KiCad Pcbnew Python Scripting
Public Member Functions | |
def | __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
def | SetBoardUse (self, aUse) |
def | GetBoardUse (self) |
def | IncrementTimeStamp (self) |
def | GetTimeStamp (self) |
def | IsFootprintHolder (self) |
def | SetFileName (self, aFileName) |
def | GetFileName (self) |
def | Footprints (self) |
def | Zones (self) |
def | Generators (self) |
def | Markers (self) |
def | Drawings (self, *args) |
def | Tracks (self, *args) |
def | GetItemSet (self) |
def | Groups (self) |
def | AllConnectedItems (self) |
def | GetProperties (self) |
def | SetProperties (self, aProps) |
def | GetContextualTextVars (self, aVars) |
def | ResolveTextVar (self, token, aDepth) |
def | IsEmpty (self) |
def | SetFileFormatVersionAtLoad (self, aVersion) |
def | GetFileFormatVersionAtLoad (self) |
def | SetGenerator (self, aGenerator) |
def | GetGenerator (self) |
def | AddNative (self, *args) |
def | RemoveNative (self, *args) |
def | RemoveAll (self, *args) |
def | FinalizeBulkAdd (self, aNewItems) |
def | FinalizeBulkRemove (self, aRemovedItems) |
def | FixupEmbeddedData (self) |
def | CacheTriangulation (self, *args) |
def | GetFirstFootprint (self) |
def | DeleteAllFootprints (self) |
def | GetItem (self, aID) |
def | FillItemMap (self, aMap) |
def | ConvertCrossReferencesToKIIDs (self, aSource) |
def | ConvertKIIDsToCrossReferences (self, aSource) |
def | GetConnectivity (self) |
def | BuildConnectivity (self, aReporter=None) |
def | DeleteMARKERs (self, *args) |
def | GetProject (self) |
def | SetProject (self, aProject, aReferenceOnly=False) |
def | ClearProject (self) |
def | ResolveDRCExclusions (self, aCreateMarkers) |
def | RecordDRCExclusions (self) |
def | UpdateRatsnestExclusions (self) |
def | ResetNetHighLight (self) |
def | GetHighLightNetCodes (self) |
def | SetHighLightNet (self, aNetCode, aMulti=False) |
def | IsHighLightNetON (self) |
def | HighLightON (self, aValue=True) |
def | HighLightOFF (self) |
def | GetCopperLayerCount (self) |
def | SetCopperLayerCount (self, aCount) |
def | GetCopperLayerStackMaxId (self) |
def | FlipLayer (self, aLayer) |
def | LayerDepth (self, aStartLayer, aEndLayer) |
def | GetEnabledLayers (self) |
def | SetEnabledLayers (self, aLayerMask) |
def | IsLayerEnabled (self, aLayer) |
def | IsLayerVisible (self, aLayer) |
def | GetVisibleLayers (self) |
def | SetVisibleLayers (self, aLayerMask) |
def | GetVisibleElements (self) |
def | SetVisibleElements (self, aMask) |
def | SetVisibleAlls (self) |
def | IsElementVisible (self, aLayer) |
def | SetElementVisibility (self, aLayer, aNewState) |
def | IsFootprintLayerVisible (self, aLayer) |
def | GetDesignSettings (self) |
def | GetStackupOrDefault (self) |
def | GetPageSettings (self) |
def | SetPageSettings (self, aPageSettings) |
def | GetPlotOptions (self) |
def | SetPlotOptions (self, aOptions) |
def | GetTitleBlock (self, *args) |
def | SetTitleBlock (self, aTitleBlock) |
def | GetUserUnits (self) |
def | SetUserUnits (self, aUnits) |
def | UpdateUserUnits (self, aItem, aView) |
def | GetBoardPolygonOutlines (self, aOutlines, aErrorHandler=None, aAllowUseArcsInPolygons=False, aIncludeNPTHAsOutlines=False) |
def | GetOutlinesChainingEpsilon (self) |
def | SetOutlinesChainingEpsilon (self, aValue) |
def | ConvertBrdLayerToPolygonalContours (self, aLayer, aOutlines) |
def | GetLayerID (self, aLayerName) |
def | GetLayerName (self, aLayer) |
def | SetLayerName (self, aLayer, aLayerName) |
def | SetLayerDescr (self, aIndex, aLayer) |
def | GetLayerType (self, aLayer) |
def | SetLayerType (self, aLayer, aLayerType) |
def | GetNodesCount (self, aNet=-1) |
def | GetPads (self) |
def | BuildListOfNets (self) |
def | FindNet (self, *args) |
def | MatchDpSuffix (self, aNetName, aComplementNet) |
def | DpCoupledNet (self, aNet) |
def | GetNetInfo (self) |
def | RemoveUnusedNets (self, aCommit) |
def | GetNetCount (self) |
def | ComputeBoundingBox (self, aBoardEdgesOnly=False) |
def | GetBoardEdgesBoundingBox (self) |
def | FindFootprintByReference (self, aReference) |
def | FindFootprintByPath (self, aPath) |
def | GetNetClassAssignmentCandidates (self) |
def | SynchronizeNetsAndNetClasses (self, aResetTrackAndViaSizes) |
def | SynchronizeProperties (self) |
def | SetAreasNetCodesFromNetNames (self) |
def | GetArea (self, index) |
def | GetZoneList (self, aIncludeZonesInFootprints=False) |
def | GetAreaCount (self) |
def | AddArea (self, aNewZonesList, aNetcode, aLayer, aStartPointPosition, aHatch) |
def | TestZoneIntersection (self, aZone1, aZone2) |
def | GetPadFast (self, aPosition, aLayerMask) |
def | GetPad (self, *args) |
def | GetSortedPadListByXthenYCoord (self, aVector, aNetCode=-1) |
def | GetTrackLength (self, aTrack) |
def | TracksInNet (self, aNetCode) |
def | GetFootprint (self, aPosition, aActiveLayer, aVisibleOnly, aIgnoreLocked=False) |
def | GetMaxClearanceValue (self) |
def | MapNets (self, aDestBoard) |
def | SanitizeNetcodes (self) |
def | AddListener (self, aListener) |
def | RemoveListener (self, aListener) |
def | RemoveAllListeners (self) |
def | OnItemChanged (self, aItem) |
def | OnItemsChanged (self, aItems) |
def | OnItemsCompositeUpdate (self, aAddedItems, aRemovedItems, aChangedItems) |
def | OnRatsnestChanged (self) |
def | GroupsSanityCheck (self, repair=False) |
def | GroupsSanityCheckInternal (self, repair) |
def | GroupLegalOps (self, selection) |
def | LegacyTeardrops (self) |
def | SetLegacyTeardrops (self, aFlag) |
def | GetEmbeddedFiles (self, *args) |
def | EmbedFonts (self) |
def | GetComponentClassManager (self) |
def | __init__ (self, *args) |
def | GetFootprints (self) |
def | GetDrawings (self) |
def | GetTracks (self) |
def | Save (self, filename) |
def | GetNetClasses (self) |
def | GetCurrentNetClassName (self) |
def | GetViasDimensionsList (self) |
def | GetTrackWidthList (self) |
def | GetNetsByName (self) |
def | GetNetsByNetcode (self) |
def | GetNetcodeFromNetname (self, netname) |
def | GetAllNetClasses (self) |
Public Member Functions inherited from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER | |
def | __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
def | AddNative (self, *args) |
def | RemoveNative (self, *args) |
def | DeleteNative (self, aItem) |
def | Add (self, item) |
def | Remove (self, item) |
def | Delete (self, item) |
Public Member Functions inherited from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM | |
def | __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
def | SetParentGroup (self, aGroup) |
def | GetParentGroup (self) |
def | GetX (self) |
def | GetY (self) |
def | GetCenter (self) |
def | SetX (self, aX) |
def | SetY (self, aY) |
def | IsConnected (self) |
def | Similarity (self, aItem) |
def | __eq__ (self, aItem) |
def | IsOnCopperLayer (self) |
def | HasHole (self) |
def | HasDrilledHole (self) |
def | IsTented (self, aLayer) |
def | GetEffectiveShape (self, *args) |
def | GetEffectiveHoleShape (self) |
def | RunOnChildren (self, aFunction) |
def | RunOnDescendants (self, aFunction, aDepth=0) |
def | GetParent (self) |
def | GetParentFootprint (self) |
def | GetFPRelativePosition (self) |
def | SetFPRelativePosition (self, aPos) |
def | HasLineStroke (self) |
def | GetStroke (self) |
def | SetStroke (self, aStroke) |
def | GetFontMetrics (self) |
def | GetLayer (self) |
def | BoardLayerCount (self) |
def | BoardCopperLayerCount (self) |
def | BoardLayerSet (self) |
def | GetLayerSet (self) |
def | SetLayerSet (self, aLayers) |
def | IsSideSpecific (self) |
def | SetLayer (self, aLayer) |
def | Duplicate (self) |
def | SwapItemData (self, aImage) |
def | IsOnLayer (self, aLayer) |
def | IsKnockout (self) |
def | SetIsKnockout (self, aKnockout) |
def | IsLocked (self) |
def | SetLocked (self, aLocked) |
def | StyleFromSettings (self, settings) |
def | DeleteStructure (self) |
def | Move (self, aMoveVector) |
def | Rotate (self, aRotCentre, aAngle) |
def | Flip (self, aCentre, aFlipDirection) |
def | Mirror (self, aCentre, aFlipDirection) |
def | Normalize (self) |
def | NormalizeForCompare (self) |
def | GetBoard (self, *args) |
def | GetParentAsString (self) |
def | GetLayerName (self) |
def | TransformShapeToPolygon (self, aBuffer, aLayer, aClearance, aError, aErrorLoc, ignoreLineWidth=False) |
def | Cast (self) |
def | Duplicate (self) |
def | SetPos (self, p) |
def | SetStartEnd (self, start, end) |
Public Member Functions inherited from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM | |
def | __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
def | Type (self) |
def | GetParent (self) |
def | SetParent (self, aParent) |
def | IsModified (self) |
def | IsNew (self) |
def | IsMoving (self) |
def | IsSelected (self) |
def | IsEntered (self) |
def | IsBrightened (self) |
def | IsRollover (self) |
def | SetSelected (self) |
def | SetBrightened (self) |
def | ClearSelected (self) |
def | ClearBrightened (self) |
def | SetModified (self) |
def | SetFlags (self, aMask) |
def | XorFlags (self, aMask) |
def | ClearFlags (self, *args) |
def | GetFlags (self) |
def | HasFlag (self, aFlag) |
def | GetEditFlags (self) |
def | ClearEditFlags (self) |
def | GetTempFlags (self) |
def | ClearTempFlags (self) |
def | RenderAsBitmap (self, aWorldScale) |
def | SetIsShownAsBitmap (self, aBitmap) |
def | IsShownAsBitmap (self) |
def | IsType (self, aScanTypes) |
def | SetForceVisible (self, aEnable) |
def | IsForceVisible (self) |
def | GetMsgPanelInfo (self, aFrame, aList) |
def | GetFriendlyName (self) |
def | HitTest (self, *args) |
def | GetBoundingBox (self) |
def | GetPosition (self) |
def | SetPosition (self, aPos) |
def | GetFocusPosition (self) |
def | GetSortPosition (self) |
def | Clone (self) |
def | Visit (self, inspector, testData, aScanTypes) |
def | GetClass (self) |
def | GetTypeDesc (self) |
def | GetItemDescription (self, aUnitsProvider, aFull) |
def | GetMenuImage (self) |
def | Matches (self, aSearchData, aAuxData) |
def | Replace (self, *args) |
def | IsReplaceable (self) |
def | __lt__ (self, aItem) |
def | ViewBBox (self) |
def | ViewGetLayers (self) |
def | GetEmbeddedFiles (self) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
def | ClassOf (aItem) |
def | GetStandardLayerName (aLayerId) |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM | |
def | Sort (aLeft, aRight) |
Public Attributes | |
this | |
Static Public Attributes | |
dict | netclassmap = {k:v for k,v in self.GetNetClasses().items()} |
Static Public Attributes inherited from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM | |
_pcbnew | DRC = _pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM_DRC |
Properties | |
property | thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") |
property | m_LegacyVisibleLayers = property(_pcbnew.BOARD_m_LegacyVisibleLayers_get, _pcbnew.BOARD_m_LegacyVisibleLayers_set, doc=) |
property | m_LegacyVisibleItems = property(_pcbnew.BOARD_m_LegacyVisibleItems_get, _pcbnew.BOARD_m_LegacyVisibleItems_set, doc=) |
property | m_LegacyDesignSettingsLoaded = property(_pcbnew.BOARD_m_LegacyDesignSettingsLoaded_get, _pcbnew.BOARD_m_LegacyDesignSettingsLoaded_set, doc=) |
property | m_LegacyCopperEdgeClearanceLoaded = property(_pcbnew.BOARD_m_LegacyCopperEdgeClearanceLoaded_get, _pcbnew.BOARD_m_LegacyCopperEdgeClearanceLoaded_set, doc=) |
property | m_LegacyNetclassesLoaded = property(_pcbnew.BOARD_m_LegacyNetclassesLoaded_get, _pcbnew.BOARD_m_LegacyNetclassesLoaded_set, doc=) |
property | m_ZoneBBoxCache = property(_pcbnew.BOARD_m_ZoneBBoxCache_get, _pcbnew.BOARD_m_ZoneBBoxCache_set, doc=) |
property | m_maxClearanceValue = property(_pcbnew.BOARD_m_maxClearanceValue_get, _pcbnew.BOARD_m_maxClearanceValue_set, doc=) |
property | m_SolderMaskBridges = property(_pcbnew.BOARD_m_SolderMaskBridges_get, _pcbnew.BOARD_m_SolderMaskBridges_set, doc=) |
property | m_ZoneIsolatedIslandsMap = property(_pcbnew.BOARD_m_ZoneIsolatedIslandsMap_get, _pcbnew.BOARD_m_ZoneIsolatedIslandsMap_set, doc=) |
Properties inherited from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER | |
property | thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") |
Properties inherited from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM | |
property | thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") |
Properties inherited from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM | |
property | thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") |
property | m_Uuid = property(_pcbnew.EDA_ITEM_m_Uuid_get, doc=) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.__init__ | ( | self, | |
* | args, | ||
** | kwargs | ||
) |
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER.
def pcbnew.BOARD.__init__ | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER.
def pcbnew.BOARD.AddArea | ( | self, | |
aNewZonesList, | |||
aNetcode, | |||
aLayer, | |||
aStartPointPosition, | |||
aHatch | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.AddListener | ( | self, | |
aListener | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.AddNative | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
AddNative(BOARD self, BOARD_ITEM aItem, ADD_MODE aMode=INSERT, bool aSkipConnectivity=False)
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER.
Definition at line 19255 of file
def pcbnew.BOARD.AllConnectedItems | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.BuildConnectivity | ( | self, | |
aReporter = None |
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.BuildListOfNets | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.CacheTriangulation | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
static |
def pcbnew.BOARD.ClearProject | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.ComputeBoundingBox | ( | self, | |
aBoardEdgesOnly = False |
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.ConvertBrdLayerToPolygonalContours | ( | self, | |
aLayer, | |||
aOutlines | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.ConvertCrossReferencesToKIIDs | ( | self, | |
aSource | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.ConvertKIIDsToCrossReferences | ( | self, | |
aSource | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.DeleteAllFootprints | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.DeleteMARKERs | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.DpCoupledNet | ( | self, | |
aNet | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.Drawings | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.EmbedFonts | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.FillItemMap | ( | self, | |
aMap | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.FinalizeBulkAdd | ( | self, | |
aNewItems | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.FinalizeBulkRemove | ( | self, | |
aRemovedItems | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.FindFootprintByPath | ( | self, | |
aPath | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.FindFootprintByReference | ( | self, | |
aReference | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.FindNet | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.FixupEmbeddedData | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.FlipLayer | ( | self, | |
aLayer | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.Footprints | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.Generators | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetAllNetClasses | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetArea | ( | self, | |
index | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetAreaCount | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetBoardEdgesBoundingBox | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetBoardPolygonOutlines | ( | self, | |
aOutlines, | |||
aErrorHandler = None , |
aAllowUseArcsInPolygons = False , |
aIncludeNPTHAsOutlines = False |
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetBoardUse | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetComponentClassManager | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetConnectivity | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetContextualTextVars | ( | self, | |
aVars | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetCopperLayerCount | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetCopperLayerStackMaxId | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetCurrentNetClassName | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetDesignSettings | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetEmbeddedFiles | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
GetEmbeddedFiles(BOARD self) -> EMBEDDED_FILES GetEmbeddedFiles(BOARD self) -> EMBEDDED_FILES const *
Reimplemented from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM.
Definition at line 19715 of file
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetEnabledLayers | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetFileFormatVersionAtLoad | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetFileName | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetFirstFootprint | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetFootprint | ( | self, | |
aPosition, | |||
aActiveLayer, | |||
aVisibleOnly, | |||
aIgnoreLocked = False |
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetGenerator | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetHighLightNetCodes | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetItem | ( | self, | |
aID | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetItemSet | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetLayerID | ( | self, | |
aLayerName | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetLayerName | ( | self, | |
aLayer | |||
) |
GetLayerName(BOARD self, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer) -> wxString
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetLayerType | ( | self, | |
aLayer | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetMaxClearanceValue | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetNetClassAssignmentCandidates | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetNetClasses | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetNetcodeFromNetname | ( | self, | |
netname | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetNetCount | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetNetInfo | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetNetsByName | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetNetsByNetcode | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetNodesCount | ( | self, | |
aNet = -1 |
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetOutlinesChainingEpsilon | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetPad | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
GetPad(BOARD self, VECTOR2I aPosition, LSET aLayerMask) -> PAD GetPad(BOARD self, VECTOR2I aPosition) -> PAD GetPad(BOARD self, PCB_TRACK aTrace, ENDPOINT_T aEndPoint) -> PAD GetPad(BOARD self, PADS_VEC aPadList, VECTOR2I aPosition, LSET aLayerMask) -> PAD
Definition at line 19630 of file
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetPadFast | ( | self, | |
aPosition, | |||
aLayerMask | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetPads | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetPageSettings | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetPlotOptions | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetProject | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetProperties | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetSortedPadListByXthenYCoord | ( | self, | |
aVector, | |||
aNetCode = -1 |
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetStackupOrDefault | ( | self | ) |
static |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetTimeStamp | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetTitleBlock | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetTrackLength | ( | self, | |
aTrack | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetUserUnits | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetVisibleElements | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetVisibleLayers | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GetZoneList | ( | self, | |
aIncludeZonesInFootprints = False |
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GroupLegalOps | ( | self, | |
selection | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.Groups | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GroupsSanityCheck | ( | self, | |
repair = False |
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.GroupsSanityCheckInternal | ( | self, | |
repair | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.HighLightOFF | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.HighLightON | ( | self, | |
aValue = True |
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.IncrementTimeStamp | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.IsElementVisible | ( | self, | |
aLayer | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.IsEmpty | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.IsFootprintHolder | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.IsFootprintLayerVisible | ( | self, | |
aLayer | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.IsHighLightNetON | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.IsLayerEnabled | ( | self, | |
aLayer | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.IsLayerVisible | ( | self, | |
aLayer | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.LayerDepth | ( | self, | |
aStartLayer, | |||
aEndLayer | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.LegacyTeardrops | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.MapNets | ( | self, | |
aDestBoard | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.Markers | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.MatchDpSuffix | ( | self, | |
aNetName, | |||
aComplementNet | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.OnItemChanged | ( | self, | |
aItem | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.OnItemsChanged | ( | self, | |
aItems | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.OnItemsCompositeUpdate | ( | self, | |
aAddedItems, | |||
aRemovedItems, | |||
aChangedItems | |||
) |
OnItemsCompositeUpdate(BOARD self, std::vector< BOARD_ITEM *,std::allocator< BOARD_ITEM * > > & aAddedItems, std::vector< BOARD_ITEM *,std::allocator< BOARD_ITEM * > > & aRemovedItems, std::vector< BOARD_ITEM *,std::allocator< BOARD_ITEM * > > & aChangedItems)
def pcbnew.BOARD.OnRatsnestChanged | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.RecordDRCExclusions | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.RemoveAll | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.RemoveAllListeners | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.RemoveListener | ( | self, | |
aListener | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.RemoveNative | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
RemoveNative(BOARD self, BOARD_ITEM aBoardItem, REMOVE_MODE aMode=NORMAL)
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER.
Definition at line 19259 of file
def pcbnew.BOARD.RemoveUnusedNets | ( | self, | |
aCommit | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.ResetNetHighLight | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.ResolveDRCExclusions | ( | self, | |
aCreateMarkers | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.ResolveTextVar | ( | self, | |
token, | |||
aDepth | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SanitizeNetcodes | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetAreasNetCodesFromNetNames | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetBoardUse | ( | self, | |
aUse | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetCopperLayerCount | ( | self, | |
aCount | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetElementVisibility | ( | self, | |
aLayer, | |||
aNewState | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetEnabledLayers | ( | self, | |
aLayerMask | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetFileFormatVersionAtLoad | ( | self, | |
aVersion | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetFileName | ( | self, | |
aFileName | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetGenerator | ( | self, | |
aGenerator | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetHighLightNet | ( | self, | |
aNetCode, | |||
aMulti = False |
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetLayerDescr | ( | self, | |
aIndex, | |||
aLayer | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetLayerName | ( | self, | |
aLayer, | |||
aLayerName | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetLayerType | ( | self, | |
aLayer, | |||
aLayerType | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetLegacyTeardrops | ( | self, | |
aFlag | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetOutlinesChainingEpsilon | ( | self, | |
aValue | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetPageSettings | ( | self, | |
aPageSettings | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetPlotOptions | ( | self, | |
aOptions | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetProject | ( | self, | |
aProject, | |||
aReferenceOnly = False |
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetProperties | ( | self, | |
aProps | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetTitleBlock | ( | self, | |
aTitleBlock | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetUserUnits | ( | self, | |
aUnits | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetVisibleAlls | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetVisibleElements | ( | self, | |
aMask | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SetVisibleLayers | ( | self, | |
aLayerMask | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SynchronizeNetsAndNetClasses | ( | self, | |
aResetTrackAndViaSizes | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.SynchronizeProperties | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.TestZoneIntersection | ( | self, | |
aZone1, | |||
aZone2 | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.Tracks | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.TracksInNet | ( | self, | |
aNetCode | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.UpdateRatsnestExclusions | ( | self | ) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.UpdateUserUnits | ( | self, | |
aItem, | |||
aView | |||
) |
def pcbnew.BOARD.Zones | ( | self | ) |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |