segments and duplicate vertices.
Initialize an empty line chain.
int m_width
Width of the segments (for BBox calculations in RTree) TODO Adjust usage of SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN to accou...
int PointCount() const
Return the number of points (vertices) in this line chain.
bool IsArcEnd(size_t aIndex) const
void Replace(int aStartIndex, int aEndIndex, const VECTOR2I &aP)
Replace points with indices in range [start_index, end_index] with a single point aP.
void TransformToPolygon(SHAPE_POLY_SET &aBuffer, int aError, ERROR_LOC aErrorLoc) const override
Fills a SHAPE_POLY_SET with a polygon representation of this shape.
virtual bool Collide(const VECTOR2I &aP, int aClearance=0, int *aActual=nullptr, VECTOR2I *aLocation=nullptr) const override
Check if point aP lies closer to us than aClearance.
void ClearArcs()
Remove all arc references in the line chain, resulting in a chain formed only of straight segments.
void ReservePoints(size_t aSize)
Allocate a number of points all at once (for performance).
void mergeFirstLastPointIfNeeded()
Merge the first and last point if they are the same and this chain is closed.
bool CompareGeometry(const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aOther) const
ssize_t ArcIndex(size_t aSegment) const
Return the arc index for the given segment index.
void Clear()
Remove all points from the line chain.
SEG Segment(int aIndex) const
Return a copy of the aIndex-th segment in the line chain.
BOX2I m_bbox
cached bounding box
BOX2I * GetCachedBBox() const override
const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN Slice(int aStartIndex, int aEndIndex=-1) const
Return a subset of this line chain containing the [start_index, end_index] range of points.
bool m_closed
is the line chain closed?
const std::vector< SHAPE_ARC > & CArcs() const
const std::optional< INTERSECTION > SelfIntersectingWithArcs() const
Check if the line chain is self-intersecting.
int NearestSegment(const VECTOR2I &aP) const
Find the segment nearest the given point.
int NextShape(int aPointIndex) const
Return the vertex index of the next shape in the chain, or -1 if aPointIndex is the last shape.
double Area(bool aAbsolute=true) const
Return the area of this chain.
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN & Simplify2(bool aRemoveColinear=true)
void amendArc(size_t aArcIndex, const VECTOR2I &aNewStart, const VECTOR2I &aNewEnd)
virtual size_t GetPointCount() const override
bool ClosestPoints(const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aOther, VECTOR2I &aPt0, VECTOR2I &aPt1) const
Finds closest points between this and the other line chain.
void Append(int aX, int aY, bool aAllowDuplication=false)
Append a new point at the end of the line chain.
void Rotate(const EDA_ANGLE &aAngle, const VECTOR2I &aCenter={ 0, 0 }) override
Rotate all vertices by a given angle.
virtual const SEG GetSegment(int aIndex) const override
const VECTOR2I & CPoint(int aIndex) const
Return a reference to a given point in the line chain.
bool operator!=(const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aRhs) const
const std::vector< std::pair< ssize_t, ssize_t > > & CShapes() const
const VECTOR2I NearestPoint(const VECTOR2I &aP, bool aAllowInternalShapePoints=true) const
Find a point on the line chain that is closest to point aP.
std::vector< VECTOR2I >::iterator point_iter
int SegmentCount() const
Return the number of segments in this line chain.
int PathLength(const VECTOR2I &aP, int aIndex=-1) const
Compute the walk path length from the beginning of the line chain and the point aP belonging to our l...
const VECTOR2I & CLastPoint() const
Return the last point in the line chain.
void Mirror(const VECTOR2I &aRef, FLIP_DIRECTION aFlipDirection)
Mirror the line points about y or x (or both).
bool ClosestSegmentsFast(const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aOther, VECTOR2I &aPt0, VECTOR2I &aPt1) const
Finds closest points between segments of this and the other line chain.
const std::string Format(bool aCplusPlus=true) const override
static bool ClosestSegments(const VECTOR2I &aMyPrevPt, const point_citer &aMyStart, const point_citer &aMyEnd, const VECTOR2I &aOtherPrevPt, const point_citer &aOtherStart, const point_citer &aOtherEnd, VECTOR2I &aPt0, VECTOR2I &aPt1, int64_t &aDistSq)
Clipper2Lib::Path64 convertToClipper2(bool aRequiredOrientation, std::vector< CLIPPER_Z_VALUE > &aZValueBuffer, std::vector< SHAPE_ARC > &aArcBuffer) const
Create a new Clipper2 path from the SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN in a given orientation.
static const std::pair< ssize_t, ssize_t > SHAPES_ARE_PT
void convertArc(ssize_t aArcIndex)
Convert an arc to only a point chain by removing the arc and references.
virtual size_t GetSegmentCount() const override
void Remove(int aStartIndex, int aEndIndex)
Remove the range of points [start_index, end_index] from the line chain.
void RemoveDuplicatePoints()
Remove the duplicate points from the line chain.
const SEG CSegment(int aIndex) const
Return a constant copy of the aIndex segment in the line chain.
bool IsArcSegment(size_t aSegment) const
void RemoveShape(int aPointIndex)
Remove the shape at the given index from the line chain.
void Insert(size_t aVertex, const VECTOR2I &aP)
bool IsArcStart(size_t aIndex) const
void SetWidth(int aWidth)
Set the width of all segments in the chain.
bool IsSharedPt(size_t aIndex) const
Test if a point is shared between multiple shapes.
long long int Length() const
Return length of the line chain in Euclidean metric.
int Find(const VECTOR2I &aP, int aThreshold=0) const
Search for point aP.
const std::vector< VECTOR2I > & CPoints() const
const BOX2I BBox(int aClearance=0) const override
Compute a bounding box of the shape, with a margin of aClearance a collision.
std::vector< VECTOR2I >::const_iterator point_citer
SHAPE * Clone() const override
Return a dynamically allocated copy of the shape.
bool IsSolid() const override
static const ssize_t SHAPE_IS_PT
bool OffsetLine(int aAmount, CORNER_STRATEGY aCornerStrategy, int aMaxError, SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aLeft, SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aRight, bool aSimplify=false) const
Creates line chains aLeft and aRight offset to this line chain.
Represent a set of closed polygons.
An abstract shape on 2D plane.
virtual int Distance(const VECTOR2I &aP) const
Returns the minimum distance from a given point to this shape.
define how inflate transform build inflated polygon
line chain (polyline)
Holds information on each point of a SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN that is retrievable after an operation with Cli...
CLIPPER_Z_VALUE(const std::pair< ssize_t, ssize_t > aShapeIndices, ssize_t aOffset=0)
Represent an intersection between two line segments.
bool is_corner_their
When true, the corner [index_their] of the 'their' line lies exactly on 'our' line.
bool is_corner_our
When true, the corner [index_our] of the 'our' line lies exactly on 'their' line.
int index_our
Index of the intersecting corner/segment in the 'our' (== this) line.
Point of intersection between our and their.
bool valid
Auxiliary flag to avoid copying intersection info to intersection refining code, used by the refining...
int index_their
index of the intersecting corner/segment in the 'their' (Intersect() method parameter) line.
compareOriginDistance(const VECTOR2I &aOrigin)
bool operator()(const INTERSECTION &aA, const INTERSECTION &aB)
VECTOR2< int32_t > VECTOR2I