761 void loadFromConfigFile();
766 void loadSettings( wxConfigBase& aCfg );
bool m_Skip3DModelFileCache
Skip reading/writing 3D model file caches.
bool m_ShowRepairSchematic
Enable showing schematic repair output.
double m_DrawArcCenterMaxAngle
When drawing an arc, the angle ( center - start ) - ( start - end ) can be limited to avoid extremely...
int m_DisambiguationMenuDelay
The number of milliseconds to wait in a click before showing a disambiguation menu.
bool m_EnableLibDir
Enable option to open lib file directory.
double m_MaxTangentAngleDeviation
Maximum angle between the tangent line of an arc track and a connected straight track in order to com...
bool m_Use3DConnexionDriver
Use the 3DConnexion Driver.
int m_TriangulateSimplificationLevel
The number of internal units that will be allowed to deflect from the base segment when creating a ne...
bool m_EnableCacheFriendlyFracture
Enable the use of a cache-friendlier and therefore faster version of the polygon fracture algorithm.
bool m_ShowRouterDebugGraphics
Show PNS router debug graphics while routing.
bool m_Skip3DModelMemoryCache
Skip reading/writing 3D model memory caches.
double m_HoleWallPaintingMultiplier
What factor to use when painting via and PTH pad hole walls, so that the painted hole wall can be ove...
bool m_EnableLibWithText
Enable option to load lib files with text editor.
int m_MaximumThreads
Default value for the maximum number of threads to use for parallel processing.
double m_HoleWallThickness
Dimension used to calculate the actual hole size from the finish hole size.
int m_CoroutineStackSize
Configure the coroutine stack size in bytes.
bool m_EnableDesignBlocks
Enable the new Design Blocks feature.
double m_SmallDrillMarkSize
The diameter of the drill marks on print and plot outputs (in mm) when the "Drill marks" option is se...
bool m_EnableGenerators
Enable support for generators.
bool m_EnableEeschemaExportClipboardCairo
Enable Eeschema Export to clipboard using Cairo.
bool m_IncrementalConnectivity
Use the new incremental netlister for realtime jobs.
double m_ExtraClearance
When filling zones, we add an extra amount of clearance to each zone to ensure that rounding errors d...
int m_TriangulateMinimumArea
The minimum area of a polygon that can be left over after triangulation and still consider the triang...
bool m_DrawBoundingBoxes
Draw GAL bounding boxes in painters.
bool m_EnableRouterDump
Enable PNS router to dump state information for debug purpose (press 0 while routing)
double m_DRCEpsilon
Epsilon for DRC tests.
double m_SliverAngleTolerance
Sliver angle to tolerance for DRC.
bool m_AllowManualCanvasScale
Allow manual scaling of canvas.
double m_SliverWidthTolerance
Sliver width tolerance for DRC.
double m_OcePluginLinearDeflection
OCE (STEP/IGES) 3D Plugin Tesselation Linear Deflection.
bool m_EnableGit
Enable git integration.
double m_MinParallelAngle
Minimum overlapping angle for which an arc is considered to be parallel to its paired arc.
int m_MinorSchematicGraphSize
Set the number of items in a schematic graph for it to be considered "minor".
int m_NetInspectorBulkUpdateOptimisationThreshold
When updating the net inspector, it either recalculates all nets or iterates through items one-by-one...
bool m_ExtraZoneDisplayModes
When true, adds zone-display-modes for stroking the zone fracture boundaries and the zone triangulati...
double m_MinPlotPenWidth
Absolute minimum pen width for plotting.
double m_SliverMinimumLength
Sliver length tolerance for DRC.
double m_MaxTrackLengthToKeep
Maximum track length to keep after doing an arc track resizing operation.
double m_DrawArcAccuracy
Distance from an arc end point and the estimated end point, when rotating from the start point to the...
bool m_HotkeysDumper
Enable the hotkeys dumper feature for generating documentation.
double m_FontErrorSize
Deviation between font's bezier curve ideal and the poligonized curve.
int m_UpdateUIEventInterval
The update interval the wxWidgets sends wxUpdateUIEvents to windows.
double m_3DRT_BevelExtentFactor
3D-Viewer raytracing factor applied to Extent.z of the item layer.
double m_OcePluginAngularDeflection
OCE (STEP/IGES) 3D Plugin Tesselation Angular Deflection.
bool m_EnableSnapAnchorsDebug
Enable snap anchors debug visualization.
bool m_ShowPcbnewExportNetlist
Enable exporting board editor netlist to a file for troubleshooting purposes.
int m_ResolveTextRecursionDepth
The number of recursions to resolve text variables.
int m_MaxFilesystemWatchers
Maximum number of filesystem watchers to use.
bool m_DebugPDFWriter
A mode that writes PDFs without compression.
int m_MsgPanelShowUuids
Show UUIDs of items in the message panel.
bool m_EnableCreepageSlot
Enable the minimum slot width check for creepage.
bool m_EnableAPILogging
Log IPC API requests and responses.
bool m_ShowEventCounters
Shows debugging event counters in various places.
bool m_HyperZoom
Slide the zoom steps over for debugging things "up close".
bool m_DrawTriangulationOutlines
Enable drawing the triangulation outlines with a visible color.
bool m_ExtensionSnapActivateOnHover
If extension snaps are enabled, 'activate' items on hover, even if not near a snap point.
double m_MinimumMarkerSeparationDistance
When finding overlapped marker a minium distance (in mm) between two DRC markers required to mark it ...
double m_PcbSelectionVisibilityRatio
Board object selection visibility limit.
int m_3DRT_BevelHeight_um
Set the bevel height of layer items in 3D viewer when ray tracing.
bool m_EnableExtensionSnaps
Enable snap anchors based on item line extensions.
bool m_CompactSave
Save files in compact display mode.
bool m_HideVersionFromTitle
Hide the build version from the KiCad manager frame title.
int m_ExtensionSnapTimeoutMs
If extension snaps are enabled, this is the timeout in milliseconds before a hovered item gets extens...
bool m_EnableEeschemaPrintCairo
Enable Eeschema printing using Cairo.
bool m_DebugZoneFiller
A mode that dumps the various stages of a F_Cu fill into In1_Cu through In9_Cu.