47 wxMenuBar* oldMenuBar = GetMenuBar();
64 openRecentMenu->
SetIcon( BITMAPS::recent );
66 fileHistory.UseMenu( openRecentMenu );
71 openRecentMenu->
"Open Recent" ) );
77 wxMenuItem* item = fileMenu->
Add( openRecentMenu->
Clone() );
83 fileMenu->AppendSeparator();
95 fileMenu->AppendSeparator();
97 fileMenu->
"Insert Schematic Sheet Content..." ),
98 _(
"Append schematic sheet content from another project to the current sheet" ),
100 BITMAPS::add_document );
102 fileMenu->AppendSeparator();
106 submenuImport->
"Import" ) );
107 submenuImport->
SetIcon( BITMAPS::import );
109 submenuImport->
"Non-KiCad Schematic..." ),
110 _(
"Replace current schematic sheet with one imported from another application" ),
112 BITMAPS::import_document );
115 _(
"Footprint Assignments..." ) );
118 fileMenu->
Add( submenuImport );
123 submenuExport->
"Export" ) );
124 submenuExport->
SetIcon( BITMAPS::export_file );
126 _(
"Drawing to Clipboard" ) );
129 _(
"Symbols to Library..." ) );
131 _(
"Symbols to New Library..." ) );
132 fileMenu->
Add( submenuExport );
134 fileMenu->AppendSeparator();
137 fileMenu->AppendSeparator();
142 fileMenu->AppendSeparator();
153 editMenu->AppendSeparator();
160 editMenu->AppendSeparator();
164 editMenu->AppendSeparator();
168 editMenu->AppendSeparator();
175 submenuAttributes->
"Attributes" ) );
181 submenuAttributes->AppendSeparator();
186 submenuAttributes->AppendSeparator();
191 submenuAttributes->AppendSeparator();
196 editMenu->
Add( submenuAttributes );
210 viewMenu->AppendSeparator();
217 viewMenu->AppendSeparator();
225 viewMenu->AppendSeparator();
237 viewMenu->AppendSeparator();
256 placeMenu->AppendSeparator();
262 placeMenu->AppendSeparator();
279 inspectMenu->AppendSeparator();
285 inspectMenu->AppendSeparator();
288 inspectMenu->AppendSeparator();
297 update->Enable( !
Kiface().IsSingle() );
301 if( !
Kiface().IsSingle() )
304 toolsMenu->AppendSeparator();
308 toolsMenu->AppendSeparator();
315 toolsMenu->AppendSeparator();
319 toolsMenu->AppendSeparator();
323 toolsMenu->AppendSeparator();
328 toolsMenu->AppendSeparator();
330 update->Enable( !
Kiface().IsSingle() );
333 toolsMenu->AppendSeparator();
345 prefsMenu->AppendSeparator();
351 menuBar->Append( fileMenu,
"&File" ) );
352 menuBar->Append( editMenu,
"&Edit" ) );
353 menuBar->Append( viewMenu,
"&View" ) );
354 menuBar->Append( placeMenu,
"&Place" ) );
355 menuBar->Append( inspectMenu,
"&Inspect" ) );
356 menuBar->Append( toolsMenu,
"&Tools" ) );
357 menuBar->Append( prefsMenu,
"P&references" ) );
KIFACE_BASE & Kiface()
Global KIFACE_BASE "get" accessor.
static TOOL_ACTION updatePcbFromSchematic
static TOOL_ACTION excludeMarker
static TOOL_ACTION nextMarker
static TOOL_ACTION zoomRedraw
static TOOL_ACTION unselectAll
static TOOL_ACTION revert
static TOOL_ACTION zoomOutCenter
static TOOL_ACTION saveAs
static TOOL_ACTION pluginsReload
static TOOL_ACTION showSymbolLibTable
static TOOL_ACTION showSymbolEditor
static TOOL_ACTION showSymbolBrowser
static TOOL_ACTION pasteSpecial
static TOOL_ACTION findAndReplace
static TOOL_ACTION openPreferences
static TOOL_ACTION pageSettings
static TOOL_ACTION showSearch
static TOOL_ACTION prevMarker
static TOOL_ACTION doDelete
static TOOL_ACTION zoomFitScreen
static TOOL_ACTION deleteTool
static TOOL_ACTION zoomTool
static TOOL_ACTION updateSchematicFromPcb
static TOOL_ACTION showProperties
static TOOL_ACTION zoomFitObjects
static TOOL_ACTION zoomInCenter
static TOOL_ACTION configurePaths
static TOOL_ACTION showProjectManager
static TOOL_ACTION selectAll
static const ADVANCED_CFG & GetCfg()
Get the singleton instance's config, which is shared by all consumers.
void AddMenuLanguageList(ACTION_MENU *aMasterMenu, TOOL_INTERACTIVE *aControlTool)
Function AddMenuLanguageList creates a menu list for language choice, and add it as submenu to Master...
void SetMenuBar(wxMenuBar *menu_bar) override
FILE_HISTORY & GetFileHistory()
Get the frame's main file history.
virtual void RegisterUIUpdateHandler(int aID, const ACTION_CONDITIONS &aConditions) override
Register a UI update handler for the control with ID aID.
void AddStandardHelpMenu(wxMenuBar *aMenuBar)
Adds the standard KiCad help menu to the menubar.
static TOOL_ACTION importFPAssignments
static TOOL_ACTION repairSchematic
static TOOL_ACTION remapSymbols
static TOOL_ACTION unsetDNP
static TOOL_ACTION toggleExcludeFromSimulation
static TOOL_ACTION unsetExcludeFromSimulation
static TOOL_ACTION toggleHiddenPins
static TOOL_ACTION setExcludeFromBoard
static TOOL_ACTION drawTable
static TOOL_ACTION syncAllSheetsPins
static TOOL_ACTION toggleExcludeFromBoard
static TOOL_ACTION navigateForward
static TOOL_ACTION placeSymbol
static TOOL_ACTION navigateBack
static TOOL_ACTION toggleERCWarnings
static TOOL_ACTION drawRuleArea
static TOOL_ACTION toggleERCExclusions
static TOOL_ACTION placeClassLabel
static TOOL_ACTION drawWire
static TOOL_ACTION toggleExcludeFromBOM
static TOOL_ACTION drawCircle
static TOOL_ACTION incrementAnnotations
static TOOL_ACTION drawBus
static TOOL_ACTION generateBOMLegacy
static TOOL_ACTION toggleERCErrors
static TOOL_ACTION placePower
static TOOL_ACTION placeSheetPin
static TOOL_ACTION drawLines
static TOOL_ACTION toggleOPCurrents
static TOOL_ACTION showSimulator
static TOOL_ACTION exportNetlist
static TOOL_ACTION assignFootprints
static TOOL_ACTION unsetExcludeFromBOM
static TOOL_ACTION diffSymbol
static TOOL_ACTION rescueSymbols
static TOOL_ACTION importGraphics
static TOOL_ACTION toggleHiddenFields
static TOOL_ACTION placeGlobalLabel
static TOOL_ACTION exportSymbolsToLibrary
static TOOL_ACTION placeHierLabel
static TOOL_ACTION drawSheetOnClipboard
static TOOL_ACTION editSymbolFields
static TOOL_ACTION drawTextBox
static TOOL_ACTION showNetNavigator
static TOOL_ACTION editPageNumber
static TOOL_ACTION drawRectangle
static TOOL_ACTION annotate
static TOOL_ACTION placeImage
static TOOL_ACTION toggleDirectiveLabels
static TOOL_ACTION updateSymbols
static TOOL_ACTION showHierarchy
static TOOL_ACTION placeSchematicText
static TOOL_ACTION setExcludeFromBOM
static TOOL_ACTION toggleOPVoltages
static TOOL_ACTION changeSymbols
static TOOL_ACTION setExcludeFromSimulation
static TOOL_ACTION unsetExcludeFromBoard
static TOOL_ACTION drawArc
static TOOL_ACTION drawSheet
static TOOL_ACTION markSimExclusions
static TOOL_ACTION navigateNext
static TOOL_ACTION navigateUp
static TOOL_ACTION editSymbolLibraryLinks
static TOOL_ACTION placeLabel
static TOOL_ACTION saveCurrSheetCopyAs
static TOOL_ACTION editTextAndGraphics
static TOOL_ACTION showPcbNew
static TOOL_ACTION placeBusWireEntry
static TOOL_ACTION toggleDNP
static TOOL_ACTION placeJunction
static TOOL_ACTION generateBOM
static TOOL_ACTION navigatePrevious
static TOOL_ACTION placeNoConnect
static TOOL_ACTION showBusSyntaxHelp
static TOOL_ACTION schematicSetup
static TOOL_ACTION exportSymbolsToNewLibrary
This class implements a file history object to store a list of files, that can then be added to a men...
static SELECTION_CONDITION FileHistoryNotEmpty(const FILE_HISTORY &aHistory)
Create a SELECTION_CONDITION that can be used to enable a menu item when the file history has items i...
void UpdateClearText(wxMenu *aMenu, wxString aClearText)
Update the text displayed on the menu item that clears the entire menu.
void AddFilesToMenu() override
Add the files to all registered menus.
void doReCreateMenuBar() override
Functors that can be used to figure out how the action controls should be displayed in the UI and if ...