def | __init__ (self, *args) |
def | Serialize (self, aContainer) |
def | Deserialize (self, aContainer) |
def | GetConnectionPoints (self) |
def | GetCorners (self) |
def | GetEffectiveShape (self, *args) |
def | SetIsProxyItem (self, aIsProxy=True) |
def | HitTest (self, *args) |
def | Scale (self, aScale) |
def | TransformShapeToPolygon (self, aBuffer, aLayer, aClearance, aError, aErrorLoc, ignoreLineWidth=False) |
def | ViewGetLOD (self, aLayer, aView) |
def | __eq__ (self, *args) |
def | SetHasSolderMask (self, aVal) |
def | HasSolderMask (self) |
def | SetLocalSolderMaskMargin (self, aMargin) |
def | GetLocalSolderMaskMargin (self) |
def | GetSolderMaskExpansion (self) |
def | GetArcAngleStart (self) |
def | GetShapeStr (self) |
def | __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
def | GetNet (self) |
def | SetNet (self, aNetInfo) |
def | GetNetCode (self) |
def | SetNetCode (self, *args) |
def | GetNetname (self) |
def | GetNetnameMsg (self) |
def | GetShortNetname (self) |
def | GetDisplayNetname (self) |
def | GetOwnClearance (self, aLayer, aSource=None) |
def | GetClearanceOverrides (self, aSource) |
def | GetLocalClearance (self, *args) |
def | GetEffectiveNetClass (self) |
def | GetNetClassName (self) |
def | SetLocalRatsnestVisible (self, aVisible) |
def | GetLocalRatsnestVisible (self) |
def | GetTeardropParams (self, *args) |
def | SetTeardropsEnabled (self, aEnable) |
def | GetTeardropsEnabled (self) |
def | SetTeardropBestLengthRatio (self, aRatio) |
def | GetTeardropBestLengthRatio (self) |
def | SetTeardropMaxLength (self, aMaxLength) |
def | GetTeardropMaxLength (self) |
def | SetTeardropBestWidthRatio (self, aRatio) |
def | GetTeardropBestWidthRatio (self) |
def | SetTeardropMaxWidth (self, aMaxWidth) |
def | GetTeardropMaxWidth (self) |
def | SetTeardropCurved (self, aCurve) |
def | GetTeardropCurved (self) |
def | SetTeardropPreferZoneConnections (self, aPrefer) |
def | GetTeardropPreferZoneConnections (self) |
def | SetTeardropAllowSpanTwoTracks (self, aAllow) |
def | GetTeardropAllowSpanTwoTracks (self) |
def | SetTeardropMaxTrackWidth (self, aRatio) |
def | GetTeardropMaxTrackWidth (self) |
def | __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
def | SetParentGroup (self, aGroup) |
def | GetParentGroup (self) |
def | GetX (self) |
def | GetY (self) |
def | GetCenter (self) |
def | SetX (self, aX) |
def | SetY (self, aY) |
def | IsConnected (self) |
def | Similarity (self, aItem) |
def | __eq__ (self, aItem) |
def | IsOnCopperLayer (self) |
def | HasHole (self) |
def | HasDrilledHole (self) |
def | IsTented (self, aLayer) |
def | GetEffectiveShape (self, *args) |
def | GetEffectiveHoleShape (self) |
def | RunOnChildren (self, aFunction) |
def | RunOnDescendants (self, aFunction, aDepth=0) |
def | GetParent (self) |
def | GetParentFootprint (self) |
def | GetFPRelativePosition (self) |
def | SetFPRelativePosition (self, aPos) |
def | HasLineStroke (self) |
def | GetStroke (self) |
def | SetStroke (self, aStroke) |
def | GetFontMetrics (self) |
def | GetLayer (self) |
def | BoardLayerCount (self) |
def | BoardCopperLayerCount (self) |
def | BoardLayerSet (self) |
def | GetLayerSet (self) |
def | SetLayerSet (self, aLayers) |
def | IsSideSpecific (self) |
def | SetLayer (self, aLayer) |
def | Duplicate (self) |
def | SwapItemData (self, aImage) |
def | IsOnLayer (self, aLayer) |
def | IsKnockout (self) |
def | SetIsKnockout (self, aKnockout) |
def | IsLocked (self) |
def | SetLocked (self, aLocked) |
def | StyleFromSettings (self, settings) |
def | DeleteStructure (self) |
def | Move (self, aMoveVector) |
def | Rotate (self, aRotCentre, aAngle) |
def | Flip (self, aCentre, aFlipDirection) |
def | Mirror (self, aCentre, aFlipDirection) |
def | Normalize (self) |
def | NormalizeForCompare (self) |
def | GetBoard (self, *args) |
def | GetParentAsString (self) |
def | GetLayerName (self) |
def | TransformShapeToPolygon (self, aBuffer, aLayer, aClearance, aError, aErrorLoc, ignoreLineWidth=False) |
def | Cast (self) |
def | Duplicate (self) |
def | SetPos (self, p) |
def | SetStartEnd (self, start, end) |
def | __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
def | Type (self) |
def | GetParent (self) |
def | SetParent (self, aParent) |
def | IsModified (self) |
def | IsNew (self) |
def | IsMoving (self) |
def | IsSelected (self) |
def | IsEntered (self) |
def | IsBrightened (self) |
def | IsRollover (self) |
def | SetSelected (self) |
def | SetBrightened (self) |
def | ClearSelected (self) |
def | ClearBrightened (self) |
def | SetModified (self) |
def | SetFlags (self, aMask) |
def | XorFlags (self, aMask) |
def | ClearFlags (self, *args) |
def | GetFlags (self) |
def | HasFlag (self, aFlag) |
def | GetEditFlags (self) |
def | ClearEditFlags (self) |
def | GetTempFlags (self) |
def | ClearTempFlags (self) |
def | RenderAsBitmap (self, aWorldScale) |
def | SetIsShownAsBitmap (self, aBitmap) |
def | IsShownAsBitmap (self) |
def | IsType (self, aScanTypes) |
def | SetForceVisible (self, aEnable) |
def | IsForceVisible (self) |
def | GetMsgPanelInfo (self, aFrame, aList) |
def | GetFriendlyName (self) |
def | HitTest (self, *args) |
def | GetBoundingBox (self) |
def | GetPosition (self) |
def | SetPosition (self, aPos) |
def | GetFocusPosition (self) |
def | GetSortPosition (self) |
def | Clone (self) |
def | Visit (self, inspector, testData, aScanTypes) |
def | GetClass (self) |
def | GetTypeDesc (self) |
def | GetItemDescription (self, aUnitsProvider, aFull) |
def | GetMenuImage (self) |
def | Matches (self, aSearchData, aAuxData) |
def | Replace (self, *args) |
def | IsReplaceable (self) |
def | __lt__ (self, aItem) |
def | ViewBBox (self) |
def | ViewGetLayers (self) |
def | GetEmbeddedFiles (self) |
def | __init__ (self, *args) |
def | SwapShape (self, aImage) |
def | Serialize (self, aContainer) |
def | Deserialize (self, aContainer) |
def | ShowShape (self) |
def | SHAPE_T_asString (self) |
def | IsProxyItem (self) |
def | SetIsProxyItem (self, aIsProxy=True) |
def | IsFilled (self) |
def | IsFilledForHitTesting (self) |
def | SetFilled (self, aFlag) |
def | SetFillMode (self, aFill) |
def | GetFillMode (self) |
def | IsClosed (self) |
def | GetFillColor (self) |
def | SetFillColor (self, aColor) |
def | SetWidth (self, aWidth) |
def | GetWidth (self) |
def | GetEffectiveWidth (self) |
def | SetLineStyle (self, aStyle) |
def | GetLineStyle (self) |
def | SetLineColor (self, aColor) |
def | GetLineColor (self) |
def | SetShape (self, aShape) |
def | GetShape (self) |
def | GetStart (self) |
def | GetStartY (self) |
def | GetStartX (self) |
def | SetStart (self, aStart) |
def | SetStartY (self, y) |
def | SetStartX (self, x) |
def | SetCenterY (self, y) |
def | SetCenterX (self, x) |
def | GetEnd (self) |
def | GetEndY (self) |
def | GetEndX (self) |
def | SetEnd (self, aEnd) |
def | SetEndY (self, aY) |
def | SetEndX (self, aX) |
def | SetRadius (self, aX) |
def | GetTopLeft (self) |
def | GetBotRight (self) |
def | SetTop (self, val) |
def | SetLeft (self, val) |
def | SetRight (self, val) |
def | SetBottom (self, val) |
def | SetBezierC1 (self, aPt) |
def | GetBezierC1 (self) |
def | SetBezierC2 (self, aPt) |
def | GetBezierC2 (self) |
def | SetCenter (self, aCenter) |
def | SetArcAngleAndEnd (self, aAngle, aCheckNegativeAngle=False) |
def | GetArcAngle (self) |
def | GetSegmentAngle (self) |
def | EndsSwapped (self) |
def | GetArcMid (self) |
def | GetRectCorners (self) |
def | CalcArcAngles (self, aStartAngle, aEndAngle) |
def | GetRadius (self) |
def | SetArcGeometry (self, aStart, aMid, aEnd) |
def | SetCachedArcData (self, aStart, aMid, aEnd, aCenter) |
def | GetBezierPoints (self) |
def | DupPolyPointsList (self, aBuffer) |
def | GetPointCount (self) |
def | GetPolyShape (self, *args) |
def | IsPolyShapeValid (self) |
def | SetPolyShape (self, aShape) |
def | SetPolyPoints (self, aPoints) |
def | RebuildBezierToSegmentsPointsList (self, aMaxError) |
def | MakeEffectiveShapes (self, aEdgeOnly=False) |
def | ShapeGetMsgPanelInfo (self, aFrame, aList) |
def | SetLength (self, aLength) |
def | SetRectangleHeight (self, aHeight) |
def | SetRectangleWidth (self, aWidth) |
def | SetRectangle (self, aHeight, aWidth) |
def | SetSegmentAngle (self, aAngle) |
def | IsClockwiseArc (self) |
def | GetLength (self) |
def | GetRectangleHeight (self) |
def | GetRectangleWidth (self) |
def | TransformShapeToPolygon (self, aBuffer, aClearance, aError, aErrorLoc, ignoreLineWidth=False) |
def | Compare (self, aOther) |
def | Similarity (self, aOther) |
def | __eq__ (self, aOther) |
Proxy of C++ PCB_SHAPE class.
Definition at line 16358 of file pcbnew.py.