36 m_strokeColor(
A base class for most all the KiCad significant classes used in schematics and boards.
Abstract interface for drawing on a 2D-surface.
virtual void SetIsFill(bool aIsFillEnabled)
Enable/disable fill.
virtual void SetFillColor(const COLOR4D &aColor)
Set the fill color.
virtual void SetLineWidth(float aLineWidth)
Set the line width.
virtual void SetStrokeColor(const COLOR4D &aColor)
Set the stroke color.
virtual void SetIsStroke(bool aIsStrokeEnabled)
Enable/disable stroked outlines.
void setupGal(KIGFX::GAL &aGal) const
Set up the GAL canvas - this provides a default implementation, that sets fill, stroke and width.
std::vector< int > ViewGetLayers() const override
Set the overlay layer only.
void ViewDraw(int aLayer, KIGFX::VIEW *aView) const override
Draw the preview - this is done by calling the two functions: setupGal() and drawPreviewShape().
virtual void drawPreviewShape(KIGFX::VIEW *aView) const
Draw the preview onto the given GAL.
Hold a (potentially large) number of VIEW_ITEMs and renders them on a graphics device provided by the...
GAL * GetGAL() const
Return the #GAL this view is using to draw graphical primitives.
General purpose overlay.
the 3d code uses this value