26#ifndef _PL_EDITOR_FRAME_H
27#define _PL_EDITOR_FRAME_H
60 bool OpenProjectFiles(
const std::vector<wxString>& aFileSet,
int aCtl )
93 void OnExit( wxCommandEvent& aEvent );
175 void Files_io( wxCommandEvent& event );
277 _(
"Left Top paper corner"),
278 _(
"Right Bottom page corner"),
279 _(
"Left Bottom page corner"),
280 _(
"Right Top page corner"),
281 _(
"Left Top page corner")
BASE_SCREEN class implementation.
APP_SETTINGS_BASE is a settings class that should be derived for each standalone KiCad application.
Drawing sheet structure type definitions.
Specify whether we are interacting with the undo or redo stacks.
The base class for create windows for drawing purpose.
A minimalistic software bus for communications between various DLLs/DSOs (DSOs) within the same KiCad...
The class that implements the public interface to the SpaceMouse plug-in.
Describe the page size and margins of a paper page on which to eventually print or plot.
The main window used in the drawing sheet editor.
void ShowDesignInspector()
Show the dialog displaying the list of DS_DATA_ITEM items in the page layout.
bool OpenProjectFiles(const std::vector< wxString > &aFileSet, int aCtl) override
Open a project or set of files given by aFileList.
void OnNewDrawingSheet()
Must be called to initialize parameters when a new drawing sheet is loaded.
std::unique_ptr< NL_PL_EDITOR_PLUGIN > m_spaceMouse
void OnModify() override
Must be called after a change in order to set the "modify" flag.
void SetCurrentFileName(const wxString &aName)
Store the current layout description file filename.
bool IsContentModified() const override
Get if the drawing sheet has been modified but not saved.
void Files_io(wxCommandEvent &event)
void GetLayoutFromRedoList()
Redo the last edit:
PL_EDITOR_LAYOUT & GetPageLayout()
void configureToolbars() override
void ToPrinter(bool doPreview)
Open a dialog frame to print layers.
void UpdateMsgPanelInfo()
Display the size of the sheet to the message panel.
const BOX2I GetDocumentExtents(bool aIncludeAllVisible=true) const override
Return bounding box of document with option to not include some items.
bool saveCurrentPageLayout()
void doCloseWindow() override
VECTOR2I ReturnCoordOriginCorner() const
Calculate the position (in page, in iu) of the corner used as coordinate origin of items.
void OnClearFileHistory(wxCommandEvent &aEvent)
void SetPageSettings(const PAGE_INFO &) override
DS_DATA_ITEM * AddDrawingSheetItem(int aType)
Add a new item to the drawing sheet item list.
wxString GetCurrentFileName() const override
void GetLayoutFromUndoList()
Undo the last edit:
void doReCreateMenuBar() override
bool canCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent &aCloseEvent) override
void OnFileHistory(wxCommandEvent &event)
void UpdateStatusBar() override
Update the status bar information.
void SetGridOrigin(const VECTOR2I &aPoint) override
int m_propertiesFrameWidth
void OnSelectPage(wxCommandEvent &event)
void RollbackFromUndo()
Apply the last command in Undo List without stacking a Redo.
const TITLE_BLOCK & GetTitleBlock() const override
void DoWithAcceptedFiles() override
Execute action on accepted dropped file.
void UpdateTitleAndInfo()
Display the short filename (if exists) loaded file on the caption of the main window.
const VECTOR2I GetPageSizeIU() const override
Works off of GetPageSettings() to return the size of the paper page in the internal units of this par...
void OnSelectCoordOriginCorner(wxCommandEvent &event)
Called when the user select one of the 4 page corner as corner reference (or the left top paper corne...
void handleActivateEvent(wxActivateEvent &aEvent) override
Handle a window activation event.
void LoadSettings(APP_SETTINGS_BASE *aCfg) override
Load common frame parameters from a configuration file.
bool SaveDrawingSheetFile(const wxString &aFullFileName)
Save the current layout in a .kicad_wks drawing sheet file.
SELECTION & GetCurrentSelection() override
Get the current selection from the canvas area.
bool InsertDrawingSheetFile(const wxString &aFullFileName)
Load a .kicad_wks drawing sheet file, and add items to the current layout list.
void SaveCopyInUndoList()
Save a copy of the description (in a S expr string) for Undo/redo commands.
bool GetPageNumberOption() const
Drawing sheet editor can show the title block using a page number 1 or another number.
void UpdateToolbarControlSizes() override
Update the sizes of any controls in the toolbars of the frame.
void CommonSettingsChanged(int aFlags) override
Notification event that some of the common (suite-wide) settings have changed.
void handleIconizeEvent(wxIconizeEvent &aEvent) override
Handle a window iconize event.
void HardRedraw() override
Refresh the library tree and redraw the window.
void DisplayGridMsg() override
Display current grid size in the status bar.
void SaveSettings(APP_SETTINGS_BASE *aCfg) override
Save common frame parameters to a configuration data file.
PROPERTIES_FRAME * GetPropertiesFrame()
wxChoice * m_originSelectBox
const PAGE_INFO & GetPageSettings() const override
const PL_EDITOR_LAYOUT & GetPageLayout() const
void setupUIConditions() override
Setup the UI conditions for the various actions and their controls in this frame.
wxString m_originChoiceList[5]
PROPERTIES_FRAME * m_propertiesPagelayout
The last filename chosen to be proposed to the user.
wxChoice * m_pageSelectBox
PL_DRAW_PANEL_GAL * GetCanvas() const override
Return a pointer to GAL-based canvas of given EDA draw frame.
void ClearUndoORRedoList(UNDO_REDO_LIST whichList, int aItemCount=-1) override
Remove the aItemCount of old commands from aList and delete commands, pickers and picked items if nee...
const VECTOR2I & GetGridOrigin() const override
Return the absolute coordinates of the origin of the snap grid.
void SetTitleBlock(const TITLE_BLOCK &aTitleBlock) override
void OnExit(wxCommandEvent &aEvent)
Event handler for the wxID_EXIT and wxID_CLOSE events.
bool LoadDrawingSheetFile(const wxString &aFullFileName)
Load a .kicad_wks drawing sheet file.
PROPERTIES_FRAME display properties of the current item.
Hold the information shown in the lower right corner of a plot, printout, or editing view.