10#include <wx/artprov.h>
11#include <wx/xrc/xmlres.h>
16#include <wx/stattext.h>
20#include <wx/settings.h>
21#include <wx/statline.h>
24#include <wx/checkbox.h>
26#include <wx/simplebook.h>
27#include <wx/textctrl.h>
28#include <wx/spinctrl.h>
id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxSize( -1,-1 ),
long style = wxTAB_TRAVERSAL,
const wxString&
name = wxEmptyString );
A simple color swatch of the kind used to set layer colors.
wxStaticText * m_backgroundColorLabel
wxStaticText * m_staticText15
wxCheckBox * m_escClearsNetHighlight
wxStaticText * m_staticText151
wxStaticText * m_borderColorLabel
wxStaticText * m_staticText11
wxStaticText * m_staticText24
wxCheckBox * m_checkAutoplaceAlign
wxCheckBox * m_mouseDragIsDrag
wxStaticText * m_staticText91
wxStaticText * m_staticText14
wxStaticText * m_staticText32
wxStaticText * m_leftClickLabel
wxStaticText * m_staticText131
COLOR_SWATCH * m_borderColorSwatch
wxChoice * m_choiceLineMode
wxStaticText * m_editingLabel
wxStaticText * m_staticText10
wxSpinCtrl * m_spinLabelRepeatStep
wxTextCtrl * m_hPitchCtrl
wxStaticText * m_vPitchUnits
wxStaticLine * m_staticline4
wxStaticText * m_hPitchUnits
wxStaticText * m_staticText26
wxStaticText * m_hPitchLabel
wxStaticText * m_vPitchLabel
wxStaticText * m_staticText161
wxStaticLine * m_staticline10
wxTextCtrl * m_vPitchCtrl
wxStaticLine * m_staticline3
wxStaticText * m_staticText322
wxStaticText * m_staticText16
wxStaticText * m_staticText12
wxStaticText * m_leftClickLabel1
wxCheckBox * m_checkAutoplaceFields
wxSimplebook * m_leftClickCmdsBook
wxStaticLine * m_staticline8
wxCheckBox * m_neverShowRescue
wxStaticText * m_staticText141
wxCheckBox * m_footprintPreview
wxStaticText * m_staticText13
wxCheckBox * m_cbAutoStartWires
wxStaticText * m_staticText9
wxCheckBox * m_checkAutoplaceJustify
wxStaticText * m_staticText101
wxStaticLine * m_staticline9
COLOR_SWATCH * m_backgroundColorSwatch
wxStaticLine * m_staticline6
wxStaticLine * m_staticline7
wxStaticText * m_staticText321
wxStaticText * m_labelIncrementLabel
A wxPanel that is designed to be reset in a standard manner.