23#ifndef __PNS_DIFF_PAIR_H
24#define __PNS_DIFF_PAIR_H
181 void SetFitVias(
bool aEnable,
int aDiameter = 0,
int aViaGap = -1 )
197 bool aViaMode =
false );
240 const SEG& aCoupledN,
const SEG& aParentN,
int aIndexN ) :
Represent route directions & corner angles in a 45-degree metric.
Basic class for a differential pair.
bool CheckConnectionAngle(const DIFF_PAIR &aOther, int allowedAngles) const
void AppendVias(const VIA &aViaP, const VIA &aViaN)
const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN & CN() const
static DIFF_PAIR * AssembleDp(LINE *aLine)
DP_PRIMITIVE_PAIR EndingPrimitives()
const RANGED_NUM< int > GapConstraint() const
double CoupledLength() const
bool BuildInitial(const DP_GATEWAY &aEntry, const DP_GATEWAY &aTarget, bool aPrefDiagonal)
void Append(const DIFF_PAIR &aOther)
void SetViaDiameter(int aDiameter)
RANGED_NUM< int > m_gapConstraint
void updateLine(LINE &aLine, const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aShape, NET_HANDLE aNet, const VIA &aVia)
double TotalLength() const
void SetViaDrill(int aDrill)
virtual void ClearLinks() override
Return the number of segments that were assembled together to form this line.
void SetShape(const DIFF_PAIR &aPair)
double CoupledLengthFactor() const
void SetShape(const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aP, const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aN, bool aSwapLanes=false)
bool EndsWithVias() const
DIFF_PAIR(const LINE &aLineP, const LINE &aLineN, int aGap=0)
DIFF_PAIR * Clone() const override
Return a deep copy of the item.
static bool ClassOf(const ITEM *aItem)
const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN & CP() const
void CoupledSegmentPairs(COUPLED_SEGMENTS_VEC &aPairs) const
void SetWidth(int aWidth)
A set of gateways calculated for the cursor or starting/ending primitive pair.
void SetFitVias(bool aEnable, int aDiameter=0, int aViaGap=-1)
void BuildFromPrimitivePair(const DP_PRIMITIVE_PAIR &aPair, bool aPreferDiagonal)
bool FitGateways(DP_GATEWAYS &aEntry, DP_GATEWAYS &aTarget, bool aPrefDiagonal, DIFF_PAIR &aDp)
void BuildGeneric(const VECTOR2I &p0_p, const VECTOR2I &p0_n, bool aBuildEntries=false, bool aViaMode=false)
std::vector< DP_GATEWAY > & Gateways()
bool checkDiagonalAlignment(const VECTOR2I &a, const VECTOR2I &b) const
void BuildOrthoProjections(DP_GATEWAYS &aEntries, const VECTOR2I &aCursorPos, int aOrthoScore)
void buildDpContinuation(const DP_PRIMITIVE_PAIR &aPair, bool aIsDiagonal)
std::vector< DP_GATEWAY > m_gateways
const std::vector< DP_GATEWAY > & CGateways() const
void FilterByOrientation(int aAngleMask, DIRECTION_45 aRefOrientation)
void BuildForCursor(const VECTOR2I &aCursorPos)
void buildEntries(const VECTOR2I &p0_p, const VECTOR2I &p0_n)
Define a "gateway" for routing a differential pair - e.g.
const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN & EntryP() const
bool HasEntryLines() const
int AllowedAngles() const
const VECTOR2I & AnchorN() const
void SetEntryLines(const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aEntryP, const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aEntryN)
const VECTOR2I & AnchorP() const
const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN & EntryN() const
const DIFF_PAIR Entry() const
DP_GATEWAY(const VECTOR2I &aAnchorP, const VECTOR2I &aAnchorN, bool aIsDiagonal, int aAllowedEntryAngles=DIRECTION_45::ANG_OBTUSE, int aPriority=0)
void SetPriority(int aPriority)
Store starting/ending primitives (pads, vias or segments) for a differential pair.
DIRECTION_45 DirN() const
const VECTOR2I & AnchorN() const
const VECTOR2I & AnchorP() const
DIRECTION_45 anchorDirection(const ITEM *aItem, const VECTOR2I &aP) const
void CursorOrientation(const VECTOR2I &aCursorPos, VECTOR2I &aMidpoint, VECTOR2I &aDirection) const
DP_PRIMITIVE_PAIR & operator=(const DP_PRIMITIVE_PAIR &aOther)
void SetAnchors(const VECTOR2I &aAnchorP, const VECTOR2I &aAnchorN)
DIRECTION_45 DirP() const
virtual HOLE * Clone() const override
Return a deep copy of the item.
Base class for PNS router board items.
BOARD_ITEM * m_sourceItem
void SetSourceItem(BOARD_ITEM *aSourceItem)
const PNS_LAYER_RANGE & Layers() const
virtual NET_HANDLE Net() const
PnsKind Kind() const
Return the type (kind) of the item.
void SetNet(NET_HANDLE aNet)
void SetLayer(int aLayer)
void SetParent(BOARD_ITEM *aParent)
Represents a track on a PCB, connecting two non-trivial joints (that is, vias, pads,...
void SetShape(const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aLine)
Return the shape of the line.
const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN & CLine() const
void AppendVia(const VIA &aVia)
void SetWidth(int aWidth)
Return line width.
bool IsLinked() const
Check if the segment aLink is a part of the line.
std::vector< LINKED_ITEM * > m_links
virtual void ClearLinks()
Return the number of segments that were assembled together to form this line.
void SetDiameter(int aLayer, int aDiameter)
virtual void SetHole(HOLE *aHole) override
virtual HOLE * Hole() const override
void SetDrill(int aDrill)
static constexpr int ALL_LAYERS
Represent a polyline containing arcs as well as line segments: A chain of connected line and/or arc s...
void Clear()
Remove all points from the line chain.
void Append(int aX, int aY, bool aAllowDuplication=false)
Append a new point at the end of the line chain.
int SegmentCount() const
Return the number of segments in this line chain.
void SetWidth(int aWidth)
Set the width of all segments in the chain.
Push and Shove diff pair dimensions (gap) settings dialog.
COUPLED_SEGMENTS(const SEG &aCoupledP, const SEG &aParentP, int aIndexP, const SEG &aCoupledN, const SEG &aParentN, int aIndexN)