78 return static_cast<void*
>( &aColor );
83 return *
>( aColor );
100 wxGridCellAttr*
int aRow,
int aCol, wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind )
102 wxString
int aRow,
int aCol )
104 void SetValue(
int aRow,
int aCol,
const wxString& aValue )
106 wxString
int aRow,
int aCol )
112 void*
int aRow,
int aCol,
const wxString& aTypeName )
114 void SetValueAsCustom(
int aRow,
int aCol,
const wxString& aTypeName,
void* aValue )
167 const wxString& aTooltip = wxEmptyString,
168 bool aCanControlOpacity =
169 bool aCanControlVisibility =
true ) :
218 std::vector<BOARD_ITEM*>& aRemovedItems,
219 std::vector<BOARD_ITEM*>& aChangedItems )
255 return wxEmptyString;
295 void OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent& aEvent )
296 void OnSize( wxSizeEvent& aEvent )
316 void buildNetClassMenu( wxMenu& aMenu,
bool isDefaultClass,
const wxString& aName );
360 void showNetclass(
const wxString& aClassName,
bool aShow =
true );
void OnBoardNetSettingsChanged(BOARD &aBoard) override
void doApplyLayerPreset(const LAYER_PRESET &aPreset)
std::map< PCB_LAYER_ID, APPEARANCE_SETTING * > m_layerSettingsMap
wxArrayString m_presetMRU
wxStaticText * m_inactiveLayersLabel
void syncColorsAndVisibility()
std::map< GAL_LAYER_ID, APPEARANCE_SETTING * > m_objectSettingsMap
void ApplyLayerPreset(const wxString &aPresetName)
static LAYER_PRESET m_lastBuiltinPreset
wxRadioButton * m_rbHighContrastNormal
void onObjectVisibilityChanged(GAL_LAYER_ID aLayer, bool isVisible, bool isFinal)
static LAYER_PRESET presetFrontAssembly
void OnBoardItemAdded(BOARD &aBoard, BOARD_ITEM *aItem) override
void syncLayerPresetSelection()
static LAYER_PRESET presetBackAssembly
void OnNetGridClick(wxGridEvent &event) override
void setVisibleObjects(GAL_SET aObjects)
wxRadioButton * m_rbRatsnestNone
WX_COLLAPSIBLE_PANE * m_paneLayerDisplayOptions
void buildNetClassMenu(wxMenu &aMenu, bool isDefaultClass, const wxString &aName)
void onLayerVisibilityToggled(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer)
void onLayerPresetChanged(wxCommandEvent &aEvent) override
void OnBoardItemRemoved(BOARD &aBoard, BOARD_ITEM *aItem) override
wxMenu * m_layerContextMenu
wxRadioButton * m_rbRatsnestVisLayers
wxRadioButton * m_rbNetColorAll
bool doesBoardItemNeedRebuild(BOARD_ITEM *aBoardItem)
wxCheckBox * m_cbFlipBoard
void SetUserLayerPresets(std::vector< LAYER_PRESET > &aPresetList)
std::vector< LAYER_PRESET > GetUserLayerPresets() const
Update the current layer presets from those saved in the project file.
static LAYER_PRESET presetInnerCopper
void updateViewportSelection(const wxString &aName)
std::map< wxString, VIEWPORT > m_viewports
void onViewportChanged(wxCommandEvent &aEvent) override
NET_GRID_TABLE * m_netsTable
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< APPEARANCE_SETTING > > m_layerSettings
void loadDefaultLayerPresets()
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< APPEARANCE_SETTING > > m_objectSettings
void onObjectOpacitySlider(int aLayer, float aOpacity)
void rebuildViewportsWidget()
wxRadioButton * m_rbRatsnestAllLayers
wxBoxSizer * m_objectsOuterSizer
wxSize GetBestSize() const
Update the panel contents from the application and board models.
void setVisibleLayers(LSET aLayers)
LAYER_PRESET * m_lastSelectedUserPreset
wxString m_contextMenuNetclass
The name of the netclass that was right-clicked.
wxRadioButton * m_rbNetColorRatsnest
void onRatsnestMode(wxCommandEvent &aEvent)
wxRadioButton * m_rbNetColorOff
static LAYER_PRESET presetFront
void doApplyViewport(const VIEWPORT &aViewport)
static const APPEARANCE_SETTING s_objectSettings[]
Template for object appearance settings.
const wxArrayString & GetViewportsMRU()
void OnNetGridMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent &aEvent)
WX_COLLAPSIBLE_PANE * m_paneNetDisplayOptions
void OnNotebookPageChanged(wxNotebookEvent &event) override
int GetTabIndex() const
Set the current notebook tab.
bool IsLayerOptionsExpanded()
void onNetclassVisibilityChanged(wxCommandEvent &aEvent)
void OnBoardItemsRemoved(BOARD &aBoard, std::vector< BOARD_ITEM * > &aItems) override
void onNetContextMenu(wxCommandEvent &aEvent)
void OnColorSwatchChanged(wxCommandEvent &aEvent)
void updateLayerPresetSelection(const wxString &aName)
ROW_ICON_PROVIDER * m_iconProvider
std::map< wxString, LAYER_PRESET > m_layerPresets
bool IsTogglingNetclassRatsnestVisibility()
static LAYER_PRESET presetBack
void rebuildLayerContextMenu()
void RefreshCollapsiblePanes()
Function to force a redraw of the collapsible panes in this control.
static LAYER_PRESET presetNoLayers
void idleFocusHandler(wxIdleEvent &aEvent)
void rightClickHandler(wxMouseEvent &aEvent)
void OnNetGridRightClick(wxGridEvent &event) override
void OnBoardItemsChanged(BOARD &aBoard, std::vector< BOARD_ITEM * > &aItems) override
wxBoxSizer * m_layersOuterSizer
void UpdateDisplayOptions()
Return a list of the layer presets created by the user.
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< APPEARANCE_SETTING > > m_netclassSettings
wxRadioButton * m_rbHighContrastOff
const wxArrayString & GetLayerPresetsMRU()
Return a list of viewports created by the user.
void OnBoardCompositeUpdate(BOARD &aBoard, std::vector< BOARD_ITEM * > &aAddedItems, std::vector< BOARD_ITEM * > &aRemovedItems, std::vector< BOARD_ITEM * > &aChangedItems) override
Update the colors on all the widgets from the new chosen color theme.
void OnBoardItemsAdded(BOARD &aBoard, std::vector< BOARD_ITEM * > &aItems) override
void OnColorThemeChanged()
Respond to change in OS's DarkMode.
LAYER_PRESET * m_currentPreset
std::map< wxString, APPEARANCE_SETTING * > m_netclassSettingsMap
GAL_SET getVisibleObjects()
void OnSetFocus(wxFocusEvent &aEvent) override
void OnLanguageChanged(wxCommandEvent &aEvent)
static LAYER_PRESET presetAllCopper
void SetUserViewports(std::vector< VIEWPORT > &aPresetList)
void handleBoardItemsChanged()
wxRadioButton * m_rbHighContrastDim
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent &aEvent) override
wxString netclassNameFromEvent(wxEvent &aEvent)
bool IsTogglingNetRatsnestVisibility()
wxGridCellCoords m_hoveredCell
Grid cell that is being hovered over, for tooltips.
void showNetclass(const wxString &aClassName, bool aShow=true)
wxStaticText * m_txtRatsnestVisibility
wxString GetActiveLayerPreset() const
void rebuildLayerPresetsWidget()
void onLayerLeftClick(wxMouseEvent &aEvent)
std::vector< VIEWPORT > GetUserViewports() const
Update the current viewports from those saved in the project file.
VIEWPORT * m_lastSelectedViewport
wxArrayString m_viewportMRU
void SetTabIndex(int aTab)
wxColour m_layerPanelColour
std::map< int, wxString > m_netclassIdMap
Stores wxIDs for each netclass for control event mapping.
void OnLayerContextMenu(wxCommandEvent &aEvent)
Return the index of the current tab (0-2).
void onNetColorMode(wxCommandEvent &aEvent)
void OnNetVisibilityChanged(int aNetCode, bool aVisibility)
Notifies the panel when a net has been hidden or shown via the external tool.
bool IsNetOptionsExpanded()
void OnDarkModeToggle()
Update the widget when the active board layer is changed.
static LAYER_PRESET presetAllLayers
bool m_togglingNetclassRatsnestVisibility
void onNetclassContextMenu(wxCommandEvent &aEvent)
wxStaticText * m_txtNetDisplayTitle
wxStaticLine * m_layerDisplaySeparator
void syncObjectSettings()
void SetObjectVisible(GAL_LAYER_ID aLayer, bool isVisible=true)
void OnNetGridDoubleClick(wxGridEvent &event) override
void SetLayerVisible(int aLayer, bool isVisible)
void OnBoardItemChanged(BOARD &aBoard, BOARD_ITEM *aItem) override
void onNetclassColorChanged(wxCommandEvent &aEvent)
void ApplyViewport(const wxString &aPresetName)
A checkbox control except with custom bitmaps for the checked and unchecked states.
A base class for any item which can be embedded within the BOARD container class, and therefore insta...
Information pertinent to a Pcbnew printed circuit board.
A simple color swatch of the kind used to set layer colors.
Helper for storing and iterating over GAL_LAYER_IDs.
A toggle button renderer for a wxGrid, similar to BITMAP_TOGGLE.
Represent a row indicator icon for use in places like the layer widget.
A color representation with 4 components: red, green, blue, alpha.
LSET is a set of PCB_LAYER_IDs.
void SetValue(int aRow, int aCol, const wxString &aValue) override
void SetValueAsCustom(int aRow, int aCol, const wxString &aTypeName, void *aValue) override
std::vector< NET_GRID_ENTRY > m_nets
void updateNetColor(const NET_GRID_ENTRY &aNet)
NET_GRID_ENTRY & GetEntry(int aRow)
void SetValueAsBool(int aRow, int aCol, bool aValue) override
void * GetValueAsCustom(int aRow, int aCol, const wxString &aTypeName) override
void updateNetVisibility(const NET_GRID_ENTRY &aNet)
wxString GetValue(int aRow, int aCol) override
wxGridCellAttr * m_labelAttr
void HideOtherNets(const NET_GRID_ENTRY &aNet)
wxGridCellAttr * m_defaultAttr
bool GetValueAsBool(int aRow, int aCol) override
wxGridCellAttr * GetAttr(int aRow, int aCol, wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind) override
int GetNumberCols() override
static void * ColorToVoid(COLOR4D &aColor)
int GetRowByNetcode(int aCode) const
int GetNumberRows() override
wxString GetTypeName(int aRow, int aCol) override
static COLOR4D VoidToColor(void *aColor)
Base PCB main window class for Pcbnew, Gerbview, and CvPcb footprint viewer.
Icon provider for the "standard" row indicators, for example in layer selection lists.
A better wxCollapsiblePane that.
GAL layers are "virtual" layers, i.e.
A quick note on layer IDs:
Container for an appearance setting (can control a single board layer, or GAL layer,...
APPEARANCE_SETTING(const wxString &aLabel, int aId, const wxString &aTooltip=wxEmptyString, bool aCanControlOpacity=false, bool aCanControlVisibility=true)
bool can_control_visibility
BITMAP_TOGGLE * ctl_visibility
INDICATOR_ICON * ctl_indicator
A saved set of layers that are visible.
wxString name
A name for this layer set.
NET_GRID_ENTRY(int aCode, const wxString &aName, const COLOR4D &aColor, bool aVisible)