38#include <wx/filename.h>
86 std::vector<LIB_SYMBOL*>
const wxString& aFilename );
151 std::map<SYMDEF_ID, std::unique_ptr<const LIB_SYMBOL>>
171 std::unique_ptr<LIB_SYMBOL>& aDestSym,
int aDestUnit,
172 bool aOverrideFields =
true );
193 const wxString& aFootprintName,
194 const wxString& aFootprintAlternate );
198 int aGateNumber,
int aLineThickness );
209 const EDA_ANGLE& aComponentOrientation,
bool aIsMirrored,
224 const double& aScalingFactor = 1.0,
225 const VECTOR2I& aTransformCentre = { 0, 0 },
226 const bool& aMirrorInvert = false );
228 void loadFigure(
const FIGURE& aCadstarFigure,
const LAYER_ID& aCadstarSheetIDOverride,
231 const VECTOR2I& aTransformCentre = { 0, 0 },
232 const bool& aMirrorInvert = false );
241 const long long aCadstarOrientAngle = 0,
242 bool aMirrored =
false );
274 long long aScalingFactorDenominator );
286 const double& aScalingFactor = 1.0,
287 const VECTOR2I& aTransformCentre = { 0, 0 },
288 const bool& aMirrorInvert = false );
295 int absmod =
sign( mod ) * mod;
300 offset =
sign( aCadstarLength );
344 std::unique_ptr<LIB_SYMBOL>& aKiCadSymbol );
constexpr double SCH_IU_PER_MM
Schematic internal units 1=100nm.
constexpr BOX2I KiROUND(const BOX2D &aBoxD)
file: cadstar_archive_objects.h Contains common object definitions
Terminal is the pin identifier in the schematic.
From CADSTAR Help: "Text Alignment enables you to define the position of an alignment origin for all ...
wxString LAYER_ID
ID of a Sheet (if schematic) or board Layer (if PCB)
From CADSTAR Help: "Multi Line Text can also be justified as Left, Centre or Right.
PROGRESS_REPORTER * m_progressReporter
static SCH_FIELD * addNewFieldToSymbol(const wxString &aFieldName, std::unique_ptr< LIB_SYMBOL > &aKiCadSymbol)
void loadItemOntoKiCadSheet(const LAYER_ID &aCadstarSheetID, SCH_ITEM *aItem)
const std::vector< LIB_SYMBOL * > & GetLoadedSymbols() const
void Load(SCHEMATIC *aSchematic, SCH_SHEET *aRootSheet)
Loads a CADSTAR Schematic Archive file into the KiCad SCHEMATIC object given.
ROUTECODE getRouteCode(const ROUTECODE_ID &aCadstarRouteCodeID)
static wxString CreateLibName(const wxFileName &aFileName, const SCH_SHEET *aRootSheet)
std::map< BLOCK_PIN_ID, SCH_HIERLABEL * > m_sheetPinMap
Cadstar->KiCad Sheet Pins.
VECTOR2I applyTransform(const VECTOR2I &aPoint, const VECTOR2I &aMoveVector={ 0, 0 }, const EDA_ANGLE &aRotation=ANGLE_0, const double &aScalingFactor=1.0, const VECTOR2I &aTransformCentre={ 0, 0 }, const bool &aMirrorInvert=false)
std::map< SYMBOL_ID, SCH_GLOBALLABEL * > m_globalLabelsMap
Cadstar->KiCad Global Labels.
SCH_SYMBOL * loadSchematicSymbol(const SYMBOL &aCadstarSymbol, const LIB_SYMBOL &aKiCadPart, EDA_ANGLE &aComponentOrientation)
void applyTextSettings(EDA_TEXT *aKiCadTextItem, const TEXTCODE_ID &aCadstarTextCodeID, const ALIGNMENT &aCadstarAlignment, const JUSTIFICATION &aCadstarJustification, const long long aCadstarOrientAngle=0, bool aMirrored=false)
CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER(const wxString &aFilename, REPORTER *aReporter, PROGRESS_REPORTER *aProgressReporter)
void loadSheetAndChildSheets(const LAYER_ID &aCadstarSheetID, const VECTOR2I &aPosition, const VECTOR2I &aSheetSize, const SCH_SHEET_PATH &aParentSheet)
wxString getAttributeName(const ATTRIBUTE_ID &aCadstarAttributeID)
std::vector< LIB_SYMBOL * > m_loadedSymbols
Loaded symbols so far.
PART getPart(const PART_ID &aCadstarPartID)
std::vector< LAYER_ID > findOrphanSheets()
std::map< BUS_ID, std::shared_ptr< BUS_ALIAS > > m_busesMap
Cadstar->KiCad Buses.
SCH_TEXT * getKiCadSchText(const TEXT &aCadstarTextElement)
Map between a terminal ID in a symbol definition to the pin number that should be imported into KiCad...
wxString getNetName(const NET_SCH &aNet)
std::map< SYMBOL_ID, SCH_SYMBOL * > m_powerSymMap
Cadstar->KiCad Power Symbols.
void loadDocumentationSymbols()
VECTOR2I getKiCadLibraryPoint(const VECTOR2I &aCadstarPoint, const VECTOR2I &aCadstarCentre)
PART::DEFINITION::PIN getPartDefinitionPin(const PART &aCadstarPart, const GATE_ID &aGateID, const TERMINAL_ID &aTerminalID)
std::map< SYMDEF_ID, PINNUM_TO_TERMINAL_MAP > m_symDefTerminalsMap
int getTextHeightFromTextCode(const TEXTCODE_ID &aCadstarTextCodeID)
void loadChildSheets(const LAYER_ID &aCadstarSheetID, const SCH_SHEET_PATH &aSheet)
void applyToLibraryFieldAttribute(const ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION &aCadstarAttrLoc, const VECTOR2I &aSymbolOrigin, SCH_FIELD *aKiCadField)
double getPolarRadius(const VECTOR2I &aPoint)
void setFootprintOnSymbol(std::unique_ptr< LIB_SYMBOL > &aKiCadSymbol, const wxString &aFootprintName, const wxString &aFootprintAlternate)
void applyTextCodeIfExists(EDA_TEXT *aKiCadTextItem, const TEXTCODE_ID &aCadstarTextCodeID)
int getSheetNumber(const LAYER_ID &aCadstarSheetID)
void copySymbolItems(std::unique_ptr< LIB_SYMBOL > &aSourceSym, std::unique_ptr< LIB_SYMBOL > &aDestSym, int aDestUnit, bool aOverrideFields=true)
int getLineThickness(const LINECODE_ID &aCadstarLineCodeID)
TEXTCODE getTextCode(const TEXTCODE_ID &aCadstarTextCodeID)
SPIN_STYLE getSpinStyle(const long long &aCadstarOrientation, bool aMirror)
std::map< wxString, LIB_SYMBOL * > m_powerSymLibMap
NetName->KiCad Power Lib Symbol.
std::map< std::pair< wxString, wxString >, SYMDEF_ID > m_SymDefNamesCache
Cache storing symbol names and alternates to symdef IDs.
std::map< PART_ID, TERMINAL_TO_PINNUM_MAP > m_pinNumsMap
Cadstar Part->KiCad Pin number map.
void loadHierarchicalSheetPins()
std::vector< LIB_SYMBOL * > LoadPartsLib(const wxString &aFilename)
wxString m_footprintLibName
Name of the footprint library to prepend all footprints with.
int getKiCadLength(long long aCadstarLength)
std::map< PART_ID, LIB_SYMBOL * > m_partMap
Cadstar->KiCad Parts.
bool isAttributeVisible(const ATTRIBUTE_ID &aCadstarAttributeID)
VECTOR2I getKiCadPoint(const VECTOR2I &aCadstarPoint)
EDA_ANGLE getAngle(const long long &aCadstarAngle)
const double ARC_ACCURACY
std::map< wxString, SYMDEF_ID > m_DefaultSymDefNamesCache
Cache storing symbol names (default alternate) to symdef IDs.
void loadSymbolGateAndPartFields(const SYMDEF_ID &aSymdefID, const PART &aCadstarPart, const GATE_ID &aGateID, LIB_SYMBOL *aSymbol)
void loadFigure(const FIGURE &aCadstarFigure, const LAYER_ID &aCadstarSheetIDOverride, SCH_LAYER_ID aKiCadSchLayerID, const VECTOR2I &aMoveVector={ 0, 0 }, const EDA_ANGLE &aRotation=ANGLE_0, const double &aScalingFactor=1.0, const VECTOR2I &aTransformCentre={ 0, 0 }, const bool &aMirrorInvert=false)
std::map< PART_GATE_ID, SYMDEF_ID > m_partSymbolsMap
Map holding the symbols loaded so far for a particular PART_ID and GATE_ID.
LIB_SYMBOL * getScaledLibPart(const LIB_SYMBOL *aSymbol, long long aScalingFactorNumerator, long long aScalingFactorDenominator)
SYMDEF_ID getSymDefFromName(const wxString &aSymdefName, const wxString &aSymDefAlternate)
std::pair< VECTOR2I, VECTOR2I > getFigureExtentsKiCad(const FIGURE &aCadstarFigure)
std::map< LAYER_ID, SCH_SHEET * > m_sheetMap
Cadstar->KiCad Sheets.
POINT getLocationOfNetElement(const NET_SCH &aNet, const NETELEMENT_ID &aNetElementID)
void fixUpLibraryPins(LIB_SYMBOL *aSymbolToFix, int aGateNumber)
std::map< SYMDEF_ID, std::unique_ptr< const LIB_SYMBOL > > m_symDefMap
Cadstar->KiCad Lib Symbols loaded so far.
std::unique_ptr< LIB_SYMBOL > loadLibPart(const CADSTAR_PART_ENTRY &aPart)
ALIGNMENT rotate180(const ALIGNMENT &aCadstarAlignment)
void SetFpLibName(const wxString &aLibName)
long long getCadstarAngle(const EDA_ANGLE &aAngle)
void loadLibrarySymbolShapeVertices(const std::vector< VERTEX > &aCadstarVertices, const VECTOR2I &aSymbolOrigin, LIB_SYMBOL *aSymbol, int aGateNumber, int aLineThickness)
LINE_STYLE getLineStyle(const LINECODE_ID &aCadstarLineCodeID)
VECTOR2I m_designCenter
Required for calculating the offset to apply to the Cadstar design so that it fits in the KiCad canva...
ALIGNMENT mirrorX(const ALIGNMENT &aCadstarAlignment)
int getComponentOrientation(const EDA_ANGLE &aOrientAngle, EDA_ANGLE &aReturnedOrientation)
void loadShapeVertices(const std::vector< VERTEX > &aCadstarVertices, LINECODE_ID aCadstarLineCodeID, LAYER_ID aCadstarSheetID, SCH_LAYER_ID aKiCadSchLayerID, const VECTOR2I &aMoveVector={ 0, 0 }, const EDA_ANGLE &aRotation=ANGLE_0, const double &aScalingFactor=1.0, const VECTOR2I &aTransformCentre={ 0, 0 }, const bool &aMirrorInvert=false)
const LIB_SYMBOL * loadSymdef(const SYMDEF_ID &aSymdefID)
int getKiCadUnitNumberFromGate(const GATE_ID &aCadstarGateID)
void loadSymbolFieldAttribute(const ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION &aCadstarAttrLoc, const EDA_ANGLE &aComponentOrientation, bool aIsMirrored, SCH_FIELD *aKiCadField)
void loadSchematicSymbolInstances()
Represents a CADSTAR Schematic Archive (*.csa) file.
int KiCadUnitDivider
Use this value to convert units in this CSA file to KiCad units.
int AsTenthsOfADegree() const
A mix-in class (via multiple inheritance) that handles texts such as labels, parts,...
Define a library symbol object.
A progress reporter interface for use in multi-threaded environments.
A pure virtual class used to derive REPORTER objects from.
Holds all the data relating to one schematic.
Instances are attached to a symbol or sheet and provide a place for the symbol's value,...
Base class for any item which can be embedded within the SCHEMATIC container class,...
Handle access to a stack of flattened SCH_SHEET objects by way of a path for creating a flattened sch...
Sheet symbol placed in a schematic, and is the entry point for a sub schematic.
static constexpr EDA_ANGLE ANGLE_0
Eeschema drawing layers.
The symbol library pin object electrical types used in ERC tests.
Dashed line types.
Represent a point in x,y coordinates.
constexpr int sign(T val)