47 bool aUseSelectedMaterial =
56 bool aUseSelectedMaterial =
define an internal structure to be used by the 3D renders
Manage an 8-bit channel image.
one 8bit-channel image definition.
void OglSetDiffuseMaterial(const SFVEC3F &aMaterialDiffuse, float aOpacity, bool aUseSelectedMaterial=false, SFVEC3F aSelectionColor=SFVEC3F(0.0f))
Sets only the diffuse color and keep other parameters with default values.
void OglGetScreenshot(wxImage &aDstImage)
Get the pixel data of current OpenGL image.
void OglResetTextureState()
Reset to default state the texture settings.
void OglSetMaterial(const SMATERIAL &aMaterial, float aOpacity, bool aUseSelectedMaterial=false, SFVEC3F aSelectionColor=SFVEC3F(0.0f))
Set OpenGL materials.
GLuint OglLoadTexture(const IMAGE &aImage)
Generate a new OpenGL texture.
void OglDrawBackground(const SFVEC4F &aTopColor, const SFVEC4F &aBotColor)