KiCad Pcbnew Python Scripting
Public Member Functions | Properties | List of all members
pcbnew.FP_ZONE Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for pcbnew.FP_ZONE:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, *args)
"EDA_ITEM *" Clone (self)
"double" ViewGetLOD (self, "int" aLayer, "KIGFX::VIEW *" aView)
- Public Member Functions inherited from pcbnew.ZONE
def __init__ (self, *args)
"bool" IsConnected (self)
"NETCLASS *" GetNetClass (self)
"wxString" GetNetClassName (self)
"void" InitDataFromSrcInCopyCtor (self, "ZONE" aZone)
"wxPoint" GetPosition (self)
"void" SetPosition (self, "wxPoint" aPos)
"void" SetPriority (self, "unsigned int" aPriority)
"unsigned int" GetPriority (self)
"bool" HigherPriority (self, "ZONE" aOther)
"bool" SameNet (self, "ZONE" aOther)
"void" GetMsgPanelInfo (self, "EDA_DRAW_FRAME *" aFrame, "std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM,std::allocator< MSG_PANEL_ITEM > > &" aList)
"void" SetLayerSet (self, "LSET" aLayerSet)
"LSET" GetLayerSet (self)
"wxString" GetZoneName (self)
"void" SetZoneName (self, "wxString" aName)
"bool" Matches (self, "wxFindReplaceData const &" aSearchData, "void *" aAuxData)
"EDA_RECT const" GetBoundingBox (self)
"EDA_RECT const" GetCachedBoundingBox (self)
"void" CacheBoundingBox (self)
"int" GetLocalClearance (self, *args)
"void" SetLocalClearance (self, "int" aClearance)
"bool" IsOnCopperLayer (self)
"bool" CommonLayerExists (self, "LSET" aLayerSet)
"void" SetLayer (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer)
"PCB_LAYER_ID" GetLayer (self)
"bool" IsOnLayer (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" arg2)
"void" ViewGetLayers (self, "int []" aLayers, "int &" aCount)
"double" ViewGetLOD (self, "int" aLayer, "KIGFX::VIEW *" aView)
"void" SetFillMode (self, "ZONE_FILL_MODE" aFillMode)
"ZONE_FILL_MODE" GetFillMode (self)
"void" SetThermalReliefGap (self, "int" aThermalReliefGap)
"int" GetThermalReliefGap (self, *args)
"void" SetThermalReliefSpokeWidth (self, "int" aThermalReliefSpokeWidth)
"int" GetThermalReliefSpokeWidth (self, *args)
"double" CalculateFilledArea (self)
"double" GetFilledArea (self)
"std::mutex &" GetLock (self)
"int" GetFillFlag (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer)
"void" SetFillFlag (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "bool" aFlag)
"bool" IsFilled (self)
"void" SetIsFilled (self, "bool" isFilled)
"bool" NeedRefill (self)
"void" SetNeedRefill (self, "bool" aNeedRefill)
"ZONE_CONNECTION" GetPadConnection (self, *args)
"void" SetPadConnection (self, "ZONE_CONNECTION" aPadConnection)
"int" GetMinThickness (self)
"void" SetMinThickness (self, "int" aMinThickness)
"int" GetHatchThickness (self)
"void" SetHatchThickness (self, "int" aThickness)
"int" GetHatchGap (self)
"void" SetHatchGap (self, "int" aStep)
"double" GetHatchOrientation (self)
"void" SetHatchOrientation (self, "double" aStep)
"int" GetHatchSmoothingLevel (self)
"void" SetHatchSmoothingLevel (self, "int" aLevel)
"double" GetHatchSmoothingValue (self)
"void" SetHatchSmoothingValue (self, "double" aValue)
"double" GetHatchHoleMinArea (self)
"void" SetHatchHoleMinArea (self, "double" aPct)
"int" GetHatchBorderAlgorithm (self)
"void" SetHatchBorderAlgorithm (self, "int" aAlgo)
"int" GetSelectedCorner (self)
"void" SetSelectedCorner (self, *args)
"int" GetLocalFlags (self)
"void" SetLocalFlags (self, "int" aFlags)
"std::vector< SEG,std::allocator< SEG > > const &" FillSegments (self, *args)
"SHAPE_POLY_SET const *" Outline (self, *args)
"void" SetOutline (self, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aOutline)
"std::shared_ptr< SHAPE >" GetEffectiveShape (self, *args)
"bool" HitTestFilledArea (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "wxPoint" aRefPos, "int" aAccuracy=0)
"bool" HitTestCutout (self, *args)
"void" GetInteractingZones (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "ZONES" aSameNetCollidingZones, "ZONES" aOtherNetIntersectingZones)
"void" TransformSolidAreasShapesToPolygon (self, *args)
"void" TransformSmoothedOutlineToPolygon (self, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aCornerBuffer, "int" aClearance, "int" aError, "ERROR_LOC" aErrorLoc, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aBoardOutline)
"void" TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon (self, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aCornerBuffer, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "int" aClearanceValue, "int" aError, "ERROR_LOC" aErrorLoc, "bool" ignoreLineWidth=False)
"bool" HitTestForCorner (self, *args)
"bool" HitTestForEdge (self, *args)
"bool" HitTest (self, *args)
"bool" UnFill (self)
"void" Move (self, "wxPoint" offset)
"void" MoveEdge (self, "wxPoint" offset, "int" aEdge)
"void" Rotate (self, "wxPoint" aCentre, "double" aAngle)
"void" Flip (self, "wxPoint" aCentre, "bool" aFlipLeftRight)
"void" Mirror (self, "wxPoint" aMirrorRef, "bool" aMirrorLeftRight)
"wxString" GetClass (self)
"int" GetNumCorners (self)
"SHAPE_POLY_SET::ITERATOR" IterateWithHoles (self)
"void" RemoveAllContours (self)
"VECTOR2I const &" GetCornerPosition (self, "int" aCornerIndex)
"void" SetCornerPosition (self, "int" aCornerIndex, "wxPoint" new_pos)
"void" NewHole (self)
"bool" AppendCorner (self, "wxPoint" aPosition, "int" aHoleIdx, "bool" aAllowDuplication=False)
"void" SetHatchStyle (self, "ZONE_BORDER_DISPLAY_STYLE" aStyle)
"bool" IsSame (self, "ZONE" aZoneToCompare)
"bool" HasFilledPolysForLayer (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer)
"SHAPE_POLY_SET const &" GetFilledPolysList (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer)
"void" CacheTriangulation (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer=UNDEFINED_LAYER)
"void" SetFilledPolysList (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aPolysList)
"void" SetRawPolysList (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aPolysList)
"bool" IsIsland (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "int" aPolyIdx)
"void" SetIsIsland (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "int" aPolyIdx)
"bool" BuildSmoothedPoly (self, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aSmoothedPoly, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aBoardOutline, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aSmoothedPolyWithApron=None)
"void" SetCornerSmoothingType (self, "int" aType)
"int" GetCornerSmoothingType (self)
"void" SetCornerRadius (self, "unsigned int" aRadius)
"unsigned int" GetCornerRadius (self)
"bool" GetFilledPolysUseThickness (self, *args)
"int" GetFillVersion (self)
"void" SetFillVersion (self, "int" aVersion)
"void" RemoveCutout (self, "int" aOutlineIdx, "int" aHoleIdx)
"void" AddPolygon (self, *args)
"void" SetFillSegments (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "std::vector< SEG,std::allocator< SEG > > const &" aSegments)
"SHAPE_POLY_SET &" RawPolysList (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer)
"wxString" GetSelectMenuText (self, "EDA_UNITS" aUnits)
"BITMAPS" GetMenuImage (self)
"EDA_ITEM *" Clone (self)
"bool" GetIsRuleArea (self)
"bool" GetDoNotAllowCopperPour (self)
"bool" GetDoNotAllowVias (self)
"bool" GetDoNotAllowTracks (self)
"bool" GetDoNotAllowPads (self)
"bool" GetDoNotAllowFootprints (self)
"bool" IsKeepout (self)
"bool" KeepoutAll (self)
"void" SetIsRuleArea (self, "bool" aEnable)
"void" SetDoNotAllowCopperPour (self, "bool" aEnable)
"void" SetDoNotAllowVias (self, "bool" aEnable)
"void" SetDoNotAllowTracks (self, "bool" aEnable)
"void" SetDoNotAllowPads (self, "bool" aEnable)
"void" SetDoNotAllowFootprints (self, "bool" aEnable)
"ISLAND_REMOVAL_MODE const" GetIslandRemovalMode (self)
"void" SetIslandRemovalMode (self, "ISLAND_REMOVAL_MODE" aRemove)
"long long" GetMinIslandArea (self)
"void" SetMinIslandArea (self, "long long" aArea)
"int" GetBorderHatchPitch (self)
"void" SetBorderDisplayStyle (self, "ZONE_BORDER_DISPLAY_STYLE" aHatchStyle, "int" aHatchPitch, "bool" aRebuildHatch)
"void" SetHatchPitch (self, "int" aPitch)
"void" UnHatchBorder (self)
"void" HatchBorder (self)
"std::vector< SEG,std::allocator< SEG > > const &" GetHatchLines (self)
"bool" GetHV45 (self)
"void" SetHV45 (self, "bool" aConstrain)
"void" BuildHashValue (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer)
"MD5_HASH" GetHashValue (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer)
"void" SwapData (self, "BOARD_ITEM" aImage)
- Public Member Functions inherited from pcbnew.BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM
def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs)
"bool" IsConnected (self)
"NETINFO_ITEM *" GetNet (self)
"void" SetNet (self, "NETINFO_ITEM" aNetInfo)
"int" GetNetCode (self)
"void" SetNetCode (self, *args)
"wxString" GetNetname (self)
"wxString" GetNetnameMsg (self)
"wxString" GetShortNetname (self)
"int" GetOwnClearance (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "wxString" aSource=None)
"int" GetLocalClearanceOverrides (self, "wxString" aSource)
"int" GetLocalClearance (self, "wxString" aSource)
"NETCLASS *" GetNetClass (self)
"NETCLASS *" GetEffectiveNetclass (self)
"wxString" GetNetClassName (self)
"void" SetLocalRatsnestVisible (self, "bool" aVisible)
"bool" GetLocalRatsnestVisible (self)
- Public Member Functions inherited from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM
def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs)
"void" SetParentGroup (self, "PCB_GROUP" aGroup)
"PCB_GROUP *" GetParentGroup (self)
"int" GetX (self)
"int" GetY (self)
"wxPoint" GetCenter (self)
"void" SetX (self, "int" aX)
"void" SetY (self, "int" aY)
"bool" IsConnected (self)
"bool" IsOnCopperLayer (self)
"std::shared_ptr< SHAPE >" GetEffectiveShape (self, *args)
"BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER *" GetParent (self)
"BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER *" GetParentFootprint (self)
"PCB_LAYER_ID" GetLayer (self)
"LSET" GetLayerSet (self)
"void" SetLayerSet (self, "LSET" aLayers)
"void" SetLayer (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer)
"BOARD_ITEM *" Duplicate (self)
"void" SwapData (self, "BOARD_ITEM" aImage)
"bool" IsOnLayer (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer)
"bool" IsTrack (self)
"bool" IsLocked (self)
"void" SetLocked (self, "bool" aLocked)
"void" DeleteStructure (self)
"void" Move (self, *args)
"void" Rotate (self, *args)
"void" Flip (self, *args)
"BOARD *" GetBoard (self, *args)
"wxString" GetLayerName (self)
"void" ViewGetLayers (self, "int []" aLayers, "int &" aCount)
"void" TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon (self, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aCornerBuffer, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "int" aClearanceValue, "int" aError, "ERROR_LOC" aErrorLoc, "bool" ignoreLineWidth=False)
def Cast (self)
def Duplicate (self)
def SetPos (self, p)
def SetStartEnd (self, start, end)
- Public Member Functions inherited from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM
def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs)
"KICAD_T" Type (self)
"EDA_ITEM *" GetParent (self)
"void" SetParent (self, "EDA_ITEM" aParent)
"bool" IsModified (self)
"bool" IsNew (self)
"bool" IsMoving (self)
"bool" IsDragging (self)
"bool" IsWireImage (self)
"bool" IsSelected (self)
"bool" IsEntered (self)
"bool" IsResized (self)
"bool" IsBrightened (self)
"void" SetWireImage (self)
"void" SetSelected (self)
"void" SetBrightened (self)
"void" ClearSelected (self)
"void" ClearBrightened (self)
"void" SetModified (self)
"int" GetState (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" type)
"void" SetState (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" type, "bool" state)
"EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" GetStatus (self)
"void" SetStatus (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" aStatus)
"void" SetFlags (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" aMask)
"void" ClearFlags (self, *args)
"EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" GetFlags (self)
"bool" HasFlag (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" aFlag)
"EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" GetEditFlags (self)
"void" ClearTempFlags (self)
"void" ClearEditFlags (self)
"bool" IsType (self, "KICAD_T const []" aScanTypes)
"void" SetForceVisible (self, "bool" aEnable)
"bool" IsForceVisible (self)
"void" GetMsgPanelInfo (self, "EDA_DRAW_FRAME *" aFrame, "std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM,std::allocator< MSG_PANEL_ITEM > > &" aList)
"bool" HitTest (self, *args)
"EDA_RECT const" GetBoundingBox (self)
"wxPoint" GetPosition (self)
"void" SetPosition (self, "wxPoint" aPos)
"wxPoint const" GetFocusPosition (self)
"EDA_ITEM *" Clone (self)
"SEARCH_RESULT" Visit (self, "INSPECTOR" inspector, "void *" testData, "KICAD_T const []" scanTypes)
"wxString" GetClass (self)
"wxString" GetSelectMenuText (self, "EDA_UNITS" aUnits)
"BITMAPS" GetMenuImage (self)
"bool" Matches (self, "wxFindReplaceData const &" aSearchData, "void *" aAuxData)
"bool" Replace (self, *args)
"bool" IsReplaceable (self)
"bool" __lt__ (self, "EDA_ITEM" aItem)
"BOX2I const" ViewBBox (self)
"void" ViewGetLayers (self, "int []" aLayers, "int &" aCount)


 thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
- Properties inherited from pcbnew.ZONE
 thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
- Properties inherited from pcbnew.BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM
 thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
- Properties inherited from pcbnew.BOARD_ITEM
 thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
- Properties inherited from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM
 thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
 m_Uuid = property(_pcbnew.EDA_ITEM_m_Uuid_get, doc=)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from pcbnew.ZONE
"bool" ClassOf ("EDA_ITEM" aItem)
"int" GetDefaultHatchPitch ()
"bool" ClassOf ("EDA_ITEM" aItem)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from pcbnew.EDA_ITEM
"bool" Sort ("EDA_ITEM" aLeft, "EDA_ITEM" aRight)

Detailed Description

Proxy of C++ FP_ZONE class.

Definition at line 12875 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def pcbnew.FP_ZONE.__init__ (   self,
    __init__(FP_ZONE self, BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER aParent) -> FP_ZONE
    __init__(FP_ZONE self, FP_ZONE aZone) -> FP_ZONE

Reimplemented from pcbnew.ZONE.

Definition at line 12881 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ Clone()

"EDA_ITEM *" pcbnew.FP_ZONE.Clone (   self)
Clone(FP_ZONE self) -> EDA_ITEM

Reimplemented from pcbnew.ZONE.

Definition at line 12888 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ViewGetLOD()

"double" pcbnew.FP_ZONE.ViewGetLOD (   self,
"int"  aLayer,
"KIGFX::VIEW *"  aView 
ViewGetLOD(FP_ZONE self, int aLayer, KIGFX::VIEW * aView) -> double

Reimplemented from pcbnew.ZONE.

Definition at line 12892 of file

Property Documentation

◆ thisown

pcbnew.FP_ZONE.thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")

Definition at line 12878 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: