const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& size,
long style,
const wxString&
name ) : wxPanel( parent, id, pos, size, style,
name )
14 wxBoxSizer* bMainSizer;
15 bMainSizer =
new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
17 wxBoxSizer* bSizerMargins;
18 bSizerMargins =
new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
20 wxBoxSizer* bSizerLayerCnt;
21 bSizerLayerCnt =
new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
24 bSizerLayerCnt->Add( 0, 0, 1, wxEXPAND, 5 );
30 bSizerMargins->Add( bSizerLayerCnt, 0, wxEXPAND|wxTOP|wxRIGHT, 5 );
32 m_staticline2 =
new wxStaticLine(
this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxLI_HORIZONTAL );
33 bSizerMargins->Add(
m_staticline2, 0, wxEXPAND|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP, 5 );
35 m_LayersListPanel =
new wxScrolledWindow(
this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( -1,-1 ), wxTAB_TRAVERSAL|wxVSCROLL );
58 m_FabFrontCheckBox->SetToolTip(
"If you want a fabrication layer for the front side of the board") );
70 m_AdhesFrontCheckBox->SetToolTip(
"If you want an adhesive template for the front side of the board") );
82 m_SoldPFrontCheckBox->SetToolTip(
"If you want a solder paste layer for front side of the board") );
94 m_SilkSFrontCheckBox->SetToolTip(
"If you want a silk screen layer for the front side of the board") );
106 m_MaskFrontCheckBox->SetToolTip(
"If you want a solder mask layer for the front of the board") );
123 m_FrontName->SetToolTip(
"Layer name of front (top) copper layer") );
127 wxString m_FrontChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
128 int m_FrontChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_FrontChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
131 m_FrontChoice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
141 wxString m_In1ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
142 int m_In1ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In1ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
145 m_In1Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
155 wxString m_In2ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
156 int m_In2ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In2ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
159 m_In2Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
169 wxString m_In3ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
170 int m_In3ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In3ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
173 m_In3Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
183 wxString m_In4ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
184 int m_In4ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In4ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
187 m_In4Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
197 wxString m_In5ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
198 int m_In5ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In5ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
201 m_In5Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
211 wxString m_In6ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
212 int m_In6ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In6ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
215 m_In6Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
225 wxString m_In7ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
226 int m_In7ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In7ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
229 m_In7Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
239 wxString m_In8ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
240 int m_In8ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In8ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
243 m_In8Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
253 wxString m_In9ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
254 int m_In9ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In9ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
257 m_In9Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
267 wxString m_In10ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
268 int m_In10ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In10ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
271 m_In10Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
281 wxString m_In11ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
282 int m_In11ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In11ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
285 m_In11Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
295 wxString m_In12ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
296 int m_In12ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In12ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
299 m_In12Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
309 wxString m_In13ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
310 int m_In13ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In13ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
313 m_In13Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
323 wxString m_In14ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
324 int m_In14ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In14ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
327 m_In14Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
337 wxString m_In15ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
338 int m_In15ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In15ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
341 m_In15Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
351 wxString m_In16ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
352 int m_In16ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In16ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
355 m_In16Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
365 wxString m_In17ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
366 int m_In17ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In17ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
369 m_In17Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
379 wxString m_In18ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
380 int m_In18ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In18ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
383 m_In18Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
393 wxString m_In19ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
394 int m_In19ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In19ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
397 m_In19Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
407 wxString m_In20ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
408 int m_In20ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In20ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
411 m_In20Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
421 wxString m_In21ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
422 int m_In21ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In21ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
425 m_In21Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
435 wxString m_In22ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
436 int m_In22ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In22ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
439 m_In22Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
449 wxString m_In23ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
450 int m_In23ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In23ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
453 m_In23Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
463 wxString m_In24ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
464 int m_In24ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In24ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
467 m_In24Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
477 wxString m_In25ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
478 int m_In25ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In25ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
481 m_In25Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
491 wxString m_In26ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
492 int m_In26ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In26ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
495 m_In26Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
505 wxString m_In27ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
506 int m_In27ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In27ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
509 m_In27Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
519 wxString m_In28ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
520 int m_In28ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In28ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
523 m_In28Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
533 wxString m_In29ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
534 int m_In29ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In29ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
537 m_In29Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
547 wxString m_In30ChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
548 int m_In30ChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_In30ChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
551 m_In30Choice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
561 m_BackName->SetToolTip(
"Layer name of back (bottom) copper layer") );
565 wxString m_BackChoiceChoices[] = {
"power plane"),
"jumper") };
566 int m_BackChoiceNChoices =
sizeof( m_BackChoiceChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
569 m_BackChoice->SetToolTip(
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\nPower plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus.") );
574 m_MaskBackCheckBox->SetToolTip(
"If you want a solder mask layer for the back side of the board") );
586 m_SilkSBackCheckBox->SetToolTip(
"If you want a silk screen layer for the back side of the board") );
598 m_SoldPBackCheckBox->SetToolTip(
"If you want a solder paste layer for the back side of the board") );
610 m_AdhesBackCheckBox->SetToolTip(
"If you want an adhesive layer for the back side of the board") );
622 m_FabBackCheckBox->SetToolTip(
"If you want a fabrication layer for the back side of the board") );
713 wxString m_User1TypeChoices[] = {
"Off-board, front"),
"Off-board, back") };
714 int m_User1TypeNChoices =
sizeof( m_User1TypeChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
717 m_User1Type->SetToolTip(
"Auxiliary layers do not flip with board side, while back and front layers do.") );
727 wxString m_User2TypeChoices[] = {
"Off-board, front"),
"Off-board, back") };
728 int m_User2TypeNChoices =
sizeof( m_User2TypeChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
731 m_User2Type->SetToolTip(
"Auxiliary layers do not flip with board side, while back and front layers do.") );
741 wxString m_User3TypeChoices[] = {
"Off-board, front"),
"Off-board, back") };
742 int m_User3TypeNChoices =
sizeof( m_User3TypeChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
745 m_User3Type->SetToolTip(
"Auxiliary layers do not flip with board side, while back and front layers do.") );
755 wxString m_User4TypeChoices[] = {
"Off-board, front"),
"Off-board, back") };
756 int m_User4TypeNChoices =
sizeof( m_User4TypeChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
759 m_User4Type->SetToolTip(
"Auxiliary layers do not flip with board side, while back and front layers do.") );
769 wxString m_User5TypeChoices[] = {
"Off-board, front"),
"Off-board, back") };
770 int m_User5TypeNChoices =
sizeof( m_User5TypeChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
773 m_User5Type->SetToolTip(
"Auxiliary layers do not flip with board side, while back and front layers do.") );
783 wxString m_User6TypeChoices[] = {
"Off-board, front"),
"Off-board, back") };
784 int m_User6TypeNChoices =
sizeof( m_User6TypeChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
787 m_User6Type->SetToolTip(
"Auxiliary layers do not flip with board side, while back and front layers do.") );
797 wxString m_User7TypeChoices[] = {
"Off-board, front"),
"Off-board, back") };
798 int m_User7TypeNChoices =
sizeof( m_User7TypeChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
801 m_User7Type->SetToolTip(
"Auxiliary layers do not flip with board side, while back and front layers do.") );
811 wxString m_User8TypeChoices[] = {
"Off-board, front"),
"Off-board, back") };
812 int m_User8TypeNChoices =
sizeof( m_User8TypeChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
815 m_User8Type->SetToolTip(
"Auxiliary layers do not flip with board side, while back and front layers do.") );
825 wxString m_User9TypeChoices[] = {
"Off-board, front"),
"Off-board, back") };
826 int m_User9TypeNChoices =
sizeof( m_User9TypeChoices ) /
sizeof( wxString );
829 m_User9Type->SetToolTip(
"Auxiliary layers do not flip with board side, while back and front layers do.") );
840 bMainSizer->Add( bSizerMargins, 1, wxEXPAND, 5 );
843 this->SetSizer( bMainSizer );
845 bMainSizer->Fit(
this );
wxCheckBox * m_BackCheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_User8CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_AdhesBackCheckBox
wxStaticText * m_DrawingsStaticText
wxStaticText * m_PCBEdgesStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_In3CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_AdhesFrontCheckBox
wxTextCtrl * m_SilkSFrontName
wxCheckBox * m_In19CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In24CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In29CheckBox
wxButton * m_addUserDefinedLayerButton
wxFlexGridSizer * m_LayerListFlexGridSizer
wxCheckBox * m_In27CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In10CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_User7CheckBox
wxStaticLine * m_staticline2
wxCheckBox * m_In16CheckBox
wxStaticText * m_Eco1StaticText
wxStaticText * m_SoldPBackStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_DrawingsCheckBox
wxTextCtrl * m_CrtYdFrontName
wxCheckBox * m_User2CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In14CheckBox
virtual void addUserDefinedLayer(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxCheckBox * m_Eco1CheckBox
wxTextCtrl * m_SoldPFrontName
wxCheckBox * m_In21CheckBox
virtual void OnCheckBox(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxStaticText * m_SoldPFrontStaticText
wxTextCtrl * m_MaskBackName
wxStaticText * m_FabFrontStaticText
wxStaticText * m_CrtYdBackStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_User9CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In2CheckBox
wxStaticText * m_SilkSFrontStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_CommentsCheckBox
wxScrolledWindow * m_LayersListPanel
wxCheckBox * m_In13CheckBox
wxStaticText * m_CrtYdFrontStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_MaskFrontCheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_User4CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In25CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_Eco2CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_User3CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_MarginCheckBox
PANEL_SETUP_LAYERS_BASE(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxSize(-1,-1), long style=wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, const wxString &name=wxEmptyString)
wxTextCtrl * m_FabFrontName
wxCheckBox * m_FabBackCheckBox
wxStaticText * m_AdhesFrontStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_In28CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In8CheckBox
wxTextCtrl * m_SoldPBackName
wxStaticText * m_FabBackStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_In17CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In7CheckBox
wxTextCtrl * m_AdhesFrontName
wxCheckBox * m_In11CheckBox
wxTextCtrl * m_MaskFrontName
wxCheckBox * m_In26CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In1CheckBox
wxTextCtrl * m_MarginName
wxCheckBox * m_SilkSBackCheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In23CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In6CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_SoldPFrontCheckBox
wxTextCtrl * m_PCBEdgesName
wxTextCtrl * m_CrtYdBackName
wxCheckBox * m_SilkSFrontCheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In20CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_User5CheckBox
wxStaticText * m_MarginStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_SoldPBackCheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In9CheckBox
wxTextCtrl * m_AdhesBackName
wxCheckBox * m_User1CheckBox
wxStaticText * m_AdhesBackStaticText
wxTextCtrl * m_CommentsName
wxStaticText * m_SilkSBackStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_User6CheckBox
wxStaticText * m_Eco2StaticText
wxCheckBox * m_FabFrontCheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In12CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_FrontCheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_MaskBackCheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In4CheckBox
wxTextCtrl * m_SilkSBackName
wxStaticText * m_MaskFrontStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_In5CheckBox
wxTextCtrl * m_FabBackName
wxTextCtrl * m_DrawingsName
wxStaticText * m_MaskBackStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_In30CheckBox
wxCheckBox * m_In15CheckBox
wxStaticText * m_CommentsStaticText
wxCheckBox * m_In18CheckBox
virtual void DenyChangeCheckBox(wxCommandEvent &event)
wxCheckBox * m_In22CheckBox