This is the complete list of members for pcbnew.COLOR4D, including all inherited members.
__init__(self, *args) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
a | pcbnew.COLOR4D | static |
b | pcbnew.COLOR4D | static |
BLACK | pcbnew.COLOR4D | static |
Brighten(self, aFactor) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
Brightened(self, aFactor) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
CLEAR | pcbnew.COLOR4D | static |
Compare(self, aRhs) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
ContrastRatio(aLeft, aRight) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | static |
Darken(self, aFactor) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
Darkened(self, aFactor) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
Desaturate(self) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
Distance(self, other) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
FindNearestLegacyColor(aR, aG, aB) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | static |
FromCSSRGBA(self, aRed, aGreen, aBlue, aAlpha=1.0) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
FromHSL(self, aInHue, aInSaturation, aInLightness) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
FromHSV(self, aInH, aInS, aInV) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
g | pcbnew.COLOR4D | static |
GetBrightness(self) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
Invert(self) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
Inverted(self) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
LegacyMix(self, aColor) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
Mix(self, aColor, aFactor) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
r | pcbnew.COLOR4D | static |
RelativeLuminance(self) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
Saturate(self, aFactor) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
SetFromHexString(self, aColorString) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
SetFromWxString(self, aColorString) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
thisown | pcbnew.COLOR4D | static |
ToColour(self) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
ToCSSString(self) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
ToHexString(self) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
ToHSL(self, aOutHue, aOutSaturation, aOutLightness) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
ToHSV(self, aOutHue, aOutSaturation, aOutValue, aAlwaysDefineHue=False) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |
UNSPECIFIED | pcbnew.COLOR4D | static |
WHITE | pcbnew.COLOR4D | static |
WithAlpha(self, aAlpha) | pcbnew.COLOR4D | |