58 bool Fill(
const std::vector<ZONE*>& aZones,
bool aCheck =
false, wxWindow* aParent =
nullptr );
72 std::vector<PAD*>& aThermalConnectionPads,
73 std::vector<PAD*>& aNoConnectionPads );
76 const std::vector<PAD*>& aNoConnectionPads,
104 const std::vector<PAD*>& aSpokedPadsList,
105 std::deque<SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN>& aSpokes );
A base class for any item which can be embedded within the BOARD container class, and therefore insta...
Information pertinent to a Pcbnew printed circuit board.
Represent a set of changes (additions, deletions or modifications) of a data model (e....
A progress reporter interface for use in multi-threaded environments.
Represent a polyline containing arcs as well as line segments: A chain of connected line and/or arc s...
Represent a set of closed polygons.
void buildCopperItemClearances(const ZONE *aZone, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, const std::vector< PAD * > &aNoConnectionPads, SHAPE_POLY_SET &aHoles)
Removes clearance from the shape for copper items which share the zone's layer but are not connected ...
void addKnockout(PAD *aPad, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, int aGap, SHAPE_POLY_SET &aHoles)
Add a knockout for a pad.
void connect_nearby_polys(SHAPE_POLY_SET &aPolys, double aDistance)
Create strands of zero-width between elements of SHAPE_POLY_SET that are within aDistance of each oth...
void buildThermalSpokes(const ZONE *box, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, const std::vector< PAD * > &aSpokedPadsList, std::deque< SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN > &aSpokes)
Function buildThermalSpokes Constructs a list of all thermal spokes for the given zone.
void subtractHigherPriorityZones(const ZONE *aZone, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, SHAPE_POLY_SET &aRawFill)
Removes the outlines of higher-proirity zones with the same net.
SHAPE_POLY_SET m_boardOutline
bool addHatchFillTypeOnZone(const ZONE *aZone, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, PCB_LAYER_ID aDebugLayer, SHAPE_POLY_SET &aFillPolys)
for zones having the ZONE_FILL_MODE::ZONE_FILL_MODE::HATCH_PATTERN, create a grid pattern in filled a...
void SetProgressReporter(PROGRESS_REPORTER *aReporter)
PROGRESS_REPORTER * GetProgressReporter() const
void knockoutThermalReliefs(const ZONE *aZone, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, SHAPE_POLY_SET &aFill, std::vector< PAD * > &aThermalConnectionPads, std::vector< PAD * > &aNoConnectionPads)
Removes thermal reliefs from the shape for any pads connected to the zone.
PROGRESS_REPORTER * m_progressReporter
bool fillCopperZone(const ZONE *aZone, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, PCB_LAYER_ID aDebugLayer, const SHAPE_POLY_SET &aSmoothedOutline, const SHAPE_POLY_SET &aMaxExtents, SHAPE_POLY_SET &aFillPolys)
Function fillCopperZone Add non copper areas polygons (pads and tracks with clearance) to a filled co...
void addHoleKnockout(PAD *aPad, int aGap, SHAPE_POLY_SET &aHoles)
Add a knockout for a pad's hole.
bool fillNonCopperZone(const ZONE *aZone, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, const SHAPE_POLY_SET &aSmoothedOutline, SHAPE_POLY_SET &aFillPolys)
bool fillSingleZone(ZONE *aZone, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, SHAPE_POLY_SET &aFillPolys)
Build the filled solid areas polygons from zone outlines (stored in m_Poly) The solid areas can be mo...
bool Fill(const std::vector< ZONE * > &aZones, bool aCheck=false, wxWindow *aParent=nullptr)
Fills the given list of zones.
Handle a list of polygons defining a copper zone.
A quick note on layer IDs: