Represent route directions & corner angles in a 45-degree metric.
void SetTolerance(int toll)
void SetDefaultDirections(DIRECTION_45 aInitDirection, DIRECTION_45 aLastSegDir)
void SetMouseDisabled(bool aDisabled=true)
Disables the mouse-trail portion of the posture solver; leaving only the manual posture switch and th...
void AddTrailPoint(const VECTOR2I &aP)
DIRECTION_45 m_lastSegDirection
DIRECTION_45 GetPosture(const VECTOR2I &aP)
VECTOR2I GetTrailLeadVector() const
bool IsManuallyForced() const
Represent a polyline containing arcs as well as line segments: A chain of connected line and/or arc s...
Push and Shove diff pair dimensions (gap) settings dialog.