KiCad PCB EDA Suite
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Deprecated List
Member PAD::SetKeepTopBottom (bool aSet)
- use Padstack().SetUnconnectedLayerMode() Sets whether we keep the start and end annular rings even if they are not connected
Member PAD::SetRemoveUnconnected (bool aSet)
- use Padstack().SetUnconnectedLayerMode() Sets the unconnected removal property. If true, the copper is removed on zone fill or when specifically requested when the via is not connected on a layer.
Member PCB_VIA::SetKeepStartEnd (bool aSet)
- use Padstack().SetUnconnectedLayerMode() Sets whether we keep the start and end annular rings even if they are not connected
Member PCB_VIA::SetRemoveUnconnected (bool aSet)
- use Padstack().SetUnconnectedLayerMode() Sets the unconnected removal property. If true, the copper is removed on zone fill or when specifically requested when the via is not connected on a layer.
Member ReadDelimitedText (char *aDest, const char *aSource, int aDestSize)
should use the one which fetches a wxString, below.