KiCad PCB EDA Suite
No Matches
command_pcb_export_base.h File Reference
#include "command.h"
#include <layer_ids.h>
#include <lset.h>
#include <lseq.h>

Go to the source code of this file.




namespace  CLI


#define ARG_BLACKANDWHITE   "--black-and-white"
#define ARG_BLACKANDWHITE_DESC   "Black and white only"
#define ARG_SKETCH_PADS_ON_FAB_LAYERS   "--sketch-pads-on-fab-layers"
#define ARG_SKETCH_PADS_ON_FAB_LAYERS_DESC   "Draw pad outlines and their numbers on front and back fab layers"
#define ARG_HIDE_DNP_FPS_ON_FAB_LAYERS   "--hide-DNP-footprints-on-fab-layers"
#define ARG_HIDE_DNP_FPS_ON_FAB_LAYERS_DESC   "Don't plot text & graphics of DNP footprints on fab layers"
#define ARG_SKETCH_DNP_FPS_ON_FAB_LAYERS   "--sketch-DNP-footprints-on-fab-layers"
#define ARG_SKETCH_DNP_FPS_ON_FAB_LAYERS_DESC   "Plot graphics of DNP footprints in sketch mode on fab layers"
#define ARG_CROSSOUT_DNP_FPS_ON_FAB_LAYERS   "--crossout-DNP-footprints-on-fab-layers"
#define ARG_CROSSOUT_DNP_FPS_ON_FAB_LAYERS_DESC   "Plot an 'X' over the courtyard of DNP footprints on fab layers, and strikeout their reference designators"
#define ARG_DRILL_SHAPE_OPTION   "--drill-shape-opt"
#define ARG_DRILL_SHAPE_OPTION_DESC   "Set pad/via drill shape option (0 = no shape, 1 = small shape, 2 = actual shape)"
#define ARG_NEGATIVE   "--negative"
#define ARG_NEGATIVE_SHORT   "-n"
#define ARG_NEGATIVE_DESC   "Plot as negative (useful for directly etching from the export)"
#define ARG_LAYERS   "--layers"
#define ARG_EXCLUDE_REFDES   "--exclude-refdes"
#define ARG_EXCLUDE_VALUE   "--exclude-value"
#define ARG_THEME   "--theme"
#define ARG_INCLUDE_BORDER_TITLE   "--include-border-title"
#define ARG_SUBTRACT_SOLDERMASK   "--subtract-soldermask"
#define ARG_MIRROR   "--mirror"
#define DEPRECATED_ARG_PLOT_INVISIBLE_TEXT   "--plot-invisible-text"
#define DEPRECATED_ARG_PLOT_INVISIBLE_TEXT_DESC   "Deprecated. Has no effect."
#define DEPRECATED_ARD_PLOT_INVISIBLE_TEXT_WARNING   "--plot-invisible-text has been deprecated as of KiCad 9.0.1. It will have no effect."
#define ARG_FLIP_BOTTOM_PADS   "--flip-bottom-pads"
#define ARG_UNIQUE_PINS   "--unique-pins"
#define ARG_UNIQUE_FOOTPRINTS   "--unique-footprints"
#define ARG_USE_DRILL_ORIGIN   "--use-drill-origin"
#define ARG_STORE_ORIGIN_COORD   "--store-origin-coord"
#define ARG_COMMON_LAYERS   "--common-layers"

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ARG_BLACKANDWHITE   "--black-and-white"

Definition at line 31 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_BLACKANDWHITE_DESC   "Black and white only"

Definition at line 32 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_COMMON_LAYERS   "--common-layers"

Definition at line 69 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_CROSSOUT_DNP_FPS_ON_FAB_LAYERS   "--crossout-DNP-footprints-on-fab-layers"

Definition at line 41 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_CROSSOUT_DNP_FPS_ON_FAB_LAYERS_DESC   "Plot an 'X' over the courtyard of DNP footprints on fab layers, and strikeout their reference designators"

Definition at line 42 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_DRILL_SHAPE_OPTION   "--drill-shape-opt"

Definition at line 44 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_DRILL_SHAPE_OPTION_DESC   "Set pad/via drill shape option (0 = no shape, 1 = small shape, 2 = actual shape)"

Definition at line 45 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_EXCLUDE_REFDES   "--exclude-refdes"

Definition at line 52 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_EXCLUDE_VALUE   "--exclude-value"

Definition at line 53 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_FLIP_BOTTOM_PADS   "--flip-bottom-pads"

Definition at line 63 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_HIDE_DNP_FPS_ON_FAB_LAYERS   "--hide-DNP-footprints-on-fab-layers"

Definition at line 37 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_HIDE_DNP_FPS_ON_FAB_LAYERS_DESC   "Don't plot text & graphics of DNP footprints on fab layers"

Definition at line 38 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_INCLUDE_BORDER_TITLE   "--include-border-title"

Definition at line 55 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_LAYERS   "--layers"

Definition at line 51 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_MIRROR   "--mirror"

Definition at line 57 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_NEGATIVE   "--negative"

Definition at line 47 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_NEGATIVE_DESC   "Plot as negative (useful for directly etching from the export)"

Definition at line 49 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_NEGATIVE_SHORT   "-n"

Definition at line 48 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_SKETCH_DNP_FPS_ON_FAB_LAYERS   "--sketch-DNP-footprints-on-fab-layers"

Definition at line 39 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_SKETCH_DNP_FPS_ON_FAB_LAYERS_DESC   "Plot graphics of DNP footprints in sketch mode on fab layers"

Definition at line 40 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_SKETCH_PADS_ON_FAB_LAYERS   "--sketch-pads-on-fab-layers"

Definition at line 34 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_SKETCH_PADS_ON_FAB_LAYERS_DESC   "Draw pad outlines and their numbers on front and back fab layers"

Definition at line 35 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_STORE_ORIGIN_COORD   "--store-origin-coord"

Definition at line 67 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_SUBTRACT_SOLDERMASK   "--subtract-soldermask"

Definition at line 56 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_THEME   "--theme"

Definition at line 54 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_UNIQUE_FOOTPRINTS   "--unique-footprints"

Definition at line 65 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_UNIQUE_PINS   "--unique-pins"

Definition at line 64 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define ARG_USE_DRILL_ORIGIN   "--use-drill-origin"

Definition at line 66 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define DEPRECATED_ARD_PLOT_INVISIBLE_TEXT_WARNING   "--plot-invisible-text has been deprecated as of KiCad 9.0.1. It will have no effect."

Definition at line 61 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define DEPRECATED_ARG_PLOT_INVISIBLE_TEXT   "--plot-invisible-text"

Definition at line 59 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.


#define DEPRECATED_ARG_PLOT_INVISIBLE_TEXT_DESC   "Deprecated. Has no effect."

Definition at line 60 of file command_pcb_export_base.h.