def | __init__ (self, *args) |
"bool" | IsType (self, "KICAD_T const []" aScanTypes) |
"void" | SetArcAngleAndEnd0 (self, "double" aAngle, "bool" aCheckNegativeAngle=False) |
"void" | SetArcGeometry0 (self, "wxPoint" aStart, "wxPoint" aMid, "wxPoint" aEnd) |
"void" | Move (self, "wxPoint" aMoveVector) |
"void" | Mirror (self, "wxPoint" aCentre, "bool" aMirrorAroundXAxis) |
"void" | Rotate (self, "wxPoint" aRotCentre, "double" aAngle) |
"void" | Flip (self, "wxPoint" aCentre, "bool" aFlipLeftRight) |
"bool" | IsParentFlipped (self) |
"void" | SetStart0 (self, "wxPoint" aPoint) |
"wxPoint const &" | GetStart0 (self) |
"void" | SetEnd0 (self, "wxPoint" aPoint) |
"wxPoint const &" | GetEnd0 (self) |
"void" | SetBezierC1_0 (self, "wxPoint" aPoint) |
"wxPoint const &" | GetBezierC1_0 (self) |
"void" | SetBezierC2_0 (self, "wxPoint" aPoint) |
"wxPoint const &" | GetBezierC2_0 (self) |
"wxPoint" | GetCenter0 (self) |
"void" | SetCenter0 (self, "wxPoint" aPt) |
"wxPoint" | GetArcMid0 (self) |
"void" | SetLocalCoord (self) |
"void" | SetDrawCoord (self) |
"void" | GetMsgPanelInfo (self, "EDA_DRAW_FRAME *" aFrame, "std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM,std::allocator< MSG_PANEL_ITEM > > &" aList) |
"wxString" | GetClass (self) |
"wxString" | GetParentAsString (self) |
"wxString" | GetSelectMenuText (self, "EDA_UNITS" aUnits) |
"BITMAPS" | GetMenuImage (self) |
"EDA_ITEM *" | Clone (self) |
"double" | ViewGetLOD (self, "int" aLayer, "KIGFX::VIEW *" aView) |
def | __init__ (self, *args) |
"wxString" | GetClass (self) |
"bool" | IsType (self, "KICAD_T const []" aScanTypes) |
"void" | SetPosition (self, "wxPoint" aPos) |
"wxPoint" | GetPosition (self) |
"wxPoint" | GetCenter (self) |
"wxPoint const" | GetFocusPosition (self) |
"FOOTPRINT *" | GetParentFootprint (self) |
"std::shared_ptr< SHAPE >" | GetEffectiveShape (self, *args) |
"void" | GetMsgPanelInfo (self, "EDA_DRAW_FRAME *" aFrame, "std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM,std::allocator< MSG_PANEL_ITEM > > &" aList) |
"EDA_RECT const" | GetBoundingBox (self) |
"bool" | HitTest (self, *args) |
"void" | Move (self, "wxPoint" aMoveVector) |
"void" | Rotate (self, "wxPoint" aRotCentre, "double" aAngle) |
"void" | Flip (self, "wxPoint" aCentre, "bool" aFlipLeftRight) |
"void" | Scale (self, "double" aScale) |
"void" | TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon (self, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aCornerBuffer, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "int" aClearanceValue, "int" aError, "ERROR_LOC" aErrorLoc, "bool" ignoreLineWidth=False) |
"wxString" | GetSelectMenuText (self, "EDA_UNITS" aUnits) |
"BITMAPS" | GetMenuImage (self) |
"EDA_ITEM *" | Clone (self) |
"BOX2I const" | ViewBBox (self) |
"void" | SwapData (self, "BOARD_ITEM" aImage) |
"double" | GetArcAngleStart (self) |
def | GetShapeStr (self) |
def | __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
"void" | SetParentGroup (self, "PCB_GROUP" aGroup) |
"PCB_GROUP *" | GetParentGroup (self) |
"int" | GetX (self) |
"int" | GetY (self) |
"wxPoint" | GetCenter (self) |
"void" | SetX (self, "int" aX) |
"void" | SetY (self, "int" aY) |
"bool" | IsConnected (self) |
"bool" | IsOnCopperLayer (self) |
"std::shared_ptr< SHAPE >" | GetEffectiveShape (self, *args) |
"BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER *" | GetParent (self) |
"BOARD_ITEM_CONTAINER *" | GetParentFootprint (self) |
"PCB_LAYER_ID" | GetLayer (self) |
"LSET" | GetLayerSet (self) |
"void" | SetLayerSet (self, "LSET" aLayers) |
"void" | SetLayer (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer) |
"BOARD_ITEM *" | Duplicate (self) |
"void" | SwapData (self, "BOARD_ITEM" aImage) |
"bool" | IsOnLayer (self, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer) |
"bool" | IsTrack (self) |
"bool" | IsLocked (self) |
"void" | SetLocked (self, "bool" aLocked) |
"void" | DeleteStructure (self) |
"void" | Move (self, *args) |
"void" | Rotate (self, *args) |
"void" | Flip (self, *args) |
"BOARD *" | GetBoard (self, *args) |
"wxString" | GetLayerName (self) |
"void" | ViewGetLayers (self, "int []" aLayers, "int &" aCount) |
"void" | TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon (self, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aCornerBuffer, "PCB_LAYER_ID" aLayer, "int" aClearanceValue, "int" aError, "ERROR_LOC" aErrorLoc, "bool" ignoreLineWidth=False) |
def | Cast (self) |
def | Duplicate (self) |
def | SetPos (self, p) |
def | SetStartEnd (self, start, end) |
def | __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
"KICAD_T" | Type (self) |
"EDA_ITEM *" | GetParent (self) |
"void" | SetParent (self, "EDA_ITEM" aParent) |
"bool" | IsModified (self) |
"bool" | IsNew (self) |
"bool" | IsMoving (self) |
"bool" | IsDragging (self) |
"bool" | IsWireImage (self) |
"bool" | IsSelected (self) |
"bool" | IsEntered (self) |
"bool" | IsResized (self) |
"bool" | IsBrightened (self) |
"void" | SetWireImage (self) |
"void" | SetSelected (self) |
"void" | SetBrightened (self) |
"void" | ClearSelected (self) |
"void" | ClearBrightened (self) |
"void" | SetModified (self) |
"int" | GetState (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" type) |
"void" | SetState (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" type, "bool" state) |
"EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" | GetStatus (self) |
"void" | SetStatus (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" aStatus) |
"void" | SetFlags (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" aMask) |
"void" | ClearFlags (self, *args) |
"EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" | GetFlags (self) |
"bool" | HasFlag (self, "EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" aFlag) |
"EDA_ITEM_FLAGS" | GetEditFlags (self) |
"void" | ClearTempFlags (self) |
"void" | ClearEditFlags (self) |
"bool" | IsType (self, "KICAD_T const []" aScanTypes) |
"void" | SetForceVisible (self, "bool" aEnable) |
"bool" | IsForceVisible (self) |
"void" | GetMsgPanelInfo (self, "EDA_DRAW_FRAME *" aFrame, "std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM,std::allocator< MSG_PANEL_ITEM > > &" aList) |
"bool" | HitTest (self, *args) |
"EDA_RECT const" | GetBoundingBox (self) |
"wxPoint" | GetPosition (self) |
"void" | SetPosition (self, "wxPoint" aPos) |
"wxPoint const" | GetFocusPosition (self) |
"EDA_ITEM *" | Clone (self) |
"SEARCH_RESULT" | Visit (self, "INSPECTOR" inspector, "void *" testData, "KICAD_T const []" scanTypes) |
"wxString" | GetClass (self) |
"wxString" | GetSelectMenuText (self, "EDA_UNITS" aUnits) |
"BITMAPS" | GetMenuImage (self) |
"bool" | Matches (self, "wxFindReplaceData const &" aSearchData, "void *" aAuxData) |
"bool" | Replace (self, *args) |
"bool" | IsReplaceable (self) |
"bool" | __lt__ (self, "EDA_ITEM" aItem) |
"BOX2I const" | ViewBBox (self) |
"void" | ViewGetLayers (self, "int []" aLayers, "int &" aCount) |
def | __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
"void" | SwapShape (self, "EDA_SHAPE" aImage) |
"wxString" | ShowShape (self) |
"wxString" | SHAPE_T_asString (self) |
"void" | SetFillMode (self, "FILL_T" aFill) |
"FILL_T" | GetFillType (self) |
"bool" | IsFilled (self) |
"void" | SetFilled (self, "bool" aFlag) |
"void" | SetWidth (self, "int" aWidth) |
"int" | GetWidth (self) |
"void" | SetShape (self, "SHAPE_T" aShape) |
"SHAPE_T" | GetShape (self) |
"wxPoint const &" | GetStart (self) |
"int" | GetStartY (self) |
"int" | GetStartX (self) |
"void" | SetStart (self, "wxPoint" aStart) |
"void" | SetStartY (self, "int" y) |
"void" | SetStartX (self, "int" x) |
"wxPoint const &" | GetEnd (self) |
"int" | GetEndY (self) |
"int" | GetEndX (self) |
"void" | SetEnd (self, "wxPoint" aEnd) |
"void" | SetEndY (self, "int" y) |
"void" | SetEndX (self, "int" x) |
"void" | SetBezierC1 (self, "wxPoint" aPt) |
"wxPoint const &" | GetBezierC1 (self) |
"void" | SetBezierC2 (self, "wxPoint" aPt) |
"wxPoint const &" | GetBezierC2 (self) |
"void" | SetCenter (self, "wxPoint" aCenter) |
"void" | SetArcAngleAndEnd (self, "double" aAngle, "bool" aCheckNegativeAngle=False) |
"double" | GetArcAngle (self) |
"bool" | EndsSwapped (self) |
"wxPoint" | GetArcMid (self) |
"std::vector< wxPoint,std::allocator< wxPoint > >" | GetRectCorners (self) |
"void" | CalcArcAngles (self, "double &" aStartAngle, "double &" aEndAngle) |
"int" | GetRadius (self) |
"void" | SetArcGeometry (self, "wxPoint" aStart, "wxPoint" aMid, "wxPoint" aEnd) |
"void" | SetCachedArcData (self, "wxPoint" aStart, "wxPoint" aMid, "wxPoint" aEnd, "wxPoint" aCenter) |
"std::vector< wxPoint,std::allocator< wxPoint > > const &" | GetBezierPoints (self) |
"void" | DupPolyPointsList (self, "wxPoint_Vector" aBuffer) |
"int" | GetPointCount (self) |
"SHAPE_POLY_SET const &" | GetPolyShape (self, *args) |
"bool" | IsPolyShapeValid (self) |
"void" | SetPolyShape (self, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aShape) |
"void" | SetPolyPoints (self, "wxPoint_Vector" aPoints) |
"void" | RebuildBezierToSegmentsPointsList (self, "int" aMinSegLen) |
"std::vector< SHAPE *,std::allocator< SHAPE * > >" | MakeEffectiveShapes (self) |
"void" | ShapeGetMsgPanelInfo (self, "EDA_DRAW_FRAME *" aFrame, "std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM,std::allocator< MSG_PANEL_ITEM > > &" aList) |
"double" | GetLength (self) |
"void" | TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon (self, "SHAPE_POLY_SET" aCornerBuffer, "int" aClearanceValue, "int" aError, "ERROR_LOC" aErrorLoc, "bool" ignoreLineWidth) |
"int" | Compare (self, "EDA_SHAPE" aOther) |
Proxy of C++ FP_SHAPE class.
Definition at line 14363 of file pcbnew.py.