42 isProgramCreated( false ),
43 isShaderLinked( false ),
46 geomInputType( GL_LINES ),
47 geomOutputType( GL_LINES )
70 if( glIsShader( shader ) )
73 glDeleteShader( shader );
86 const std::string shaderSource =
ReadSource( aShaderSourceName );
93 GLuint geometryOutputType )
116 glGetProgramiv(
programNumber, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &maxLength );
117 maxLength = maxLength + 1;
118 char* linkInfoLog =
new char[maxLength];
119 glGetProgramInfoLog(
programNumber, maxLength, &maxLength, linkInfoLog );
120 std::cerr <<
"Shader linking error:" << std::endl;
121 std::cerr << linkInfoLog;
122 delete[] linkInfoLog;
137 throw std::runtime_error(
"Could not find shader uniform: " + aParameterName );
162 float arr[4] = { f0, f1, f2, f3 };
171 static_cast<GLfloat
>( aValue.
y ) );
177 return glGetAttribLocation(
programNumber, aAttributeName.c_str() );
183 GLint glInfoLogLength = 0;
184 GLint writtenChars = 0;
187 glGetProgramiv( aProgram, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &glInfoLogLength );
190 if( glInfoLogLength > 2 )
192 GLchar* glInfoLog =
new GLchar[glInfoLogLength];
193 glGetProgramInfoLog( aProgram, glInfoLogLength, &writtenChars, glInfoLog );
202 GLint glInfoLogLength = 0;
203 GLint writtenChars = 0;
206 glGetShaderiv( aShader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &glInfoLogLength );
209 if( glInfoLogLength > 2 )
211 GLchar* glInfoLog =
new GLchar[glInfoLogLength];
212 glGetShaderInfoLog( aShader, glInfoLogLength, &writtenChars, glInfoLog );
222 std::ifstream inputFile( aShaderSourceName.c_str(), std::ifstream::in );
223 std::string shaderSource;
226 throw std::runtime_error(
"Can't read the shader source: " + aShaderSourceName );
228 std::string shaderSourceLine;
231 while( getline( inputFile, shaderSourceLine ) )
233 shaderSource += shaderSourceLine;
234 shaderSource +=
253 GLuint shaderNumber = glCreateShader( aShaderType );
260 glShaderSource( shaderNumber,
>( aSize ), (
const GLchar**) aArray,
nullptr );
264 glCompileShader( shaderNumber );
266 glGetShaderiv( shaderNumber, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status );
268 if( status != GL_TRUE )
273 glGetShaderiv( shaderNumber, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &maxLength );
276 std::vector<GLchar> errorLog( (
size_t) maxLength );
277 glGetShaderInfoLog( shaderNumber, maxLength, &maxLength, &errorLog[0] );
281 glDeleteShader( shaderNumber );
283 throw std::runtime_error( &errorLog[0] );
static std::string ReadSource(const std::string &aShaderSourceName)
Read the shader source file.
bool active
Is any of shaders used?
bool LoadShaderFromFile(SHADER_TYPE aShaderType, const std::string &aShaderSourceName)
Load one of the built-in shaders and compiles it.
bool isProgramCreated
Flag for program creation.
std::deque< GLuint > shaderNumbers
Shader number list.
void SetParameter(int aParameterNumber, float aValue) const
Set a parameter of the shader.
GLuint geomInputType
Output type [e.g. GL_LINES, GL_TRIANGLES, GL_QUADS etc.].
bool loadShaderFromStringArray(SHADER_TYPE aShaderType, const char **aArray, size_t aSize)
Compile vertex of fragment shader source code into the program.
std::deque< GLint > parameterLocation
Location of the parameter.
GLuint programNumber
Shader program number.
bool Link()
Link the shaders.
bool isShaderLinked
Is the shader linked?
void ConfigureGeometryShader(GLuint maxVertices, GLuint geometryInputType, GLuint geometryOutputType)
Configure the geometry shader - has to be done before linking!
bool LoadShaderFromStrings(SHADER_TYPE aShaderType, Args &&... aArgs)
Add a shader and compile the shader sources.
void shaderInfo(GLuint aShader)
Get the shader information.
void programInfo(GLuint aProgram)
Get the shader program information.
int AddParameter(const std::string &aParameterName)
Add a parameter to the parameter queue.
GLuint maximumVertices
The maximum of vertices to be generated.
int GetAttribute(const std::string &aAttributeName) const
Get an attribute location.
void Deactivate()
Deactivate the shader and use the default OpenGL program.
The Cairo implementation of the graphics abstraction layer.
Type definition for the shader.
Geometry shader.