A color representation with 4 components: red, green, blue, alpha.
Base class for an object that can provide information about presenting layers (colours,...
LSEQ is a sequence (and therefore also a set) of PCB_LAYER_IDs.
Base PCB main window class for Pcbnew, Gerbview, and CvPcb footprint viewer.
Class that manages the presentation of PCB layers in a PCB frame.
PCB_BASE_FRAME * m_boardFrame
wxString getLayerName(int aLayer) const override
LSEQ getOrderedEnabledLayers() const
void SetBoardFrame(PCB_BASE_FRAME *aFrame)
Annoying post-ctor initialization (for when PCB_LAYER_BOX_SELECTOR doesn't have access to the PCB_BAS...
COLOR4D getLayerColor(int aLayer) const override
wxString getLayerPairName(const LAYER_PAIR &aPair) const