this should be improved to take advantage of a number of different resolution PNGs stored in the asset archive, so we take the closest PNG and scale it rather than always starting with a low-resolution version.
At some point in the future, use the footprint field in the new s-expression netlist file to assign a footprint to a component instead of using a secondary (*.cmp) file.
: This function can be optimized slipping it between the edges and do it without use the getpixel function. Optimization can be done to m_pixels[ix + iy * m_width] but keep in mind the parallel process of the algorithm
The Boost entropy exception does not exist prior to 1.67. Once the minimum Boost version is raise to 1.67 or greater, this version check can be removed.
Use mm inside the file. A general scale transform is applied to the whole file (1.0 to have the actual WRML unit im mm, 0.001 to have the actual WRML unit in meters.
Determine what to do if m_lastNode is a null pointer. I'm guessing return false but someone with more knowledge of the code will need to determine that..
Store sheet file names with full path, either relative to project path or absolute path. The current design always assumes subsheet files are located in the project folder which may or may not be desirable.