22#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
23#include <wx/translation.h>
44 return wxString::Format( wxS(
"%s x %s" ), xStr, yStr );
64 return x == aOther.
x &&
y == aOther.
70 return !( lhs == rhs );
92 j.at(
"name" ).get_to( g.
name );
93 j.at(
"x" ).get_to( g.
x );
94 j.at(
"y" ).get_to( g.
y );
const EDA_IU_SCALE & GetIuScale() const
EDA_UNITS GetUserUnits() const
The type of unit.
bool operator<(const GRID &lhs, const GRID &rhs)
void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j, GRID &g)
bool operator!=(const GRID &lhs, const GRID &rhs)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const GRID &g)
KICOMMON_API wxString MessageTextFromValue(const EDA_IU_SCALE &aIuScale, EDA_UNITS aUnits, double aValue, bool aAddUnitsText=true, EDA_DATA_TYPE aType=EDA_DATA_TYPE::DISTANCE)
A helper to convert the double length aValue to a string in inches, millimeters, or unscaled units.
KICOMMON_API double DoubleValueFromString(const EDA_IU_SCALE &aIuScale, EDA_UNITS aUnits, const wxString &aTextValue, EDA_DATA_TYPE aType=EDA_DATA_TYPE::DISTANCE)
Function DoubleValueFromString converts aTextValue to a double.
Common grid settings, available to every frame.
bool operator==(const GRID &aOther) const
wxString UserUnitsMessageText(UNITS_PROVIDER *aProvider, bool aDisplayUnits=true) const
Returns a string representation of the grid in the user's units.
wxString MessageText(EDA_IU_SCALE aScale, EDA_UNITS aUnits, bool aDisplayUnits=true) const
Returns a string representation of the grid in specified units.
VECTOR2D ToDouble(EDA_IU_SCALE aScale) const