33 m_BrdSettings( &aFrame->
GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings() ),
34 m_teardropMaxLenRound( aFrame, m_stMaxLen, m_tcTdMaxLen, m_stMaxLenUnits ),
35 m_teardropMaxWidthRound( aFrame, m_stMaxWidthLabel, m_tcMaxWidth, m_stMaxWidthUnits ),
36 m_teardropMaxLenRect( aFrame, m_stMaxLen1, m_tcTdMaxLen1, m_stMaxLen1Units ),
37 m_teardropMaxWidthRect( aFrame, m_stMaxWidth2Label, m_tcMaxWidth1, m_stMaxWidth1Units ),
38 m_teardropMaxLenT2T( aFrame, m_stMaxLen2, m_tcTdMaxLen2, m_stMaxLen2Units ),
39 m_teardropMaxWidthT2T( aFrame, m_stMaxWidth2Label, m_tcMaxWidth2, m_stMaxWidth2Units )
wxBitmapBundle KiBitmapBundle(BITMAPS aBitmap, int aMinHeight)
Container for design settings for a BOARD object.
Information pertinent to a Pcbnew printed circuit board.
BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS & GetDesignSettings() const
wxCheckBox * m_cbCurvedEdges1
wxSpinCtrlDouble * m_spLenPercent
wxCheckBox * m_cbTeardropsUseNextTrack
wxCheckBox * m_cbTeardropsUseNextTrack1
wxCheckBox * m_cbTeardropsUseNextTrack2
wxCheckBox * m_cbCurvedEdges
wxSpinCtrlDouble * m_spTeardropHDPercent2
wxSpinCtrlDouble * m_spWidthPercent
wxSpinCtrlDouble * m_spTeardropHDPercent1
wxStaticBitmap * m_bitmapTeardrop2
wxStaticBitmap * m_bitmapTeardrop1
wxCheckBox * m_cbPreferZoneConnection1
wxCheckBox * m_cbPreferZoneConnection
wxStaticBitmap * m_bitmapTeardrop
wxSpinCtrlDouble * m_spLenPercent2
wxSpinCtrlDouble * m_spWidthPercent2
wxCheckBox * m_cbCurvedEdges2
wxSpinCtrlDouble * m_spLenPercent1
wxSpinCtrlDouble * m_spWidthPercent1
wxSpinCtrlDouble * m_spTeardropHDPercent
UNIT_BINDER m_teardropMaxWidthRound
UNIT_BINDER m_teardropMaxLenRect
UNIT_BINDER m_teardropMaxWidthRect
void ImportSettingsFrom(BOARD *aBoard)
UNIT_BINDER m_teardropMaxWidthT2T
UNIT_BINDER m_teardropMaxLenRound
PANEL_SETUP_TEARDROPS(wxWindow *aParentWindow, PCB_EDIT_FRAME *aFrame)
UNIT_BINDER m_teardropMaxLenT2T
bool TransferDataFromWindow() override
bool TransferDataToWindow() override
The main frame for Pcbnew.
TEARDROP_PARAMETERS_LIST is a helper class to handle the list of TEARDROP_PARAMETERS needed to build ...
TEARDROP_PARAMETARS is a helper class to handle parameters needed to build teardrops for a board thes...
double m_BestWidthRatio
The height of a teardrop as ratio between height and size of pad/via.
int m_TdMaxLen
max allowed length for teardrops in IU. <= 0 to disable
bool m_AllowUseTwoTracks
True to create teardrops using 2 track segments if the first in too small.
int m_TdMaxWidth
max allowed height for teardrops in IU. <= 0 to disable
double m_BestLengthRatio
The length of a teardrop as ratio between length and size of pad/via.
double m_WidthtoSizeFilterRatio
The ratio (H/D) between the via/pad size and the track width max value to create a teardrop 1....
bool m_TdOnPadsInZones
A filter to exclude pads inside zone fills.
bool m_CurvedEdges
True if the teardrop should be curved.
virtual void SetValue(long long int aValue)
Set new value (in Internal Units) for the text field, taking care of units conversion.
KICOMMON_API wxFont GetInfoFont(wxWindow *aWindow)