58 if( !strchr(
"#\n\r", s[0] ) )
96 while( s !=
nullptr && strchr(
" \t", *s ) )
99 if( s !=
nullptr && !strchr(
"#\n\r", *s ) )
char * ReadLine() override
Read a line of text into the buffer and increments the line number counter.
Does not take ownership over aReader so will not destroy it.
An abstract class from which implementation specific LINE_READERs may be derived to read single lines...
virtual char * ReadLine()=0
Read a line of text into the buffer and increments the line number counter.
unsigned m_length
no. bytes in line before trailing nul.
char * m_line
the read line of UTF8 text
unsigned Length() const
Return the number of bytes in the last line read from this LINE_READER.
char * Line() const
Return a pointer to the last line that was read in.
Do not take ownership over aReader, so will not destroy it.
char * ReadLine() override
Read a line of text into the buffer and increments the line number counter.