Container for design settings for a BOARD object.
Information pertinent to a Pcbnew printed circuit board.
LSEQ is a sequence (and therefore also a set) of PCB_LAYER_IDs.
LSET is a set of PCB_LAYER_IDs.
wxStaticText * m_CrtYdBackStaticText
wxStaticText * m_CrtYdFrontStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_SoldPBackCheckBox
wxStaticText * m_PCBEdgesStaticText
wxTextCtrl * m_FabBackName
void showSelectedLayerCheckBoxes(LSET enableLayerMask)
wxStaticText * m_FabBackStaticText
wxTextCtrl * m_PCBEdgesName
wxTextCtrl * m_DrawingsName
wxStaticText * m_MarginStaticText
bool IsInitialized() const
void append_user_layer(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer)
wxCheckBox * m_AdhesBackCheckBox
wxTextCtrl * getName(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer)
wxStaticText * m_Eco2StaticText
bool CheckCopperLayerCount(BOARD *aWorkingBoard, BOARD *aImportedBoard)
Check and warn if inner copper layers will be deleted.
wxTextCtrl * m_CrtYdBackName
wxStaticText * m_AdhesFrontStaticText
wxTextCtrl * m_MaskFrontName
wxCheckBox * m_Eco1CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_CrtYdFrontCheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_FabFrontCheckBox
bool TransferDataToWindow() override
wxTextCtrl * m_AdhesFrontName
void SetPhysicalStackupPanel(PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP *aPanel)
wxCheckBox * getCheckBox(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer)
wxCheckBox * m_MaskFrontCheckBox
void setLayerCheckBox(PCB_LAYER_ID layer, bool isChecked)
virtual void addUserDefinedLayer(wxCommandEvent &aEvent) override
wxCheckBox * m_SilkSBackCheckBox
void SyncCopperLayers(int aNumCopperLayers)
Called when switching to this tab to make sure that any changes to the copper layer count made on the...
wxStaticText * m_AdhesBackStaticText
void initialize_back_tech_layers()
void initialize_front_tech_layers()
wxTextCtrl * m_CrtYdFrontName
std::map< PCB_LAYER_ID, PANEL_SETUP_LAYERS_CTLs > m_layersControls
wxTextCtrl * m_MaskBackName
wxStaticText * m_Eco1StaticText
wxTextCtrl * m_AdhesBackName
wxTextCtrl * m_MarginName
wxCheckBox * m_MaskBackCheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_SoldPFrontCheckBox
wxStaticText * m_CommentsStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_PCBEdgesCheckBox
wxStaticText * m_FabFrontStaticText
wxStaticText * m_MaskFrontStaticText
LSEQ getNonRemovableLayers()
Return a list of layers in use in footprints, and therefore not removable.
wxStaticText * m_SilkSFrontStaticText
void showBoardLayerNames()
wxCheckBox * m_MarginCheckBox
wxStaticText * m_SoldPBackStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_SilkSFrontCheckBox
wxStaticText * m_MaskBackStaticText
void setCopperLayerCheckBoxes(int copperCount)
wxCheckBox * m_CrtYdBackCheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_CommentsCheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_FabBackCheckBox
wxTextCtrl * m_SoldPFrontName
wxTextCtrl * m_SilkSBackName
wxTextCtrl * m_SoldPBackName
wxStaticText * m_SilkSBackStaticText
wxTextCtrl * m_SilkSFrontName
wxCheckBox * m_Eco2CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_AdhesFrontCheckBox
wxChoice * getChoice(PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer)
void initialize_layers_controls()
wxStaticText * m_SoldPFrontStaticText
LSEQ getRemovedLayersWithItems()
Return a list of layers removed from the board that contain items.
wxCheckBox * m_DrawingsCheckBox
wxStaticText * m_DrawingsStaticText
bool TransferDataFromWindow() override
void ImportSettingsFrom(BOARD *aBoard)
wxTextCtrl * m_CommentsName
wxTextCtrl * m_FabFrontName
void setUserDefinedLayerCheckBoxes()
The main frame for Pcbnew.
A quick note on layer IDs:
The 3 UI control pointers for a single board layer.
PANEL_SETUP_LAYERS_CTLs(wxTextCtrl *aName, wxCheckBox *aCheckBox, wxControl *aChoiceOrDesc)