KiCad PCB EDA Suite
No Matches
mathplot.h File Reference
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/menu.h>
#include <wx/scrolwin.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/dynarray.h>
#include <wx/pen.h>
#include <wx/dcmemory.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/print.h>
#include <wx/image.h>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <stack>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  mpLayer
class  mpInfoLayer
 Base class to create small rectangular info boxes mpInfoLayer is the base class to create a small rectangular info box in transparent overlay over plot layers. More...
class  mpInfoLegend
 Implements the legend to be added to the plot This layer allows you to add a legend to describe the plots in the window. More...
class  mpFX
 Abstract base class providing plot and labeling functionality for functions F:X->Y. More...
class  mpFY
 Abstract base class providing plot and labeling functionality for functions F:Y->X. More...
class  mpFXY
 Abstract base class providing plot and labeling functionality for a locus plot F:N->X,Y. More...
class  mpScaleBase
 Plot layer implementing a x-scale ruler. More...
struct  mpScaleBase::TICK_LABEL
class  mpScaleXBase
class  mpScaleX
class  mpScaleXLog
class  mpScaleY
 Plot layer implementing a y-scale ruler. More...
class  mpWindow
 Canvas for plotting mpLayer implementations. More...
struct  mpWindow::MouseWheelActionSet
 Contains the set of modified mouse wheel actions that can be performed on the plot. More...
struct  mpWindow::DelegatingContructorTag
class  mpFXYVector
 A class providing graphs functionality for a 2D plot (either continuous or a set of points), from vectors of data. More...


 wxMathPlot is a framework for mathematical graph plotting in wxWindows.
#define WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_MATHPLOT(type)   type
Label alignment constants
#define mpALIGNMASK   0x03
#define mpALIGN_RIGHT   0x00
 Aligns label to the right.
#define mpALIGN_CENTER   0x01
 Aligns label to the center.
#define mpALIGN_LEFT   0x02
 Aligns label to the left.
 Aligns label to the top.
 Aligns label to the bottom.
#define mpALIGN_BORDER_BOTTOM   0x04
 Aligns X axis to bottom border.
#define mpALIGN_BORDER_TOP   0x05
 Aligns X axis to top border.
#define mpALIGN_FAR_RIGHT   0x06
 Aligns label to the right of mpALIGN_RIGHT.
#define mpX_NORMAL   0x00
 Set label for X axis in normal mode.
#define mpX_TIME   0x01
 Set label for X axis in time mode: the value is represented as minutes:seconds.milliseconds if time is less than 2 minutes, hours:minutes:seconds otherwise.
#define mpX_HOURS   0x02
 Set label for X axis in hours mode: the value is always represented as hours:minutes:seconds.
#define mpX_DATE   0x03
 Set label for X axis in date mode: the value is always represented as yyyy-mm-dd.
#define mpX_DATETIME   0x04
 Set label for X axis in datetime mode: the value is always represented as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.
 Aligns Y axis to left border.
 Aligns Y axis to right border.
#define mpALIGN_NE   0x00
 Aligns label to north-east.
#define mpALIGN_NW   0x01
 Aligns label to north-west.
#define mpALIGN_SW   0x02
 Aligns label to south-west.
#define mpALIGN_SE   0x03
 Aligns label to south-east.


typedef enum __mp_Layer_Type mpLayerType


enum  {
  mpID_FIT = 2000 , mpID_ZOOM_UNDO , mpID_ZOOM_REDO , mpID_ZOOM_IN ,
 Command IDs used by mpWindow. More...
enum  __mp_Layer_Type {



Constants defining mouse modes for mpWindow

#define mpMOUSEMODE_DRAG   0
 Mouse panning drags the view.
 Mouse panning creates a zoom box.
typedef std::deque< mpLayer * > wxLayerList
 Define the type for the list of layers inside mpWindow.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define mpALIGN_BORDER_BOTTOM   0x04

Aligns X axis to bottom border.

For mpScaleX

Definition at line 437 of file mathplot.h.



Aligns Y axis to left border.

For mpScaleY

Definition at line 453 of file mathplot.h.



Aligns Y axis to right border.

For mpScaleY

Definition at line 455 of file mathplot.h.


#define mpALIGN_BORDER_TOP   0x05

Aligns X axis to top border.

For mpScaleX

Definition at line 439 of file mathplot.h.



Aligns label to the bottom.

For use with mpFY.

Definition at line 435 of file mathplot.h.


#define mpALIGN_CENTER   0x01

Aligns label to the center.

For use with mpFX and mpFY.

Definition at line 429 of file mathplot.h.


#define mpALIGN_FAR_RIGHT   0x06

Aligns label to the right of mpALIGN_RIGHT.

Definition at line 441 of file mathplot.h.


#define mpALIGN_LEFT   0x02

Aligns label to the left.

For use with mpFX.

Definition at line 431 of file mathplot.h.


#define mpALIGN_NE   0x00

Aligns label to north-east.

For use with mpFXY.

Definition at line 457 of file mathplot.h.


#define mpALIGN_NW   0x01

Aligns label to north-west.

For use with mpFXY.

Definition at line 459 of file mathplot.h.


#define mpALIGN_RIGHT   0x00

Aligns label to the right.

For use with mpFX.

Definition at line 427 of file mathplot.h.


#define mpALIGN_SE   0x03

Aligns label to south-east.

For use with mpFXY.

Definition at line 463 of file mathplot.h.


#define mpALIGN_SW   0x02

Aligns label to south-west.

For use with mpFXY.

Definition at line 461 of file mathplot.h.



Aligns label to the top.

For use with mpFY.

Definition at line 433 of file mathplot.h.


#define mpALIGNMASK   0x03

Definition at line 425 of file mathplot.h.


#define mpMOUSEMODE_DRAG   0

Mouse panning drags the view.

Mouse mode for mpWindow.

Definition at line 876 of file mathplot.h.



Mouse panning creates a zoom box.

Mouse mode for mpWindow.

Definition at line 878 of file mathplot.h.

◆ mpX_DATE

#define mpX_DATE   0x03

Set label for X axis in date mode: the value is always represented as yyyy-mm-dd.

Definition at line 449 of file mathplot.h.


#define mpX_DATETIME   0x04

Set label for X axis in datetime mode: the value is always represented as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.

Definition at line 451 of file mathplot.h.


#define mpX_HOURS   0x02

Set label for X axis in hours mode: the value is always represented as hours:minutes:seconds.

Definition at line 447 of file mathplot.h.


#define mpX_NORMAL   0x00

Set label for X axis in normal mode.

Definition at line 443 of file mathplot.h.

◆ mpX_TIME

#define mpX_TIME   0x01

Set label for X axis in time mode: the value is represented as minutes:seconds.milliseconds if time is less than 2 minutes, hours:minutes:seconds otherwise.

Definition at line 445 of file mathplot.h.


#define WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_MATHPLOT (   type)    type

Definition at line 63 of file mathplot.h.



wxMathPlot is a framework for mathematical graph plotting in wxWindows.

The framework is designed for convenience and ease of use.


Go to the screenshots page.


The heart of wxMathPlot is mpWindow, which is a 2D canvas for plot layers. mpWindow can be embedded as subwindow in a wxPane, a wxFrame, or any other wxWindow. mpWindow provides a zoomable and moveable view of the layers. The current view can be controlled with the mouse, the scrollbars, and a context menu.

Plot layers are implementations of the abstract base class mpLayer. Those can be function plots, scale rulers, or any other vector data visualisation. wxMathPlot provides two mpLayer implementations for plotting horizontal and vertical rulers: mpScaleX and mpScaleY. For convenient function plotting a series of classes derived from mpLayer are provided, like mpFX, mpProfile, mpLegend and so on. These base classes already come with plot code, user's own functions can be implemented by overriding just one member for retrieving a function value.

mpWindow has built-in support for mouse-based pan and zoom through intuitive combinations of buttons and the mouse wheel. It also incorporates an optional double buffering mechanism to avoid flicker. Plots can be easily sent to printer evices or exported in bitmap formats like PNG, BMP or JPEG.

Coding conventions

wxMathPlot sticks to wxWindow's coding conventions. All entities defined by wxMathPlot have the prefix mp.

Author and license

wxMathPlot is published under the terms of the wxWindow license.
The original author is David Schalig
From June 2007 the project is maintained by Davide Rondini
Authors can be contacted via the wxMathPlot's homepage at
Jose Luis Blanco, Val Greene.

Definition at line 62 of file mathplot.h.



Definition at line 95 of file mathplot.h.



Definition at line 96 of file mathplot.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ mpLayerType

◆ wxLayerList

typedef std::deque<mpLayer*> wxLayerList

Define the type for the list of layers inside mpWindow.

Definition at line 883 of file mathplot.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Command IDs used by mpWindow.


Definition at line 113 of file mathplot.h.

◆ __mp_Layer_Type


Definition at line 127 of file mathplot.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ mpFX

Definition at line 103 of file mathplot.h.

◆ mpFXY

Definition at line 105 of file mathplot.h.

◆ mpFXYVector

Definition at line 106 of file mathplot.h.

◆ mpFY

Definition at line 104 of file mathplot.h.

◆ mpLayer

Definition at line 102 of file mathplot.h.

◆ mpPrintout


Definition at line 110 of file mathplot.h.

◆ mpScaleX

Definition at line 107 of file mathplot.h.

◆ mpScaleY

Definition at line 108 of file mathplot.h.

◆ mpWindow

Definition at line 109 of file mathplot.h.