KiCad Pcbnew Python Scripting
Public Member Functions | |
def | __init__ (self, *args) |
"bool" | IsType (self, "KICAD_T const []" aScanTypes) |
"bool" | HasHole (self) |
"FOOTPRINT *" | GetParent (self) |
"wxString" | GetParentAsString (self) |
"bool" | IsLocked (self) |
"void" | ImportSettingsFrom (self, "PAD" aMasterPad) |
"bool" | IsFlipped (self) |
"void" | SetNumber (self, "wxString" aNumber) |
"wxString const &" | GetNumber (self) |
"bool" | CanHaveNumber (self) |
"void" | SetPinFunction (self, "wxString" aName) |
"wxString const &" | GetPinFunction (self) |
"void" | SetPinType (self, "wxString" aType) |
"wxString const &" | GetPinType (self) |
"bool" | SameLogicalPadAs (self, "PAD" other) |
"bool" | IsNoConnectPad (self) |
"bool" | IsFreePad (self) |
"void" | SetShape (self, "PAD_SHAPE" aShape) |
"PAD_SHAPE" | GetShape (self) |
"void" | SetPosition (self, "wxPoint" aPos) |
"wxPoint" | GetPosition (self) |
"PAD_SHAPE" | GetAnchorPadShape (self) |
"CUST_PAD_SHAPE_IN_ZONE" | GetCustomShapeInZoneOpt (self) |
"void" | SetCustomShapeInZoneOpt (self, "CUST_PAD_SHAPE_IN_ZONE" aOption) |
"void" | SetAnchorPadShape (self, "PAD_SHAPE" aShape) |
"bool" | IsOnCopperLayer (self) |
"void" | SetY (self, "int" y) |
"void" | SetX (self, "int" x) |
"void" | SetPos0 (self, "wxPoint" aPos) |
"wxPoint const &" | GetPos0 (self) |
"void" | SetY0 (self, "int" y) |
"void" | SetX0 (self, "int" x) |
"void" | SetSize (self, "wxSize" aSize) |
"wxSize const &" | GetSize (self) |
"void" | SetSizeX (self, "int const" aX) |
"int const" | GetSizeX (self) |
"void" | SetSizeY (self, "int const" aY) |
"int const" | GetSizeY (self) |
"void" | SetDelta (self, "wxSize" aSize) |
"wxSize const &" | GetDelta (self) |
"void" | SetDrillSize (self, "wxSize" aSize) |
"wxSize const &" | GetDrillSize (self) |
"void" | SetDrillSizeX (self, "int const" aX) |
"int const" | GetDrillSizeX (self) |
"void" | SetDrillSizeY (self, "int const" aY) |
"int const" | GetDrillSizeY (self) |
"void" | SetOffset (self, "wxPoint" aOffset) |
"wxPoint const &" | GetOffset (self) |
"wxPoint" | GetCenter (self) |
"void" | AddPrimitivePoly (self, *args) |
"void" | AddPrimitiveSegment (self, "wxPoint" aStart, "wxPoint" aEnd, "int" aThickness) |
"void" | AddPrimitiveCircle (self, "wxPoint" aCenter, "int" aRadius, "int" aThickness, "bool" aFilled) |
"void" | AddPrimitiveRect (self, "wxPoint" aStart, "wxPoint" aEnd, "int" aThickness, "bool" aFilled) |
"void" | AddPrimitiveArc (self, "wxPoint" aCenter, "wxPoint" aStart, "int" aArcAngle, "int" aThickness) |
"void" | AddPrimitiveCurve (self, "wxPoint" aStart, "wxPoint" aEnd, "wxPoint" aCtrl1, "wxPoint" aCtrl2, "int" aThickness) |
"bool" | GetBestAnchorPosition (self, "VECTOR2I" aPos) |
"void" | MergePrimitivesAsPolygon (self, *args) |
"void" | DeletePrimitivesList (self) |
"std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PCB_SHAPE >,std::allocator< std::shared_ptr< PCB_SHAPE > > > const &" | GetPrimitives (self) |
"void" | Flip (self, "wxPoint" aCentre, "bool" aFlipLeftRight) |
"void" | FlipPrimitives (self, "bool" aFlipLeftRight) |
"void" | ReplacePrimitives (self, "std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PCB_SHAPE >,std::allocator< std::shared_ptr< PCB_SHAPE > > > const &" aPrimitivesList) |
"void" | AppendPrimitives (self, "std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PCB_SHAPE >,std::allocator< std::shared_ptr< PCB_SHAPE > > > const &" aPrimitivesList) |
"void" | AddPrimitive (self, "PCB_SHAPE" aPrimitive) |
"void" | SetOrientation (self, "double" aAngle) |
"void" | SetOrientationDegrees (self, "double" aOrientation) |
"double" | GetOrientation (self) |
"double" | GetOrientationDegrees (self) |
"double" | GetOrientationRadians (self) |
"void" | SetDrillShape (self, "PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_T" aShape) |
"PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_T" | GetDrillShape (self) |
"bool" | IsDirty (self) |
"void" | SetDirty (self) |
"void" | SetLayerSet (self, "LSET" aLayers) |
"LSET" | GetLayerSet (self) |
"void" | SetAttribute (self, "PAD_ATTRIB" aAttribute) |
"PAD_ATTRIB" | GetAttribute (self) |
"void" | SetProperty (self, "PAD_PROP" aProperty) |
"PAD_PROP" | GetProperty (self) |
"bool" | IsAperturePad (self) |
"void" | SetPadToDieLength (self, "int" aLength) |
"int" | GetPadToDieLength (self) |
"int" | GetLocalSolderMaskMargin (self) |
"void" | SetLocalSolderMaskMargin (self, "int" aMargin) |
"int" | GetLocalClearance (self, *args) |
"void" | SetLocalClearance (self, "int" aClearance) |
"int" | GetOwnClearance (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "wxString" aSource=None) |
"int" | GetLocalSolderPasteMargin (self) |
"void" | SetLocalSolderPasteMargin (self, "int" aMargin) |
"double" | GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio (self) |
"void" | SetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio (self, "double" aRatio) |
"void" | TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon (self, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aCornerBuffer, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "int" aClearanceValue, "int" aMaxError, "ERROR_LOC" aErrorLoc, "bool" ignoreLineWidth=False) |
"bool" | TransformHoleWithClearanceToPolygon (self, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aCornerBuffer, "int" aInflateValue, "int" aError, "ERROR_LOC" aErrorLoc) |
"std::shared_ptr< SHAPE >" | GetEffectiveShape (self, *args) |
"std::shared_ptr< SHAPE_POLY_SET > const &" | GetEffectivePolygon (self) |
"SHAPE_SEGMENT const *" | GetEffectiveHoleShape (self) |
"int" | GetBoundingRadius (self) |
"int" | GetLocalClearanceOverrides (self, "wxString" aSource) |
"int" | GetSolderMaskMargin (self) |
"wxSize" | GetSolderPasteMargin (self) |
"void" | SetZoneConnection (self, "ZONE_CONNECTION" aType) |
"ZONE_CONNECTION" | GetZoneConnection (self) |
"ZONE_CONNECTION" | GetEffectiveZoneConnection (self, "wxString" aSource=None) |
"void" | SetThermalSpokeWidth (self, "int" aWidth) |
"int" | GetThermalSpokeWidth (self) |
"int" | GetEffectiveThermalSpokeWidth (self, "wxString" aSource=None) |
"void" | SetThermalGap (self, "int" aGap) |
"int" | GetThermalGap (self) |
"int" | GetEffectiveThermalGap (self, "wxString" aSource=None) |
"void" | SetRoundRectCornerRadius (self, "double" aRadius) |
"int" | GetRoundRectCornerRadius (self) |
"wxPoint" | ShapePos (self) |
"void" | SetRoundRectRadiusRatio (self, "double" aRadiusScale) |
"double" | GetRoundRectRadiusRatio (self) |
"void" | SetChamferRectRatio (self, "double" aChamferScale) |
"double" | GetChamferRectRatio (self) |
"void" | SetChamferPositions (self, "int" aPositions) |
"int" | GetChamferPositions (self) |
"int" | GetSubRatsnest (self) |
"void" | SetSubRatsnest (self, "int" aSubRatsnest) |
"void" | SetRemoveUnconnected (self, "bool" aSet) |
"bool" | GetRemoveUnconnected (self) |
"void" | SetKeepTopBottom (self, "bool" aSet) |
"bool" | GetKeepTopBottom (self) |
"void" | GetMsgPanelInfo (self, "EDA_DRAW_FRAME *" aFrame, "std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM,std::allocator< MSG_PANEL_ITEM > > &" aList) |
"bool" | IsOnLayer (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer) |
"bool" | FlashLayer (self, *args) |
"bool" | HitTest (self, *args) |
"wxString" | GetClass (self) |
"EDA_RECT const" | GetBoundingBox (self) |
"void" | SetDrawCoord (self) |
"void" | SetLocalCoord (self) |
"void" | Move (self, "wxPoint" aMoveVector) |
"void" | Rotate (self, "wxPoint" aRotCentre, "double" aAngle) |
"wxString" | GetSelectMenuText (self, "EDA_UNITS" aUnits) |
"BITMAPS" | GetMenuImage (self) |
"wxString" | ShowPadShape (self) |
"wxString" | ShowPadAttr (self) |
"EDA_ITEM *" | Clone (self) |
"PAD *" | ClonePad (self) |
"void" | BuildEffectiveShapes (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer) |
"void" | BuildEffectivePolygon (self) |
"void" | ViewGetLayers (self, "int []" aLayers, "int &" aCount) |
"double" | ViewGetLOD (self, "int" aLayer, "KIGFX::VIEW *" aView) |
"BOX2I const" | ViewBBox (self) |
"void" | SwapData (self, "BOARD_ITEM" aImage) |
def | SetPadName (self, aName) |
def | SetName (self, aName) |
def | GetPadName (self) |
def | GetName (self) |
def | AddPrimitive (self, *args) |
def | GetCustomShapeAsPolygon (self, layer=UNDEFINED_LAYER) |
Public Member Functions inherited from pcbnew.BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM | |
def | __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
"bool" | IsConnected (self) |
"NETINFO_ITEM *" | GetNet (self) |
"void" | SetNet (self, "NETINFO_ITEM" aNetInfo) |
"int" | GetNetCode (self) |
"void" | SetNetCode (self, *args) |
"wxString" | GetNetname (self) |
"wxString" | GetNetnameMsg (self) |
"wxString" | GetShortNetname (self) |
"int" | GetOwnClearance (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "wxString" aSource=None) |
"int" | GetLocalClearanceOverrides (self, "wxString" aSource) |
"int" | GetLocalClearance (self, "wxString" aSource) |
"NETCLASS *" | GetNetClass (self) |
"NETCLASS *" | GetEffectiveNetclass (self) |
"wxString" | GetNetClassName (self) |
"void" | SetLocalRatsnestVisible (self, "bool" aVisible) |
"bool" | GetLocalRatsnestVisible (self) |
Public Member Functions inherited from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM | |
def | __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
"void" | SetParentGroup (self, "PCB_GROUP" aGroup) |
"PCB_GROUP *" | GetParentGroup (self) |
"int" | GetX (self) |
"int" | GetY (self) |
"wxPoint" | GetCenter (self) |
"void" | SetX (self, "int" aX) |
"void" | SetY (self, "int" aY) |
"bool" | IsConnected (self) |
"bool" | IsOnCopperLayer (self) |
"std::shared_ptr< SHAPE >" | GetEffectiveShape (self, *args) |
"BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER *" | GetParent (self) |
"BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER *" | GetParentFootprint (self) |
"PCB_LAYER_ID" | GetLayer (self) |
"LSET" | GetLayerSet (self) |
"void" | SetLayerSet (self, "LSET" aLayers) |
"void" | SetLayer (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer) |
"BOARD_ITEM *" | Duplicate (self) |
"void" | SwapData (self, "BOARD_ITEM" aImage) |
"bool" | IsOnLayer (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer) |
"bool" | IsTrack (self) |
"bool" | IsLocked (self) |
"void" | SetLocked (self, "bool" aLocked) |
"void" | DeleteStructure (self) |
"void" | Move (self, *args) |
"void" | Rotate (self, *args) |
"void" | Flip (self, *args) |
"BOARD *" | GetBoard (self, *args) |
"wxString" | GetLayerName (self) |
"void" | ViewGetLayers (self, "int []" aLayers, "int &" aCount) |
"void" | TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon (self, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aCornerBuffer, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "int" aClearanceValue, "int" aError, "ERROR_LOC" aErrorLoc, "bool" ignoreLineWidth=False) |
def | Cast (self) |
def | Duplicate (self) |
def | SetPos (self, p) |
def | SetStartEnd (self, start, end) |
Public Member Functions inherited from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM | |
def | __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
"KICAD_T" | Type (self) |
"EDA_ITEM *" | GetParent (self) |
"void" | SetParent (self, "EDA_ITEM" aParent) |
"bool" | IsModified (self) |
"bool" | IsNew (self) |
"bool" | IsMoving (self) |
"bool" | IsDragging (self) |
"bool" | IsWireImage (self) |
"bool" | IsSelected (self) |
"bool" | IsEntered (self) |
"bool" | IsResized (self) |
"bool" | IsBrightened (self) |
"void" | SetWireImage (self) |
"void" | SetSelected (self) |
"void" | SetBrightened (self) |
"void" | ClearSelected (self) |
"void" | ClearBrightened (self) |
"void" | SetModified (self) |
"int" | GetState (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" type) |
"void" | SetState (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" type, "bool" state) |
"EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" | GetStatus (self) |
"void" | SetStatus (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" aStatus) |
"void" | SetFlags (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" aMask) |
"void" | ClearFlags (self, *args) |
"EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" | GetFlags (self) |
"bool" | HasFlag (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" aFlag) |
"EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" | GetEditFlags (self) |
"void" | ClearTempFlags (self) |
"void" | ClearEditFlags (self) |
"bool" | IsType (self, "KICAD_T const []" aScanTypes) |
"void" | SetForceVisible (self, "bool" aEnable) |
"bool" | IsForceVisible (self) |
"void" | GetMsgPanelInfo (self, "EDA_DRAW_FRAME *" aFrame, "std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM,std::allocator< MSG_PANEL_ITEM > > &" aList) |
"bool" | HitTest (self, *args) |
"EDA_RECT const" | GetBoundingBox (self) |
"wxPoint" | GetPosition (self) |
"void" | SetPosition (self, "wxPoint" aPos) |
"wxPoint const" | GetFocusPosition (self) |
"EDA_ITEM *" | Clone (self) |
"SEARCH_RESULT" | Visit (self, "INSPECTOR" inspector, "void *" testData, "KICAD_T const []" scanTypes) |
"wxString" | GetClass (self) |
"wxString" | GetSelectMenuText (self, "EDA_UNITS" aUnits) |
"BITMAPS" | GetMenuImage (self) |
"bool" | Matches (self, "wxFindReplaceData const &" aSearchData, "void *" aAuxData) |
"bool" | Replace (self, *args) |
"bool" | IsReplaceable (self) |
"bool" | __lt__ (self, "EDA_ITEM" aItem) |
"BOX2I const" | ViewBBox (self) |
"void" | ViewGetLayers (self, "int []" aLayers, "int &" aCount) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
"LSET" | PTHMask () |
"LSET" | SMDMask () |
"LSET" | ConnSMDMask () |
"LSET" | UnplatedHoleMask () |
"LSET" | ApertureMask () |
"bool" | ClassOf ("EDA_ITEM" aItem) |
"int" | Compare ("PAD" aPadRef, "PAD" aPadCmp) |
"bool" | ClassOf ("EDA_ITEM" aItem) |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM | |
"bool" | Sort ("EDA_ITEM" aLeft, "EDA_ITEM" aRight) |
Properties | |
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") | |
Properties inherited from pcbnew.BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM | |
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") | |
Properties inherited from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM | |
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") | |
Properties inherited from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM | |
thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") | |
m_Uuid = property(_pcbnew.EDA_ITEM_m_Uuid_get, doc=) | |
def pcbnew.PAD.__init__ | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
__init__(PAD self, FOOTPRINT parent) -> PAD __init__(PAD self, PAD aPad) -> PAD
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM.
Definition at line 11022 of file
"void" pcbnew.PAD.AddPrimitive | ( | self, | |
"PCB_SHAPE" | aPrimitive | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.AddPrimitiveArc | ( | self, | |
"wxPoint" | aCenter, | ||
"wxPoint" | aStart, | ||
"int" | aArcAngle, | ||
"int" | aThickness | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.AddPrimitiveCircle | ( | self, | |
"wxPoint" | aCenter, | ||
"int" | aRadius, | ||
"int" | aThickness, | ||
"bool" | aFilled | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.AddPrimitiveCurve | ( | self, | |
"wxPoint" | aStart, | ||
"wxPoint" | aEnd, | ||
"wxPoint" | aCtrl1, | ||
"wxPoint" | aCtrl2, | ||
"int" | aThickness | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.AddPrimitivePoly | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.AddPrimitiveRect | ( | self, | |
"wxPoint" | aStart, | ||
"wxPoint" | aEnd, | ||
"int" | aThickness, | ||
"bool" | aFilled | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.AddPrimitiveSegment | ( | self, | |
"wxPoint" | aStart, | ||
"wxPoint" | aEnd, | ||
"int" | aThickness | ||
) |
static |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.BuildEffectivePolygon | ( | self | ) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.BuildEffectiveShapes | ( | self, | |
"PCB_LAYER_ID" | aLayer | ||
) |
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.CanHaveNumber | ( | self | ) |
static |
ClassOf(EDA_ITEM aItem) -> bool
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM.
"EDA_ITEM *" pcbnew.PAD.Clone | ( | self | ) |
Clone(PAD self) -> EDA_ITEM
Reimplemented from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM.
Definition at line 11628 of file
"PAD *" pcbnew.PAD.ClonePad | ( | self | ) |
static |
static |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.DeletePrimitivesList | ( | self | ) |
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.FlashLayer | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.Flip | ( | self, | |
"wxPoint" | aCentre, | ||
"bool" | aFlipLeftRight | ||
) |
Flip(PAD self, wxPoint aCentre, bool aFlipLeftRight)
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
"void" pcbnew.PAD.FlipPrimitives | ( | self, | |
"bool" | aFlipLeftRight | ||
) |
"PAD_SHAPE" pcbnew.PAD.GetAnchorPadShape | ( | self | ) |
"PAD_ATTRIB" pcbnew.PAD.GetAttribute | ( | self | ) |
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.GetBestAnchorPosition | ( | self, | |
"VECTOR2I" | aPos | ||
) |
"EDA_RECT const" pcbnew.PAD.GetBoundingBox | ( | self | ) |
GetBoundingBox(PAD self) -> EDA_RECT
Reimplemented from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM.
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetBoundingRadius | ( | self | ) |
"wxPoint" pcbnew.PAD.GetCenter | ( | self | ) |
GetCenter(PAD self) -> wxPoint
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetChamferPositions | ( | self | ) |
"double" pcbnew.PAD.GetChamferRectRatio | ( | self | ) |
"wxString" pcbnew.PAD.GetClass | ( | self | ) |
GetClass(PAD self) -> wxString
Reimplemented from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM.
Definition at line 11583 of file
def pcbnew.PAD.GetCustomShapeAsPolygon | ( | self, | |
) |
"CUST_PAD_SHAPE_IN_ZONE" pcbnew.PAD.GetCustomShapeInZoneOpt | ( | self | ) |
"wxSize const &" pcbnew.PAD.GetDelta | ( | self | ) |
"PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_T" pcbnew.PAD.GetDrillShape | ( | self | ) |
"wxSize const &" pcbnew.PAD.GetDrillSize | ( | self | ) |
"int const" pcbnew.PAD.GetDrillSizeX | ( | self | ) |
"int const" pcbnew.PAD.GetDrillSizeY | ( | self | ) |
"SHAPE_SEGMENT const *" pcbnew.PAD.GetEffectiveHoleShape | ( | self | ) |
"std.shared_ptr< SHAPE_POLY_SET > const &" pcbnew.PAD.GetEffectivePolygon | ( | self | ) |
"std.shared_ptr< SHAPE >" pcbnew.PAD.GetEffectiveShape | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
GetEffectiveShape(PAD self, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer=UNDEFINED_LAYER, FLASHING flashPTHPads=DEFAULT) -> std::shared_ptr< SHAPE >
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetEffectiveThermalGap | ( | self, | |
"wxString" | aSource = None |
) |
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetEffectiveThermalSpokeWidth | ( | self, | |
"wxString" | aSource = None |
) |
"ZONE_CONNECTION" pcbnew.PAD.GetEffectiveZoneConnection | ( | self, | |
"wxString" | aSource = None |
) |
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.GetKeepTopBottom | ( | self | ) |
"LSET" pcbnew.PAD.GetLayerSet | ( | self | ) |
GetLayerSet(PAD self) -> LSET
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetLocalClearance | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
GetLocalClearance(PAD self, wxString aSource) -> int GetLocalClearance(PAD self) -> int
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM.
Definition at line 11398 of file
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetLocalClearanceOverrides | ( | self, | |
"wxString" | aSource | ||
) |
GetLocalClearanceOverrides(PAD self, wxString aSource) -> int
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM.
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetLocalSolderMaskMargin | ( | self | ) |
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetLocalSolderPasteMargin | ( | self | ) |
"double" pcbnew.PAD.GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio | ( | self | ) |
"BITMAPS" pcbnew.PAD.GetMenuImage | ( | self | ) |
GetMenuImage(PAD self) -> BITMAPS
Reimplemented from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM.
"void" pcbnew.PAD.GetMsgPanelInfo | ( | self, | |
"EDA_DRAW_FRAME *" | aFrame, | ||
"std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM,std::allocator< MSG_PANEL_ITEM > > &" | aList | ||
) |
GetMsgPanelInfo(PAD self, EDA_DRAW_FRAME * aFrame, std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM,std::allocator< MSG_PANEL_ITEM > > & aList)
Reimplemented from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM.
def pcbnew.PAD.GetName | ( | self | ) |
"wxString const &" pcbnew.PAD.GetNumber | ( | self | ) |
"wxPoint const &" pcbnew.PAD.GetOffset | ( | self | ) |
"double" pcbnew.PAD.GetOrientation | ( | self | ) |
"double" pcbnew.PAD.GetOrientationDegrees | ( | self | ) |
"double" pcbnew.PAD.GetOrientationRadians | ( | self | ) |
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetOwnClearance | ( | self, | |
"PCB_LAYER_ID" | aLayer, | ||
"wxString" | aSource = None |
) |
GetOwnClearance(PAD self, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, wxString aSource=None) -> int
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM.
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetPadToDieLength | ( | self | ) |
"FOOTPRINT *" pcbnew.PAD.GetParent | ( | self | ) |
GetParent(PAD self) -> FOOTPRINT
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
"wxString" pcbnew.PAD.GetParentAsString | ( | self | ) |
"wxString const &" pcbnew.PAD.GetPinFunction | ( | self | ) |
"wxString const &" pcbnew.PAD.GetPinType | ( | self | ) |
"wxPoint const &" pcbnew.PAD.GetPos0 | ( | self | ) |
"wxPoint" pcbnew.PAD.GetPosition | ( | self | ) |
GetPosition(PAD self) -> wxPoint
Reimplemented from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM.
"PAD_PROP" pcbnew.PAD.GetProperty | ( | self | ) |
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.GetRemoveUnconnected | ( | self | ) |
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetRoundRectCornerRadius | ( | self | ) |
"double" pcbnew.PAD.GetRoundRectRadiusRatio | ( | self | ) |
"wxString" pcbnew.PAD.GetSelectMenuText | ( | self, | |
"EDA_UNITS" | aUnits | ||
) |
GetSelectMenuText(PAD self, EDA_UNITS aUnits) -> wxString
Reimplemented from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM.
"PAD_SHAPE" pcbnew.PAD.GetShape | ( | self | ) |
"wxSize const &" pcbnew.PAD.GetSize | ( | self | ) |
"int const" pcbnew.PAD.GetSizeX | ( | self | ) |
"int const" pcbnew.PAD.GetSizeY | ( | self | ) |
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetSolderMaskMargin | ( | self | ) |
"wxSize" pcbnew.PAD.GetSolderPasteMargin | ( | self | ) |
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetSubRatsnest | ( | self | ) |
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetThermalGap | ( | self | ) |
"int" pcbnew.PAD.GetThermalSpokeWidth | ( | self | ) |
"ZONE_CONNECTION" pcbnew.PAD.GetZoneConnection | ( | self | ) |
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.HasHole | ( | self | ) |
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.HitTest | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
HitTest(PAD self, wxPoint aPosition, int aAccuracy=0) -> bool HitTest(PAD self, EDA_RECT aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy=0) -> bool
Reimplemented from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM.
Definition at line 11576 of file
"void" pcbnew.PAD.ImportSettingsFrom | ( | self, | |
"PAD" | aMasterPad | ||
) |
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.IsAperturePad | ( | self | ) |
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.IsDirty | ( | self | ) |
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.IsFlipped | ( | self | ) |
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.IsFreePad | ( | self | ) |
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.IsLocked | ( | self | ) |
IsLocked(PAD self) -> bool
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.IsNoConnectPad | ( | self | ) |
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.IsOnCopperLayer | ( | self | ) |
IsOnCopperLayer(PAD self) -> bool
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.IsOnLayer | ( | self, | |
"PCB_LAYER_ID" | aLayer | ||
) |
IsOnLayer(PAD self, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer) -> bool
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.IsType | ( | self, | |
"KICAD_T const []" | aScanTypes | ||
) |
IsType(PAD self, KICAD_T const [] aScanTypes) -> bool
Reimplemented from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM.
"void" pcbnew.PAD.MergePrimitivesAsPolygon | ( | self, | |
* | args | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.Move | ( | self, | |
"wxPoint" | aMoveVector | ||
) |
Move(PAD self, wxPoint aMoveVector)
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
"void" pcbnew.PAD.Rotate | ( | self, | |
"wxPoint" | aRotCentre, | ||
"double" | aAngle | ||
) |
Rotate(PAD self, wxPoint aRotCentre, double aAngle)
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.SameLogicalPadAs | ( | self, | |
"PAD" | other | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetAnchorPadShape | ( | self, | |
"PAD_SHAPE" | aShape | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetAttribute | ( | self, | |
"PAD_ATTRIB" | aAttribute | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetChamferPositions | ( | self, | |
"int" | aPositions | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetChamferRectRatio | ( | self, | |
"double" | aChamferScale | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetCustomShapeInZoneOpt | ( | self, | |
"CUST_PAD_SHAPE_IN_ZONE" | aOption | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetDelta | ( | self, | |
"wxSize" | aSize | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetDrawCoord | ( | self | ) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetDrillShape | ( | self, | |
"PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_T" | aShape | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetDrillSize | ( | self, | |
"wxSize" | aSize | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetDrillSizeX | ( | self, | |
"int const" | aX | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetDrillSizeY | ( | self, | |
"int const" | aY | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetKeepTopBottom | ( | self, | |
"bool" | aSet | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetLayerSet | ( | self, | |
"LSET" | aLayers | ||
) |
SetLayerSet(PAD self, LSET aLayers)
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetLocalClearance | ( | self, | |
"int" | aClearance | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetLocalCoord | ( | self | ) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetLocalSolderMaskMargin | ( | self, | |
"int" | aMargin | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetLocalSolderPasteMargin | ( | self, | |
"int" | aMargin | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio | ( | self, | |
"double" | aRatio | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetNumber | ( | self, | |
"wxString" | aNumber | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetOffset | ( | self, | |
"wxPoint" | aOffset | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetOrientation | ( | self, | |
"double" | aAngle | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetOrientationDegrees | ( | self, | |
"double" | aOrientation | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetPadToDieLength | ( | self, | |
"int" | aLength | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetPinFunction | ( | self, | |
"wxString" | aName | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetPinType | ( | self, | |
"wxString" | aType | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetPos0 | ( | self, | |
"wxPoint" | aPos | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetPosition | ( | self, | |
"wxPoint" | aPos | ||
) |
SetPosition(PAD self, wxPoint aPos)
Reimplemented from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM.
Definition at line 11135 of file
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetProperty | ( | self, | |
"PAD_PROP" | aProperty | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetRemoveUnconnected | ( | self, | |
"bool" | aSet | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetRoundRectCornerRadius | ( | self, | |
"double" | aRadius | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetRoundRectRadiusRatio | ( | self, | |
"double" | aRadiusScale | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetShape | ( | self, | |
"PAD_SHAPE" | aShape | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetSize | ( | self, | |
"wxSize" | aSize | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetSizeX | ( | self, | |
"int const" | aX | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetSizeY | ( | self, | |
"int const" | aY | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetSubRatsnest | ( | self, | |
"int" | aSubRatsnest | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetThermalGap | ( | self, | |
"int" | aGap | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetThermalSpokeWidth | ( | self, | |
"int" | aWidth | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetX | ( | self, | |
"int" | x | ||
) |
SetX(PAD self, int x)
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
Definition at line 11167 of file
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetX0 | ( | self, | |
"int" | x | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetY | ( | self, | |
"int" | y | ||
) |
SetY(PAD self, int y)
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
Definition at line 11163 of file
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetY0 | ( | self, | |
"int" | y | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SetZoneConnection | ( | self, | |
"ZONE_CONNECTION" | aType | ||
) |
"wxPoint" pcbnew.PAD.ShapePos | ( | self | ) |
"wxString" pcbnew.PAD.ShowPadAttr | ( | self | ) |
"wxString" pcbnew.PAD.ShowPadShape | ( | self | ) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.SwapData | ( | self, | |
"BOARD_ITEM" | aImage | ||
) |
SwapData(PAD self, BOARD_ITEM aImage)
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
"bool" pcbnew.PAD.TransformHoleWithClearanceToPolygon | ( | self, | |
"SHAPE_POLY_SET" | aCornerBuffer, | ||
"int" | aInflateValue, | ||
"int" | aError, | ||
"ERROR_LOC" | aErrorLoc | ||
) |
"void" pcbnew.PAD.TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon | ( | self, | |
"SHAPE_POLY_SET" | aCornerBuffer, | ||
"PCB_LAYER_ID" | aLayer, | ||
"int" | aClearanceValue, | ||
"int" | aMaxError, | ||
"ERROR_LOC" | aErrorLoc, | ||
"bool" | ignoreLineWidth = False |
) |
TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(PAD self, SHAPE_POLY_SET aCornerBuffer, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, int aClearanceValue, int aMaxError, ERROR_LOC aErrorLoc, bool ignoreLineWidth=False)
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
static |
"BOX2I const" pcbnew.PAD.ViewBBox | ( | self | ) |
ViewBBox(PAD self) -> BOX2I const
Reimplemented from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM.
"void" pcbnew.PAD.ViewGetLayers | ( | self, | |
"int []" | aLayers, | ||
"int &" | aCount | ||
) |
ViewGetLayers(PAD self, int [] aLayers, int & aCount)
Reimplemented from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM.
"double" pcbnew.PAD.ViewGetLOD | ( | self, | |
"int" | aLayer, | ||
"KIGFX::VIEW *" | aView | ||
) |
static |