A logical library item identifier and consists of various portions much like a URI.
Model class in the component selector Model-View-Adapter (mediated MVC) architecture.
A shim class between EDA_DRAW_FRAME and several derived classes: SYMBOL_EDIT_FRAME,...
Handle schematic design block actions in the schematic editor.
int DeleteDesignBlock(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
int PinLibrary(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
int HideLibraryTree(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
LIB_ID getSelectedLibId()
Set up handlers for various events.
int SaveSheetAsDesignBlock(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
int EditDesignBlockProperties(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
void setTransitions() override
This method is meant to be overridden in order to specify handlers for events.
LIB_TREE_NODE * getCurrentTreeNode()
int DeleteLibrary(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
int SaveSelectionAsDesignBlock(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
bool Init() override
Init() is called once upon a registration of the tool.
SCH_EDIT_FRAME * m_editFrame
DESIGN_BLOCK_PANE * getDesignBlockPane()
int UnpinLibrary(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
int NewLibrary(const TOOL_EVENT &aEvent)
Schematic editor (Eeschema) main window.