37using namespace std::placeholders;
103 wxASSERT( drwFrame );
114 wxASSERT( drwFrame );
124 wxASSERT( drwFrame );
134 wxASSERT( drwFrame );
The base frame for deriving all KiCad main window classes.
virtual int GetRedoCommandCount() const
virtual bool IsContentModified() const
Get if the contents of the frame have been modified since the last save.
virtual int GetUndoCommandCount() const
The base class for create windows for drawing purpose.
bool IsScriptingConsoleVisible()
Get the current visibility of the scripting console window.
bool IsGridOverridden() const
Return a reference to the gal rendering options used by GAL for rendering.
virtual EDA_DRAW_PANEL_GAL * GetCanvas() const
Return a pointer to GAL-based canvas of given EDA draw frame.
bool IsGridVisible() const
bool GetShowPolarCoords() const
For those frames that support polar coordinates.
virtual KIGFX::VIEW * GetView() const
Return a pointer to the #VIEW instance used in the panel.
Create a functor testing if there are no tools active in the frame.
static bool noToolFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, EDA_BASE_FRAME *aFrame)
Helper function used by NoActiveTool().
static bool cursorFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, EDA_DRAW_FRAME *aFrame)
Helper function used by FullscreenCursor().
static bool polarCoordFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, EDA_DRAW_FRAME *aFrame)
Helper function used by PolarCoordinates().
static bool consoleVisibleFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, EDA_DRAW_FRAME *aFrame)
Helper function used by ScriptingConsoleVisible().
Create a functor that tests if there are any items in the redo queue.
EDA_BASE_FRAME * m_frame
The frame to apply the conditions to.
static bool gridFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, EDA_DRAW_FRAME *aFrame)
Helper function used by GridVisible().
Create a functor testing if the specified tool is the current active tool in the frame.
virtual SELECTION_CONDITION UndoAvailable()
Create a functor that tests if there are any items in the undo queue.
SELECTION_CONDITION ScriptingConsoleVisible()
Create a functor testing if the python scripting console window is visible.
Create a functor that tests if the frame has the specified units.
Create a functor testing if the grid is visible in a frame.
Create a functor that tests if the content of the frame is modified.
Create a functor testing if polar coordinates are current being used.
Create a functor testing if the grid overrides wires is enabled in a frame.
Create a functor testing if the cursor is full screen in a frame.
static bool toolFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, EDA_BASE_FRAME *aFrame, const TOOL_ACTION &aTool)
Helper function used by CurrentTool().
static bool undoFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, EDA_BASE_FRAME *aFrame)
Helper function used by UndoAvailable().
static bool redoFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, EDA_BASE_FRAME *aFrame)
Helper function used by RedoAvailable().
static bool gridOverridesFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, EDA_DRAW_FRAME *aFrame)
Helper function used by GridOverrides().
static bool contentModifiedFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, EDA_BASE_FRAME *aFrame)
Helper function used by ContentModified().
static bool unitsFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, EDA_BASE_FRAME *aFrame, EDA_UNITS aUnits)
Helper function used by Units().
static bool bboxesFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, EDA_DRAW_FRAME *aFrame)
Helper function used by DrawBoundingBoxes().
bool m_fullscreenCursor
Force cursor display.
virtual RENDER_SETTINGS * GetSettings()=0
Return a pointer to current settings that are going to be used when drawing items.
bool GetDrawBoundingBoxes() const
PAINTER * GetPainter() const
Return the painter object used by the view for drawing #VIEW_ITEMS.
EDA_UNITS GetUserUnits() const
Base window classes and related definitions.
std::function< bool(const SELECTION &)> SELECTION_CONDITION
Functor type that checks a specific condition for selected items.