A color representation with 4 components: red, green, blue, alpha.
A preview item which shows an in-progress polygon, which can be used for zone outlines,...
KIGFX::COLOR4D m_lineColor
the preview leader line color
virtual const BOX2I ViewBBox() const override
Return the bounding box of the item covering all its layers.
void SetLeaderColor(KIGFX::COLOR4D leaderColor)
Gets the bounding box of the polygon.
void drawPreviewShape(KIGFX::VIEW *aView) const override
< Draw rectangle and center line onto GAL
KIGFX::COLOR4D m_leaderColor
void SetLineColor(KIGFX::COLOR4D lineColor)
Sets the color of the outline leader line.
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN m_lockedChain
void SetPoints(const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aLockedInPts, const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aLeaderPts, const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &aLoopPts)
Set the polygon points.
static const double POLY_LINE_WIDTH
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN m_leaderChain
Sets the color of the preview outline.
SHAPE_POLY_SET m_polyfill
the preview outline color
polygon fill
SIMPLE_OVERLAY_ITEM is class that represents a visual area drawn on a canvas, used to temporarily dem...
Hold a (potentially large) number of VIEW_ITEMs and renders them on a graphics device provided by the...
Represent a polyline containing arcs as well as line segments: A chain of connected line and/or arc s...
Represent a set of closed polygons.
The Cairo implementation of the graphics abstraction layer.