25#ifndef _3D_VIEWER_CONTROL_H
26#define _3D_VIEWER_CONTROL_H
103 int doZoomInOut(
bool aDirection,
bool aCenterOnCursor );
Helper class to handle information needed to display 3D board.
A class used to derive camera objects from.
Implement a canvas based on a wxGLCanvas.
Handle view actions for various 3D canvases.
int On3DGridSelection(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
double m_rotationIncrement
Rotation increment for the rotate actions (degrees)
int ZoomFitScreen(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
double GetRotationIncrement()
Get the increment used by the RotateView actions.
void SetRotationIncrement(double aRotIncrement)
Set the increment used by the RotateView actions.
int doZoomInOut(bool aDirection, bool aCenterOnCursor)
int ToggleLayersManager(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
int Main(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
~EDA_3D_CONTROLLER() override
BOARD_ADAPTER * m_boardAdapter
int ZoomRedraw(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
int ToggleOrtho(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
int PanControl(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
bool Init() override
Init() is called once upon a registration of the tool.
int ToggleVisibility(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
void setTransitions() override
Set up handlers for various events.
int RotateView(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
int SetMaterial(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
int UpdateMenu(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
int ViewControl(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
int ZoomInOutCenter(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
int ZoomInOut(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
Create and handle a window for the 3d viewer connected to a Kiway and a pcbboard.