def | __init__ (self) |
def | SetSkipPlotNPTH_Pads (self, aSkip) |
def | GetSkipPlotNPTH_Pads (self) |
def | Format (self, aFormatter) |
def | Parse (self, aParser) |
def | IsSameAs (self, aPcbPlotParams) |
def | SetColorSettings (self, aSettings) |
def | ColorSettings (self) |
def | SetTextMode (self, aVal) |
def | GetTextMode (self) |
def | SetPlotMode (self, aPlotMode) |
def | GetPlotMode (self) |
def | SetPlotPadNumbers (self, aFlag) |
def | GetPlotPadNumbers (self) |
def | SetDXFPlotPolygonMode (self, aFlag) |
def | GetDXFPlotPolygonMode (self) |
def | SetDXFPlotUnits (self, aUnit) |
def | GetDXFPlotUnits (self) |
def | SetDrillMarksType (self, aVal) |
def | GetDrillMarksType (self) |
def | SetScale (self, aVal) |
def | GetScale (self) |
def | SetFineScaleAdjustX (self, aVal) |
def | GetFineScaleAdjustX (self) |
def | SetFineScaleAdjustY (self, aVal) |
def | GetFineScaleAdjustY (self) |
def | SetWidthAdjust (self, aVal) |
def | GetWidthAdjust (self) |
def | SetAutoScale (self, aFlag) |
def | GetAutoScale (self) |
def | SetMirror (self, aFlag) |
def | GetMirror (self) |
def | SetSketchPadsOnFabLayers (self, aFlag) |
def | GetSketchPadsOnFabLayers (self) |
def | SetSketchPadLineWidth (self, aWidth) |
def | GetSketchPadLineWidth (self) |
def | SetHideDNPFPsOnFabLayers (self, aFlag) |
def | GetHideDNPFPsOnFabLayers (self) |
def | SetSketchDNPFPsOnFabLayers (self, aFlag) |
def | GetSketchDNPFPsOnFabLayers (self) |
def | SetCrossoutDNPFPsOnFabLayers (self, aFlag) |
def | GetCrossoutDNPFPsOnFabLayers (self) |
def | SetPlotValue (self, aFlag) |
def | GetPlotValue (self) |
def | SetPlotReference (self, aFlag) |
def | GetPlotReference (self) |
def | SetPlotFPText (self, aFlag) |
def | GetPlotFPText (self) |
def | SetNegative (self, aFlag) |
def | GetNegative (self) |
def | GetLegacyPlotViaOnMaskLayer (self) |
def | SetPlotFrameRef (self, aFlag) |
def | GetPlotFrameRef (self) |
def | SetFormat (self, aFormat) |
def | GetFormat (self) |
def | SetOutputDirectory (self, aDir) |
def | GetOutputDirectory (self) |
def | SetDisableGerberMacros (self, aDisable) |
def | GetDisableGerberMacros (self) |
def | SetUseGerberX2format (self, aUse) |
def | GetUseGerberX2format (self) |
def | SetIncludeGerberNetlistInfo (self, aUse) |
def | GetIncludeGerberNetlistInfo (self) |
def | SetCreateGerberJobFile (self, aCreate) |
def | GetCreateGerberJobFile (self) |
def | SetUseGerberProtelExtensions (self, aUse) |
def | GetUseGerberProtelExtensions (self) |
def | SetGerberPrecision (self, aPrecision) |
def | GetGerberPrecision (self) |
def | SetSvgPrecision (self, aPrecision) |
def | GetSvgPrecision (self) |
def | SetBlackAndWhite (self, blackAndWhite) |
def | GetBlackAndWhite (self) |
def | SetSubtractMaskFromSilk (self, aSubtract) |
def | GetSubtractMaskFromSilk (self) |
def | SetLayerSelection (self, aSelection) |
def | GetLayerSelection (self) |
def | SetPlotOnAllLayersSelection (self, aSelection) |
def | GetPlotOnAllLayersSelection (self) |
def | SetUseAuxOrigin (self, aAux) |
def | GetUseAuxOrigin (self) |
def | SetScaleSelection (self, aSelection) |
def | GetScaleSelection (self) |
def | SetA4Output (self, aForce) |
def | GetA4Output (self) |
def | GetHPGLPenDiameter (self) |
def | SetHPGLPenDiameter (self, aValue) |
def | GetHPGLPenSpeed (self) |
def | SetHPGLPenSpeed (self, aValue) |
def | SetHPGLPenNum (self, aVal) |
def | GetHPGLPenNum (self) |
def | SetDashedLineDashRatio (self, aVal) |
def | GetDashedLineDashRatio (self) |
def | SetDashedLineGapRatio (self, aVal) |
def | GetDashedLineGapRatio (self) |
def | SetUseGerberAttributes (self, aUse) |
property | thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") |
property | m_PDFFrontFPPropertyPopups = property(_pcbnew.PCB_PLOT_PARAMS_m_PDFFrontFPPropertyPopups_get, _pcbnew.PCB_PLOT_PARAMS_m_PDFFrontFPPropertyPopups_set, doc=) |
property | m_PDFBackFPPropertyPopups = property(_pcbnew.PCB_PLOT_PARAMS_m_PDFBackFPPropertyPopups_get, _pcbnew.PCB_PLOT_PARAMS_m_PDFBackFPPropertyPopups_set, doc=) |
property | m_PDFMetadata = property(_pcbnew.PCB_PLOT_PARAMS_m_PDFMetadata_get, _pcbnew.PCB_PLOT_PARAMS_m_PDFMetadata_set, doc=) |
property | m_PDFSingle = property(_pcbnew.PCB_PLOT_PARAMS_m_PDFSingle_get, _pcbnew.PCB_PLOT_PARAMS_m_PDFSingle_set, doc=) |
Proxy of C++ PCB_PLOT_PARAMS class.
Definition at line 8147 of file pcbnew.py.