24#include <wx/filename.h>
30#define UNIX_STRING_DIR_SEP wxT( "/" )
31#define WIN_STRING_DIR_SEP wxT( "\\" )
43 static wxString GetUserScriptingPath();
48 static wxString GetUserTemplatesPath();
53 static wxString GetUserPluginsPath();
58 static wxString GetDefaultUserProjectsPath();
63 static wxString GetDefaultUserSymbolsPath();
68 static wxString GetDefaultUserFootprintsPath();
73 static wxString GetDefaultUserDesignBlocksPath();
78 static wxString GetDefaultUser3DModelsPath();
83 static wxString GetStockDataPath(
bool aRespectRunFromBuildDir =
true );
89 static wxString GetStockEDALibraryPath();
94 static wxString GetDefault3rdPartyPath();
99 static wxString GetStockSymbolsPath();
104 static wxString GetStockFootprintsPath();
109 static wxString GetStockDesignBlocksPath();
114 static wxString GetStock3dmodelsPath();
119 static wxString GetStockScriptingPath();
124 static wxString GetStockPluginsPath();
129 static wxString GetStockPlugins3DPath();
134 static wxString GetStockDemosPath();
139 static wxString GetStockTemplatesPath();
144 static wxString GetLocaleDataPath();
149 static wxString GetUserCachePath();
154 static wxString GetDocumentationPath();
159 static wxString GetInstanceCheckerPath();
164 static wxString GetLogsPath();
169 static bool EnsurePathExists(
const wxString& aPath,
bool aPathToFile =
false );
174 static void EnsureUserPathsExist();
182 static wxString GetOSXKicadUserDataDir();
187 static wxString GetOSXKicadMachineDataDir();
192 static wxString GetOSXKicadDataDir();
199 static wxString GetWindowsFontConfigDir();
205 static wxString GetWindowsBaseSharePath();
217 static wxString GetUserSettingsPath();
233 static wxString CalculateUserSettingsPath(
bool aIncludeVer =
bool aUseEnv =
true );
235 static const wxString& GetExecutablePath();
245 static void getUserDocumentPath( wxFileName& aPath );
253 static wxString getWindowsKiCadRoot();
Helper class to centralize the paths used throughout kicad.