KiCad PCB EDA Suite
This is the complete list of members for SCH_CONDITIONS, including all inherited members.
AllPins | SCH_CONDITIONS | static |
AllPinsOrSheetPins | SCH_CONDITIONS | static |
andBoolFunc(const SELECTION_CONDITION &aConditionA, SELECTION_BOOL &aConditionB, const SELECTION &aSelection) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | inlineprivatestatic |
andFunc(const SELECTION_CONDITION &aConditionA, const SELECTION_CONDITION &aConditionB, const SELECTION &aSelection) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | inlineprivatestatic |
Count(int aNumber) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | static |
countFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, int aNumber) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | privatestatic |
Empty(const SELECTION &aSelection) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | static |
HasType(KICAD_T aType) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | static |
hasTypeFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, KICAD_T aType) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | privatestatic |
HasTypes(std::vector< KICAD_T > aTypes) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | static |
hasTypesFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, std::vector< KICAD_T > aTypes) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | privatestatic |
Idle(const SELECTION &aSelection) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | static |
IdleSelection(const SELECTION &aSelection) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | static |
LessThan(int aNumber) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | static |
lessThanFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, int aNumber) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | privatestatic |
MoreThan(int aNumber) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | static |
moreThanFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, int aNumber) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | privatestatic |
MultipleSymbolsOrPower | SCH_CONDITIONS | static |
NotEmpty(const SELECTION &aSelection) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | static |
notFunc(const SELECTION_CONDITION &aCondition, const SELECTION &aSelection) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | inlineprivatestatic |
OnlyTypes(std::vector< KICAD_T > aTypes) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | static |
onlyTypesFunc(const SELECTION &aSelection, std::vector< KICAD_T > aTypes) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | privatestatic |
orBoolFunc(const SELECTION_CONDITION &aConditionA, SELECTION_BOOL &aConditionB, const SELECTION &aSelection) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | inlineprivatestatic |
orFunc(const SELECTION_CONDITION &aConditionA, const SELECTION_CONDITION &aConditionB, const SELECTION &aSelection) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | inlineprivatestatic |
ShowAlways(const SELECTION &aSelection) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | inlinestatic |
ShowNever(const SELECTION &aSelection) | SELECTION_CONDITIONS | inlinestatic |
SingleDeMorganSymbol | SCH_CONDITIONS | static |
SingleMultiFunctionPin | SCH_CONDITIONS | static |
SingleMultiUnitSymbol | SCH_CONDITIONS | static |
SingleNonExcludedMarker | SCH_CONDITIONS | static |
SingleSymbol | SCH_CONDITIONS | static |
SingleSymbolOrPower | SCH_CONDITIONS | static |